“Moving to a Higher Vibrational Level” – August 2010

Beloved Ones,
You are being given the opportunity to raise your vibration to a higher level. More refined energy from higher levels is being sent daily. This is why many of you are experiencing the ripples in your energy field. When the higher bursts of energy connect with an energy field of a different vibration, an equalization occurs.
To assimilate this higher energy more easily, keep your thoughts focused on things of a high, loving nature. When you are aware of a ripple in your energy field, pause and focus on your Sacred Heart Center. Take a few deep breaths, and feel your energy begin to return to center. Then you may go on with your daily activities.
The Earth is in the midst of a great change of moving to a higher dimensional frequency. The bursts of higher energy are preparing the Earth and its inhabitants for this shift. While these bursts of energy may feel temporarily disconcerting, they are far more gentle than one great cataclysmic shift.
Because you as Light Warriors and Light Bearers have stayed the course, a great cataclysm has been avoided. The shifts that are occurring are of a lesser nature, even though they seem great to those affected. As Light Bearers, you can continue to assist in the process of the vibrational shift by keeping your own vibration high by focusing on the higher picture.
Send love to humanity, and ask for the greatest good of all. Send love to Mother Earth. Let your love radiate out from you in all directions. There is a never-ending, constant supply of love from the Universe and the Supreme Creator. The more love you share, the more you will receive to share. The flow is continuous as long as you share your Love and Light.
As more and more of you share your Love and Light, your vibration begins to raise the vibration and consciousness of all of humanity. Others are drawn to your Light. They watch what you are doing and make subtle changes in their own lives based on what they see in you. Even the smallest act of kindness such as a smile can brighten someone’s day and give them encouragement. Express gratitude to others for what they do. Everyone likes to be appreciated, and this helps to raise their vibration when it is a sincere compliment.
As more and more of you raise your vibration, it has a cumulative effect. Gradually, it brings along everyone who wishes to progress. This increase in vibration also assists Mother Earth to progress and return to her state as a beautiful jewel.
You are very powerful Beings. Your thoughts, your words, and your actions all play a powerful role in your progress, that of humanity, and that of Mother Earth. Your intentions radiate out into the Universe and the Omniverse. We rejoice as we see your Light becoming brighter.
Focus your Light on the greatest good for all, and we will be there to assist you. Know that we are just a thought away and are ever there for your advancement into greater Light Realms.
Know that you are greatly loved.
I AM Archangel Zadkiel
All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com