“Standing In Your Truth” – May 2013
“Standing In Your Truth”
May 2013
Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel along with Lady Amethyst, and we come to you in Love and Light.
You are making great strides in the new energy. You have experienced extraordinary leaps in consciousness, and your awareness has opened to new vistas. You have radiated your Light for all to see.
The new energy has presented many opportunities for you to examine all aspects of your Being and to release those aspects that are no longer part of your ascended Self. Now, you are poised to continue to open to even greater levels of awareness in this new energy.
Standing in your truth is an important part of the new energy. This is one of the many changes that have come with the new energy. You are being given the opportunity to examine yourself and your choices and to decide what your new choices will be. Being in the midst of shifting energy is much easier when you stand in your own truth.
The herd mentality of expecting everyone to follow the same path is fading. This is a time of individual growth and great enlightenment.
You are being given a great opportunity to decide what is really important to you. When you are clear about what is important to you, you can move forward with the assurance and confidence of being true to yourself at a core level.
This can bring a great peace to you because you are living from the core of your Being – from that central, inner part of yourself that is in harmony with All That Is. It is that part of you that is loving and caring and expresses those attributes first to yourself and then to others. When you stand in your truth, you treat yourself with the same consideration that you would give someone else. You treat yourself with respect. You honor yourself for the way in which you are moving forward. You become your best friend and supporter. You focus on your positive attributes and build on them.
For example, you may be kind and compassionate. As you are kind and compassionate with yourself, you are able to extend these qualities to others. The more you focus on these attributes, the stronger they become. What you focus on expands. As you strengthen your positive inner qualities, you become stronger. Your inner core Being is self-assured, and you know that you are making choices that honor who you are.
As you move more fully into the new energy, you may wish to reflect on what your core values are. They are who you are and determine what decisions you make and what actions flow from them. Core values can be qualities such as honesty, loyalty, respect, love, caring, and many others. These are the things that are the core of your Being. These are the things that sustain you when conditions around you are changing. They allow you to move forward and know that you are being who you really are. They provide a source of strength and steadiness. They provide an assurance to you to maintain who you are even when you are around others with different viewpoints. You become comfortable with others having different views, and you still remain centered because you have an inner assurance of who you are. You are standing in your truth.
When you relax into your truth, you can experience a peacefulness that comes from knowing that you are being your authentic self. You are walking your talk. This allows you to flow and be in the present moment. You gain new insights that often seem to be synchronistic. This can occur because you are on an energetic vibration that resonates with these insights. Because you are standing in your truth, you are open to receive. You are in a state of harmony with All That Is.
You are powerful when you stand in your truth. When you can do this and also allow others to stand in their truth, you are even more powerful. You are moving into a time where individuality combined with respect, honor, and compassion for others is increasingly important.
As you move forward on your path, standing in your truth, along with having respect and compassion for others, can assist you in carrying out your role in helping to lift the consciousness of humanity. You are serving as a Way-Shower and a Light-Bearer through your daily actions.
You see the bigger picture and ask for highest good. This opens up avenues of higher consciousness, and you are able to be of even greater service.
Beloveds, we salute you for standing in your truth and asking for highest good.
Know that you are greatly loved.
WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst
…and We surround you with love
And so it is.
All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.
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