Message From Archangel Zadkiel ~ August 2021

Transmitted Through Linda Robinson


Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss your inner center of peace.

Your inner center of peace resides at the core of your Being and is there to assist you on your spiritual path.

During this important time of ascension, the higher frequency energy is continuing to offer you an opportunity to rise to higher dimensions.

Your inner center of peace is there as a place of rest and renewal during these times of change. It provides a balance between the inner and the outer worlds. It serves as an oasis and place for you to connect with your core as a spiritual Being.

Turning to your inner center of peace can provide benefits on many levels.

Your body can relax as you focus on your breath, and you enter a state of quietness. Your mind relaxes as your breathing is peaceful, and you become even calmer. This allows you to let your attention rest on your beautiful Divine Spark in your heart center. You relax into your connection with All That Is.

As you feel your connection with All That Is, you can relax and express gratitude for this time of rest and Oneness.

This is your natural state of Being.

The more you relax in this oasis, the more the feeling of peace increases.

This allows you to reflect on who you are as a Being of Light.

You realize that you are part of the great plan of Creation.

You have a unique role to play during this incarnation. As you tune in to your inner center of peace, you can connect with your inner guidance and know what is true for you.

In addition to your unique role, you also have a great role as a Being of Light.

When you keep your vibration at a high frequency, you radiate this beautiful Light everywhere you go. It touches everyone and everything. It also radiates out into the ethers to the multidimensions. Adding the intention of highest good elevates your vibration to an even higher level and allows you to carry even greater frequencies of Light. Radiating higher frequency Light is one of the most precious roles you play in the greater plan of Creation.

Keeping your vibration clear will help you in this role.

Spending time in your inner center of peace can assist in this clearing and raising your vibration.

Your inner center of peace is your retreat of stillness. It is the place you go to relax and rejuvenate yourself. You can clear away any unwanted energy through the use of the Violet Flame. As you go through this process of releasing and clearing, you are ready to receive even more Light.

Your inner center of peace is the place where you can receive clarity without the distractions of the outer world.

When you are in your inner center of peace, you can evaluate where you are on your spiritual path and see if you wish to make any adjustments.

Your inner center of peace is your personal oasis and retreat that you carry with you wherever you go.

You can enter this retreat at any time simply by turning inward.

You can close your eyes, focus on your breath, and then let your attention rest on your heart center and the Divine Spark that resides there. As you continue to breathe in and out, you feel this inner peace. You are experiencing your connection with All That Is.

The more often you enter your inner center of peace, the more automatic it will become. You will begin to carry this inner peace with you throughout your day, and your Light will radiate brightly for highest good.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are tuning in to your inner center of peace and radiating your Divine Light.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst

…and we surround you with Love.

And so it is.


Copyright © 2021. Linda M. Robinson,  All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Message From Archangel Zadkiel ~ July 2021

Transmitted Through Linda Robinson


Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss being focused.

Much higher frequency energy is reaching your planet. This higher frequency energy is composed of brilliant particles of Light. Because the energy is moving much faster in your current times, it carries with it the potential for rapid manifestation. It is awaiting your direction as to what shape it will take.

This provides an opportunity for you to shape it into your dreams and desires.

These particles of incoming energy can be considered as building blocks ready to be shaped into outcomes. They arrive in an unformed way as they await direction from you.

If your thoughts are scattered and unclear, the particles will be confused, and the result will be a scattered outcome.

However, focused thoughts can lead to a clearer outcome.

Therefore, defining what you want is an important step. The clearer you are about what you want, the sharper your focus will be. Each detail about your goal is a building block in the manifestation process. Your thoughts and feelings direct the energy into the shape it will take.

Keeping your focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want is important. The energy will follow where you place your focus.

Many times you may consider manifestation to be of a physical nature, such as reaching a goal or completing a project. This is certainly an important part of being focused.

Another aspect of focusing the energy is to consider your spiritual path. Think about what you want the next steps on your journey to be. They may range from enhancing your own spiritual qualities to having a closer connection with your guides.

Having a clear focus about your spiritual journey and what you want to focus on next can help you as you move forward.

First, take a look at where you currently are on your spiritual path. Think about what shape you want your path to take. There are no right or wrong answers. It all depends on what makes your heart sing.

This is sometimes an evolving process as you progress. You can remain open to any changes that you feel prompted to consider.

