“The Transforming Power of the Violet Flame” July 2010

Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, and I bring you messages of great joy, hope, and transformation from the Violet Ray. This is indeed a time where your greatest hopes can be realized and your greatest sorrows released through the mighty power of the Violet Flame.
As we are moving into the influence of the Violet Ray, which will predominate for the next 2000 years, much is possible for those who wish to move forward.
Stay focused in your heart center, and keep it filled with love for yourself, your fellow man, all of humanity, the planet Earth, and the Universe. The message of love was much expressed by my beloved brother Lord Sananda during his earthly incarnation as Jeshua, and we are working together in the Higher Realms to show you how to use the transforming power of the Violet Flame to release and transmute fear, sorrow, and doubt into a state of love, joy, peace, and understanding.
A desire to experience the transforming power of the Violet Flame sets the stage for this process to begin. As we have previously told you, tune in to your heart center to see if using the Violet Flame feels right for you. This is an era of free will, and you are free to reject any idea or practice that does not resonate with you and feel right for you.
If using the Violet Flame feels right for you, first, spend some quiet time in which you imagine your life filled with peace, love, joy, and harmony. Fix this vision firmly in place, and allow yourself to feel the love flowing forth from your heart center.
Then picture the beautiful Violet Flame bathe you in the cool healing light to remove any obstacles that stand between you and your desire for peace and harmony. As you spend time with this vision, you will become more centered and peaceful. You know that your vibration is being refined. After the energy of the obstacle has been transmuted and the Violet Flame subsides, you may end your quiet time by expressing gratitude for the peacefulness and surrounding yourself with a beautiful Light of Love. You radiate a sense and aura of peace and harmony. You become a Living Light of Love.
You are able to create a special place for yourself where all is well. As you focus on this more and more, your outer circumstances will begin to reflect a sense of peace and harmony, for these are the circumstances that you will attract to you.
Beloveds, know that the Violet Flame is your gentle, loving friend and ally that can help you transform situations through a loving intention. Always do this with the intention for the greatest good of all so that we in the Higher Realms may assist you. When you ask for your greatest good and the greatest good of all, the ego steps aside and allows love for all to transform the situation into the highest possible outcome.
Remember to stay centered in love and call upon the Violet Flame to help you create love, peace, joy, and harmony.
You are very precious and are greatly loved.
I AM Archangel Zadkiel
All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com