As you begin this process, you may wish to think of yourself as a Being of Light and how you can best use the incoming energy. Applying the energy to yourself and the qualities you wish to embody can elevate your own Being and help you be of service for highest good.

Beginning with a desire for highest good elevates your frequency. This provides a setting for working with the Higher Beings and allows you to access the higher dimensional energy.

Then consider the qualities you would like to embody. These may include aspects such as universal Love, compassion, and kindness. Focus on what each aspect would look like, what your actions would be, and how it would feel. The feeling is especially important because, as you focus on a quality, the particles of energy begin to take on the vibration of that particular quality. They arrange themselves to express that quality. This begins to shift your energy field so that this quality is what you express. It becomes part of who you are. The more you focus on a quality, the stronger it will become within your own Being.

This not only assists you in moving forward on your own path, it also sets the stage for you to be of service for highest good.

There are many ways to be of service. You may decide that you want to keep your vibration as high and positive as possible so that you can radiate Light wherever you are. This allows you to be of service no matter where you are. Your Light ripples out into the immediate surroundings and continues throughout the ethers.

If you decide that you want to work more closely with your guides in carrying out your mission of service, focus on the Higher Being or Beings that you wish to work with and ask them to assist you in your work. Keeping your intention on highest good is an important part of this process as you make your request. It helps to form a connection between the seen and the unseen realms.

Continuing to keep your thoughts, intentions, and feelings focused on what you want for your spiritual path allows you to shape the energy for your progress and for highest good.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are being focused on your spiritual path and being of service for highest good.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst

…and we surround you with Love.

And so it is.

Copyright © 2021. Linda M. Robinson,  All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Message From Archangel Zadkiel ~ June 2021

Transmitted Through Linda Robinson


Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss being centered.

Being centered is an important aspect of higher consciousness and greatest good.

Being centered is like a soothing balm to the Soul. It begins in the core of your Being and permeates every aspect of your energy field with peacefulness. It helps you move through daily life and your ascension path with ease and grace.

Being centered is especially important as the higher dimensional energy continues to reach your planet and your personal energy field. This energy is offering you an opportunity to move to a higher dimensional level on your path.

This new energy is presenting you with a time to review your thoughts, actions, and patterns of being. You are being invited to release the energetic patterns that no longer serve you and to incorporate those that lift you to higher levels.

As you move through this process of discernment, you may be aware that your energy field is being adjusted as you incorporate the new, higher dimensional energy.

Being centered can assist you in moving through this process.

It can help you decide what is right for you as you move forward. This allows you to feel more peaceful and self-assured. You are comfortable with who you are and where you are on your path when you are centered.

You are able to view new perspectives with calmness and in a non-judgmental way as you discern whether the new ideas and patterns feel like a good fit for you. You are not pulled from side to side by differing views. You simply observe them, turn inward, and decide what is right for you.

You are centered in your own Being.

When you are centered, you are also able to deal with changes more easily. Because you are secure in who you are, you are able to remain calmer when changes occur, whether they are ones you initiate or are unexpected. You are able to take any necessary actions from your center of calmness.

Being centered also allows you to shift to a higher perspective. When you are calm, you can focus your attention on qualities such as Love, compassion, kindness, and highest good. Your calm center assists you in tuning out the outer noise around you and turning inward to your center of peace.

As you are in your center of peace and calmness, the vibrations of your being centered ripple out to those around you and into the cosmos. This can bring a sense of calmness to others, especially when you are focused on highest good.

Remaining centered begins with a recognition that being centered is important to you. Your energy shifts with this decision, and you begin to incorporate patterns that facilitate this process into your daily life.

You may wish to begin by focusing on what is important to you. This can range from your spiritual practice to spending time with friends and family to any variety of things. It does not have to conform to what others are doing. It is what makes your heart sing. Recognizing what is important to you and focusing your time and attention on those things are part of being centered. This is an ongoing process. What is important to you today may change tomorrow. When you flow and change with this process, you are honoring your Being, and this helps you to remain centered.

Turning inward on a regular basis can help you remain connected with your inner center of peace. You may wish to pause several times during the day, focus on your breath, and feel the stillness within your Divine Spark in your heart center. As you gently breathe in and out, let your attention turn inward to your heart center. As you do this, you tune out the outer noise. You can connect with your inner guidance and the Higher Beings, and you can more easily be aware of their loving presence and calmness.

The more often you pause and turn inward, the more centered you will be.

This pausing and turning inward will become a flowing part of your daily life. It will be as natural as breathing.

Being centered will allow you to rise to higher dimensional levels on your spiritual path.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are focusing on being centered.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst

…and we surround you with Love.

And so it is.

Copyright © 2021. Linda M. Robinson,  All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Message From Archangel Zadkiel ~ May 2021

Transmitted Through Linda Robinson


Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss being connected through Oneness.

Oneness and connectedness are related concepts. They go hand in hand in a way that permeates all of Creation.

Oneness begins with the concept that all of Creation came from the one great Source. The Source energy manifested into the many forms that would be needed for the circumstances and surroundings of each Being. Even though the form in which it manifested varied, each Being and form contained the great Divine Spark of Light from Source.

This was provided so that each Being could remember where it originated simply by focusing on the Divine Spark of Light.

It is the great link that provides a continuous connection to Source and Oneness. You are always connected and can tune in to Source simply by focusing on your heart center and your Divine Spark that resides there.

This reminds you that you are part of the great plan of Creation and that you are always connected to Source.

It also serves as a connection with other Beings, since each one contains a Divine Spark and originated from the One Source.

This can bring a sense of connectedness even though you may be on a very different path than someone else. When you focus on their Divine Spark, you are reminded that there is a shared bond of Source energy. This can help you focus on shared values.

These values can range from Love to compassion to empathy.

When viewed from the point of the Divine Spark, Love rises to a Universal level. It is a vibration rather than an emotion. As you focus on your Divine Spark, you feel a sense of Universal Love and a connection with Source. This expands to encompass your connection with all of humanity.

The more attention you place on your heart center, the stronger this connection becomes. It radiates out from your energy field to others around you and into the cosmos.

As you view this connection from a Universal level, it can bring about greater understanding and compassion.

Everyone wants to feel loved and understood. Even though you may be on a different path than someone else, you are both beautiful Beings of Light. You each have your own Divine role in the plan of Creation. Realizing this and expressing your compassion and empathy for where they are can build bridges of understanding. This helps to bring forth a feeling of Universal Love and connectedness. You recognize and acknowledge that you both carry the beautiful Source energy from which you originated.

This awareness leads to a knowingness that all Beings and Creation exist within Source energy. Therefore, any change in the energy in one area can ripple across to affect other areas. The energy of a powerful thought, emotion, or action by one Being ripples throughout the cosmos to affect other Beings.

This leads to the concept of highest good.

Highest good is often discussed during these times of higher vibrational energy and is inviting you to look at situations from a higher perspective.

When you desire highest good for all Beings and all of Creation, this provides a positive benefit for all. It encompasses yourself and all others.

When you call on us in the Higher Realms and ask for highest good, we are able to assist you in this endeavor.

This leads to a recognition and remembrance of the oneness and connectedness of all of Creation.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are focusing on being connected through Oneness.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst

…and we surround you with Love.

And so it is.

Copyright © 2021. Linda M. Robinson,  All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Message From Archangel Zadkiel ~ April 2021

Transmitted Through Linda Robinson


Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss your Inner Self.

Your Inner Self is the core of your Being. It is who you are at your innermost level. It is the part of you that transcends time and space and goes with you to other realms and incarnations.

It is that part of you where your thoughts, feelings, and intentions reside. They, in turn, influence the way in which your outer surroundings and circumstances manifest.

When your Inner Self matches what you show to others in your Outer Self, both aspects are moving forward together in harmony. The Self you show to others is the same Self you experience when you are by yourself. You move seamlessly from one aspect to another.

The vibrations of your thoughts and feelings help to determine the outer circumstances around you because like attracts like.

Each thought carries a unit of energy. Positive thoughts carry a higher frequency than less-than-positive ones. Usually, a corresponding feeling accompanies a thought, and this amplifies that particular frequency.

Even though these thoughts and feelings are invisible to the eye, they ripple out into the environment around you and attract circumstances of a similar vibration.

The higher the vibration of the thought or feeling, the higher the vibration of circumstances that may be around you.

Spending some time each day in meditation and focusing on higher spiritual ideals can help raise your vibration, and therefore, enhance the outer positive circumstances.

Another way to add to this process is to observe circumstances around you and consider how you can improve the situation. Many great leaders and sages throughout the ages have taught this principle, which still applies today.

For example, if you see someone being less than kind to others, look for ways you can increase your kindness to others. This can range from smiling to giving a compliment to expressing gratitude to someone who assists you.

The opportunities for this type of refinement of your energetic body are limitless. These small acts contribute greatly to the betterment for all. As you practice this on a regular basis, your own energetic signature will continue to rise to higher levels, and you will contribute to increasing the collective vibration of humanity.

As you progress on your spiritual path, if you find that certain people and circumstances begin to fade away, it is likely a sign that you have moved to a higher level of frequency. You will begin to notice new people and circumstances that are a good fit for where you are at that point.

When these changes occur, simply view them as a detached observer. There is no right or wrong. It is simply a changing of the form of energy that you are projecting and attracting. Give thanks to the previous energy for what you learned, and bless it on its way.

This will signal to the Universe that you are ready for your next level of increasing the vibration of your Inner Self and being of service for highest good.

When many Souls continue with this process, it contributes to the greater good. The combined higher resonance ripples throughout the planet and the cosmos. This invites others to choose to increase their vibration also.

As you continue to focus on your Inner Self, remember that each thought and feeling that you have and each action that you take can make a difference, especially when you focus on the greater good. Nothing is too large or too small. It is the ongoing process that lifts your vibration to a higher level and contributes to highest good.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are focusing on your Inner Self to increase your own vibration and for the highest good of all.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst

…and we surround you with Love.

And so it is.


Copyright © 2021. Linda M. Robinson,  All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Message From Archangel Zadkiel ~ March 2021

Transmitted Through Linda Robinson


Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss your Divine mission.

The higher dimensional energy that you are receiving is opening the way for greater expression of your Divine mission. It is allowing you to rise to higher levels and to carry out your mission at a higher vibratory level.

You are aware that you have a unique set of skills, abilities, and attributes that make you the special Being that you are. All Beings have their own special qualities, just as many patterns in all of Creation are unique. You came into this lifetime with what you would need to accomplish your mission. You were also given the opportunity to further develop the attributes that would allow you to rise to higher dimensional levels in carrying out your mission.

Before you came into this lifetime, you selected a mission that would allow you to have experiences that would be for your Soul development and would also give you the opportunity to be of service. You may have chosen to be in a leadership role, or you may have selected one that allowed you to work behind the scenes. Each type of role is necessary in the great Creation.

Just as removing a thread from a beautiful tapestry would change its appearance and energy, the same concept can be applied to your Divine mission. If you and your mission were not there, the setting would be incomplete. We want you to realize that your role is very important, no matter how large or small, or what form it takes.

Your unique attributes are what make your contribution special. Even though others may be performing a similar task, their attributes are different. It is your attributes combined with your skills and abilities that make you who you are and contribute to your part in the great Creation.

You may perform different roles during your incarnation. However, it is your attributes and how you use them that will carry you from one experience to another. This is what makes your Divine mission unique.

Your attributes can cover a wide range of possibilities, such as Love, compassion, caring, and courage.

The way you develop and express them contribute both to making you the special Being that you are and to the way you carry out your Divine mission.

These qualities are not static. They can be cultivated into a higher level of expression at any time.

For example, when you are assisting someone, your intention determines the frequency your assistance carries. Performing a task as a form of selfless service carries a higher vibration than one in which you are considering only personal gain.

Adding the consideration of highest good to any quality or task takes it to a higher level.

When you set the intention of wanting the highest good for all, your mission is elevated to a Divine level. Your overarching filter is highest good. This provides a guideline by which you can evaluate your intentions, thoughts, and actions.

It also allows you to understand that you are part of something much greater than yourself and what you see around you. You are part of the great Creation that is always evolving.

Not only is the great Creation expanding, you as a Being of Light are evolving to higher levels.

You are able to view your Divine mission from a multidimensional perspective. You can see it from a third dimensional perspective and expand this out to the higher dimensions and a universal level. You are working with both the seen and the unseen realms.

The key aspect is realizing that you have a Divine mission. The way in which you carry out your role is what makes it unique. When you set your intention for highest good, your mission is Divine.

Beloveds, we would encourage you to focus on the special ways you are using your skills and attributes for highest good as you carry out your Divine mission.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst

…and we surround you with Love.

And so it is.


Copyright © 2021. Linda M. Robinson,  All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected].