“Being Clear With Your Intent”

February 2012


Greetings My Beloved Ones,


I greet you in Love and Light.

This is Archangel Zadkiel with a message from the Divine Light.

Beloveds, we have given you several messages on the higher levels of Light and the functions of the Light at those levels.  We would like to take this a step farther in this message, for there is an even higher understanding in the thought of being clear in your intent.

The importance of having a clear intent is that when your intent is clear, this is what we will use and what will be the basis of your manifestations.  At the levels of the higher dimensions your manifestations will be almost instantaneous.  Therefore, you will want to be sure that what you are manifesting is of the highest and purest vibration.  As you know, whatever you manifest, you will experience as energy returning to you.  Energy travels in a circle, and so whatever you manifest and send out will return to you in like kind.  Another importance of manifesting a very pure intent at this level is that it will affect not only yourself but many others in all dimensions.  Therefore, the ramifications of what you think, what you do, and any other actions that result from it, will have a much greater impact.  It is not only you who will reap the actions you bring forth, it will be many multitudes.  It will also affect others in other dimensions.

There is great responsibility the farther that you move up.  This is why we give you the opportunity to move at your own pace.  When you move at your own pace, it gives you an opportunity to examine each situation that you create and see whether it was beneficial for you, whether it was beneficial for others, and whether it was beneficial for the greatest good of all.  If you find that there were glitches in any one part, you may go back and see what you would have done differently if you had thought about those possibilities in the beginning.  By doing this at lower levels, it gives you a chance to learn and practice when the stakes are not as great as they are in the higher dimensions.
This is very similar to the way that a child learns.  When you give them opportunities to make decisions and see what the results are with very simple choices, such as what to eat or what outfit to wear, the results are not of great consequence because there is another choice later and another opportunity to make a different selection.  However, when you get into the higher realms, once you make a decision and bring forth a manifestation, making a correction can be a much more arduous process than it is at a lower level.

We wish for you to look each day at the decisions you have made and see how they have worked out for you.  If you find that you have spoken words or had thoughts that were less than those that would benefit all concerned, you may wish to go back and think about how you could have reframed this situation to make it more harmonious for everyone.  Then you may picture yourself uttering the words and doing the acts in harmony with your revised version of what you would like to have happen.  In this way you are programming your mind so that you are setting a pattern that will lead to harmonious processes at the higher levels.

Always remember that you are co-creators and that you are co-creating at whatever level on the path you happen to be.  It may be at a beginning level, an intermediate level, or a very high level.  Whatever step or level you are on, there is an opportunity to understand things from a much higher perspective.  The more you focus on the subtle meanings of your thoughts and actions, the greater progress you will make, for you will understand what universal laws are at work and what subtle meanings accompany each thought and action you are taking.

There are many who act in the haste of the moment.  This can be a mistake, for very often an untrained mind can make decisions that viewed in later light, would not be the best decision for that particular moment.  However, when you train your mind to review your decisions each day, you are setting a course so that when you need to make a rapid decision, you are more likely to make a good decision or a positive decision that benefits all concerned.  This leads to everyone benefitting from the Light surrounding the situation.  The Light will be of a much higher quality, a much finer vibration, and in this way it can help lift the consciousness of everyone affected by your decision and by your manifestation.

This is the way you can help others to progress along the path.  When they see that you are making decisions of a very high quality and decisions that benefit not only yourself but all concerned, they see that it is possible for everyone to come out with a winning solution that benefits all.  This can lead to others deciding to try out this process with small decisions.  Then when they have success, they can move to bigger and bigger decisions on higher and higher levels.  This is what will change your planet and change all of humanity.  As more and more of you begin to operate in this manner, it will eventually reach critical mass, and therefore, everyone will instantly have the benefit of being surrounded with a higher consciousness.  Whether they choose to partake of this higher consciousness still depends on their free will.  However, you will be a great role model in showing them what is possible.  Therefore, when they make their own individual decisions, you will know that you have done everything you can do and will continue to do to help them along the path.

There are many who are ahead of you on the path who are helping you in the same way.  They are coming to you with nudges and prompts all along the way.  When you are thinking of a decision to be made, and you get an idea as to a new way to do something, or a way that will be more beneficial to all, think of us because it is likely that one of us is coming to you to help you with a course of action.  There are many colors in the Rays, and depending on the decision to be made, you will likely receive a nudge from someone on that particular Ray who works with the particular type of decision to be made.  You may be accustomed to working with only one or two of us, and we are always glad to come when you call.  However, know that there may be one or two others that we ask to come and assist in this process because just as you consult a specialist on your earth plane, we in the higher realms also have our own specialties.  Therefore, we are able to offer you the greatest benefits of our advanced learning and knowledge so that you can move forward in the most rapid way possible.  We wish great success for each of you, and we wish to assist you in whatever way possible.

Beloveds, know that we are only a whisper away.  We wish to emphasize in closing to review your decisions and actions each day.  Begin by reviewing your intent.  Then review the thoughts that come after the intent and the actions which flow from both.  Decide whether you have made the best decision for the situation, and if not, see how you would alter this.  In this way, you will make very rapid progress.

We rejoice in you because you are wonderful Lightworkers who are lighting the path for all who are coming behind you just as we light the way for you to climb even higher.


Know that you are greatly loved in the Light.


I AM Archangel Zadkiel

…. and I surround you with Love


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“The Many Levels of the Light”

January 2012


Greetings My Beloved Ones,


I greet you in Love and Light.


This is Zadkiel bringing you a message from The Divine Light.


It is indeed time for each of you to focus on the Light within, for it is the Light within that will give you your path for progressing into the levels. There are many levels of the Light.


Many of you on the earth plane feel that one level goes just from one level to the next. However, each level is composed of many sublevels and many dimensions. Within each sublevel there are smaller and smaller units. This allows you to progress without having an enormous leap at one time. Each level will be a stepped-up frequency from the previous level, and as such, you will encounter different understandings of the same teachings as well as teachings of an advanced level and nature for that particular dimension and sublevel.


Many of the teachings to which you have been exposed all along have many levels of meaning. They may be very simple at a lower level. However, they are geared to your current level of understanding. As you go up in the levels and the sublevels, the teachings will become more subtle. You may experience the same universal law at that level, but there will be many subtleties that will be added at that particular level. It will not be just a straight forward teaching. There will be subtleties as to the unspoken teaching and the unspoken actions that accompany each law.


Therefore, when you are looking at things at each level, stop and reflect on the subtleties of that particular level. This will allow you to refine your understanding. As such, your vibration will also be refined, for you will be approaching things from higher and higher levels of consciousness as you learn in this way. This will allow you to be of greater service at each level, also. You will be able to interact with your fellow beings in much more compassionate ways because you have developed a greater understanding of what the lessons are at that particular level.


This is what many of your masters exhibited as they walked the earth plane. They understood the subtleties at the higher levels. However, in some of their teachings they were not always able to teach them from the higher perspectives. Only those advanced initiates understood the higher meanings. However, the teachings could be given to anyone. Each person would receive what he / she needed for his / her appropriate level.


We also wish to emphasize to you that, as you go up through the levels, it is imperative that you call on the Violet Flame to transmute any impurities or any misguided energies you may have brought with you from a previous level, from another dimension or from another lifetime. In this way the higher you move, the purer your Light becomes. It is brighter and brighter and purer and purer as you rise from level to level and from dimension to dimension.


As you go through the levels, the Rays of Light will change their shades and hues of color, for at each level the Ray of Light that accompanies it will have the particular type of vibration you need to experience. It will be a particular type of vibration and color of Light that will enhance the learning that goes with that particular level. Each color carries a particular frequency, and when you are on a certain frequency, the color will resonate in your energy field and bring forth enhanced learning and enhanced releasing of all that no longer serves you at that particular level. When you are on that level, this is when you call in the Violet Flame to help to release and transmute anything that is not appropriate for that particular level.


The higher you go in the levels, the purer the Light will become. It will also be infused with the Christ energy and will have a more sparkling appearance and a more golden hue about it. It will not be comparable to anything to which you are accustomed on the earth plane, for these are indeed colors and frequencies of the higher Rays and the higher dimensions. They are colors more beautiful than you could ever imagine, and they are colors that will float and surround you as you journey onward and upward. Your essence will become more of an energy or a shimmering color as opposed to a solid mass.


You will become Lights and spheres of energy, and your sphere will reflect the level at which you are presently working. You will be known by the Light that you shine forth. This is why we in the higher realms say that you are known by your works. Your works really mean the energy that you radiate forth. The energy that you radiate forth will be determined by your thoughts, your actions, and more importantly by your intentions, for any act that is performed with a pure intention radiates a very clear Light. An act that is performed with an impure intention will have a muddy or dull color to it. It is very important as you rise in the levels to be sure that you start first with a pure intent. Then let your thoughts and actions flow from that. In this way all facets are working together. You will flow forward in a harmonious pattern when everything radiates forward with the same pattern of energy.


Everything works in a spiral as you progress upward. This way you are not going simply from level to level but rather in a spiral type form so that gradually you will float from level to level. This is what is implied when you speak of wheels, for the spirals may in effect resemble wheels as they move from level to level. This is a very gentle pattern of energy, and in many of your great structures on the earth plane this is reflected in spiral staircases. This will give you an idea of how you move upward in the levels and how it will be a gentle gliding upward as your energy becomes purer and purer and your understanding becomes greater and greater.


As your consciousness increases and expands, and the Light within you becomes brighter, clearer and purer, there are many things to which you can aspire. However, the greatest of these is to move forward and to be aware that you are part of All That Is. This is what will bring you closer and more in alignment with your true path and with your true mission. Eventually your true mission is reunification with the All That Is. You are already within the energy field of All That Is. However, there are many levels and sublevels within this field. Your path is to come closer and closer toward a total awareness and consciousness that you are true divinity in action. All efforts are part of your path toward the total awareness of who you are.


Beloveds, we wish to impress on you to constantly monitor your intent. Be very clear in your intent, both the conscious intent that you put forward as well as any unconscious intent. The clearer you are in your intent as you move forward, the greater progress you can make and the clearer your Light will be.


We rejoice that you are moving forward on your path. We are in great need of many workers such as you to help others along the path. You are shining Lights, and we rejoice in your progress.


You are greatly loved in the Light.


I AM Archangel Zadkiel

…. and I surround you with Love


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com


Greetings My Beloved Ones,


I greet you in Love and Light.


This is Archangel Zadkiel with a message from The Divine Light.


Today I wish to speak to you about The Light. Beloveds, there are many emanations coming from The Light. They surround you in circles, in colors, in levels, and in dimensions. They surround you so that no matter where you are, you are encompassed by The Light on all sides, above and below. This allows you to move freely according to the task on which you are working and also according to your vibration for that particular moment.


Moving from level to level is not a jerky progression. It is a very smooth movement in which you flow from level to level or dimension to dimension. This is a great misunderstanding on the part of humanity that you will make a sudden leap from one point to another. For some this may be the case. However, for many you will float or move gradually from level to level. This is much less disruptive to the energy field than having a harsh or sudden change in the environment to which you are subjected. We wish to keep your energy field intact, for when you have very rapid movements or sudden shocks to the energy field, it can cause disruptions in the flow of your energy. This is not helpful in your progression. Rather, it is much more helpful for you to flow in a natural state of progression. You may have a pause at a level; however, what appears as a pause to you is actually motion continuing through either a side-to-side movement or an up-and-down movement.


We are constantly making tweaks and adjustments to your energy field as you progress in the realms. These may come forth in the form of an idea or a nudge or a feeling that it is time for you to change a certain practice or to begin a certain practice. In doing this, you are incorporating more and more of The Light. The Light will begin to increase in intensity as your human instrument is adjusted to The Light that is coming forth. The Light radiates down from our Father / Mother God to you in stepped-down form so that it is just the right amount of intensity for you at a given time. Therefore, you can absorb the particular colors of The Light that you need at that moment. As your energy increases and as you progress from day to day, you may absorb different amounts of The Light and varying proportions of the Rays / colors emanating from The Light. This is often an unconscious process, for we are working behind the scenes to help you as you continue on your path. This is a bit abstract for most humans to comprehend. However, there are several practical things you on the earth plane can do to assist in your progress of moving forward in The Light.


First, remain positive, for you when you remain positive, you are able to absorb more Light than when you are responding in a negative way. When you have a thought that you perceive to be less than positive, quickly shift your focus to that which is positive. You may wish to begin your day by focusing on what is positive and set that to be your intent for the day. This will help to smooth an energy path and a channel in which The Light can flow down to you, and The Light will meet you. In this way, The Light will join with your Light, and you can flow forward and upward on your path. The more you focus on this positive path, the more energy your Being can absorb. It will strengthen your entire system so that we can send down more Light and work with you in a closer manner.


This is a great and vast topic, and there are many Rays of Light beyond the twelve Rays of Light with which you have been acquainted. There are many levels of Light within each dimension. Know that you will have an ever-expanding opportunity to grow within the Light.


We wish to impress on you that a daily practice of remaining positive is important, as is your meditation time. When you do this on a daily basis, it will help you to increase your progress so that there will not be the start-and-stop actions that occur in so many cases. It is much harder for us to help you adjust your energy when there is the start-and-stop process. It is much easier for us to keep your energy flowing when you work on your daily moving forward in a constant manner. It is similar to starting a car. It requires more energy to get the car started. However, when you get the car up to speed, it is much easier to keep it flowing at a constant pace. The same is true for you and your own energy field.


We wish you to know that the Violet Light is coming down to transmute any negativities that you would like to release. This is a constant process, and you may call on it at any time to assist in releasing what is bothering you at the moment or to cleanse and release anything that you have on a subconscious level of which you are not readily aware. By doing this, you are allowing us to work with you so that you may clear out those things before they come into your conscious awareness and manifestation. This allows for a much smoother and more rapid ascension into the higher realms and higher dimensions.


There are many on each level who are waiting to assist you. There are angelic and Higher Beings at each level and in each dimension. They are there to help you to the next level, just as we who come to you regularly are there all along the way.


Know, Beloveds, that we greatly rejoice in your process and your progress. Know that you are greatly loved in The Light.


I AM Archangel Zadkiel

….and I surround you with the Light


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com


Greetings My Beloved Ones,


I greet you in Love and Light.


Beloveds, you are a radiant Spark of Divinity. Your Divine Spark lives within your Sacred Heart Center, and it connects you with All That Is.


Your radiant Spark of Divinity, or Divine Spark, is part of All That Is. Therefore, you are a part of All That Is. Many aeons ago before the All That Is separated into many Divine Sparks, you were all together in one great place and one great whole as the All That Is. When the All That Is wished to experience itself and to manifest, it burst forth many radiant Divine Sparks. You are one of those Divine Sparks. As such, you retain all of the qualities, characteristics and attributes of All That Is.


Throughout your many incarnations you may have experienced many things that have caused you to forget this connection. However, with the great progress that you are making, you are beginning to reawaken and to remember your great Divinity and your great heritage. As part of All That Is, you are capable of manifesting great things. You are capable of having vast Love for all of humanity, and you are capable of doing great things for the greatest good of all.


Remember that your Divine Spark resides within your Sacred Heart Center. This is your radiant Spark of Light, and it is surrounded by your cloak of flesh. Your Divine Spark goes with you whether you are in the earth plane, in another dimension or back with the All That Is. It the part of you that endures. It is the part of you that retains its brightness, its magnificence and its wonder.


When you put on a cloak of flesh, it is simply like putting on a coat of cloth in this lifetime. When you are through with the coat or when it is worn out, you simply shed the coat, but the real you remains. The same is true of your Divine Spark. Your Divine Spark is who you really are. It shines with a beautiful radiance for all to see. The more you focus on your Divine Spark, the brighter it will become. It started off in a very small form because throughout the aeons of time, you forgot your true origins. However, in this magnificent lifetime, you have remembered your origins. You have remembered that you are part of All That Is. The more you focus on this, the brighter and brighter your Light will grow. Any clouds of film that remain around your Divine Spark will simply fade away and be replaced by the brilliance and wonder and connection of your Spark of All That Is.


As you grow and focus on your Divine Spark, it will grow in brilliance until it surrounds your entire Being. It will radiate out from your physical form and will be a Light to shine forth to all with whom you come in contact. The more you focus on the Love within your Divine Spark, the more it will grow and the brighter it will become.


As you focus on your Divine Spark, you recognize that each person with whom you come in contact is also a part of All That Is. They also carry within them a Divine Spark. When you focus on their Divine Spark, you are focusing on the Divine connection between you. Many times you may come in contact with others with whom you will have friction or a conflict. Remember, Beloveds, they are also Divine Sparks. Before coming into this lifetime, you made Soul agreements or Soul contracts with others so that you could each play a role in a Divine drama in which you could learn lessons that you agreed to learn in this lifetime. When you are interacting with another person, very often the actions that they are reflecting are their part in the drama which they agreed to play, just as your part of the drama is what you have agreed to play. You can learn from each other. In some cases what the other person is projecting may be something that you wish to look at within yourself. Another person may be acting as a mirror for you so that you can look at those particular qualities within yourself, love those qualities that need to be refined, and let your own Light shine brighter and brighter. At other times it may be an opportunity for you to stay centered within your own Divine Love and Light.


The more that you connect heart to heart with the Divine Spark of another, the greater you both will grow. The recognition that you both are Divine Sparks will be there for each of you. Even though the other person may not consciously know this, you will know this on your level, and you will be able to progress on your own path while helping the other person to reflect and shine the Light that is within him / her.


Beloveds, this is a very great drama that you can play in this particular lifetime. It is becoming more and more apparent that on your particular earth plane and also in the outer dimensions, it is more important than ever for each of you to let your Divine Spark speak directly to the Divine Spark of others. You begin to radiate your Love when you do this. Your Light grows brighter. The Soul part of you speaks to the Soul part of another. In this way the web of Light begins to be reawakened and reconnected throughout humanity, throughout the earth plane, throughout your Universe, and throughout the Omniverse. Beloveds, this is what has been intended down through the aeons. Now you are taking a very active role in helping others to reawaken to their own Divinity as you are awakening to your own Divinity and your own realization of your part in the greater scheme of humanity and Divinity.


Beloveds, if you could just see your beautiful Lights as they radiate forth, you would see that you are forming a beautiful web around your beloved Earth. You are seen as points of Light as we look upon your planet Earth. Your Light is becoming brighter and brighter, and it is radiating out through the many levels and dimensions of the Omniverse.


By focusing on your own Divine Spark first and by loving yourself first, you may reach out and connect with the Divine Spark of others. This can help to dissolve disagreements and be replaced by an understanding that you all are a part of All That Is. This is what will help to elevate all of humanity to a higher level, to a greater level of understanding, and to a higher level that will benefit everyone. In this way you are able to expand your consciousness beyond that which you ever thought possible. It is in this way that we can work even more closely with you so that you may progress rapidly along your path and also assist humanity in the path of progression.


Beloveds, we rejoice in your progress. We know that you are diligent in your daily work in which you are focusing on the Light. Each time you focus on the Light within, it grows brighter and brighter. Each day you may wish to devote some time to focus on your Divine Spark and the beautiful radiance that it contains. You will feel it grow, you will feel your Love grow, and you will feel your Light expand.


Beloveds, we rejoice in working with you. Know that you are greatly loved in the Light.


I AM Archangel Zadkiel

….and I surround you with Love


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com


Greetings My Beloved Ones,


I greet you in Love and Light.


This is indeed an auspicious time for all of humanity. All of you are being given the opportunity as to whether to move forward. In choosing how to move forward, you are being allowed to move forward as rapidly or as slowly as you would like, for this is the time of the individual decision.


It is no longer a requirement that each person follow the same path. This is causing much consternation among many of you because in the past the herd mentality has been the rule. In this day and time that is no longer the case. Individuals must select their own path and remain true to themselves as they walk forward on that path. This can lead to great feelings of separation and loneliness if the path chosen is at odds with what you have been walking or with what others have been expecting you to walk. However, each person will be on his / her own path, and therefore, it is very important for you to honor who you are. You have a divine mission of your own, and to fulfill your divine mission, it is important for you to do what you feel called to do. It may be that your path will take you in a similar path to that on which you have been, or you may move in a completely different direction. The important thing is to honor what is in your heart and in your Soul as you move forward. Realize that you must remain strong and calm in your center, for there will be some who will try to dissuade you from your path. They will try to tell you that you are wrong and that you should be moving in a different direction.


Beloveds, remember that you were never all supposed to move in the same direction at the same time. This was necessary as humanity came out of the dark ages, but now you are in enlightened times. Therefore, it is time for each individual to answer what resonates with him / her and to move forward in that direction. When you maintain a calm center, you are able to move forward in your own direction with satisfaction. You will know that you are going in the correct direction for you because you will feel happiness and joy in your heart. You will also feel that you are doing what is right for you, and at the same time you will feel that you are performing a service for humanity. If everyone followed the same path, there would be some things that would remain undone because there are many paths. This is a greater assurance that all of the tasks and paths will be fulfilled.


The important thing is to remember to fulfill your own path to the greatest of your ability and to do it with a happy heart. It does not matter whether it is what society considers a lowly position or a high position. The important thing is that you perform your path to the greatest of your ability and with Love and compassion for all with whom you come in contact. This is the key that will help each person to move forward on his / her path. The Love and compassion that come forth from your heart will assure that you are moving forward in higher and higher directions. As you do this, you will find new opportunities opening to you. You will know which one is right for you by the way you feel when you encounter it.


Yes, Beloved Ones, it does take courage to follow your own path, for this is indeed a time of stepping out and stepping into your true identity and claiming your birthright of who you are. You are indeed magnificent Souls, and we rejoice in the fact that you have chosen to move forward on your own path, for this shows that we are all coming closer and closer together. We may come to you during your sleep time, or you may hear our whispers or feel our nudges during your meditation times. The important thing is to be true to yourself and to move forward on the path that you feel is the correct one for you. Also, remember to exhibit Love and compassion for those who have chosen other paths. You may do this by having Love and compassion for yourself first, for when you do this, you become more secure in your own path. Then you can be more secure when others select paths different from your own.


You are moving higher and higher in the realms of Light, and you are indeed a shining star on your path. We rejoice greatly in the progress you are making. We are here whenever you whisper our names, and we are glad to assist.


When you expand your focus to include the Divine Spark within others, feelings of Love and compassion for them are a natural next step. This allows you to realize that each Being came forth from the same Source. Even though you may not agree with how they have used their free will, you are able to feel Love and compassion for them because of their Divine Spark within.


You are greatly loved in the Light.


I AM Archangel Zadkiel

….and I send you many blessings of Love


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com


Greetings My Beloveds,


I greet you in Love and Light.


Compassion is a quality that is greatly needed in these times of ascension and change, and it is a quality that can assist your own progression and ascension. When you practice compassion and allow it, along with Love, to become a central part of your Being, you are increasing your capacity to rise to a higher frequency.


Compassion allows you to have empathy and understanding for another person or situation. You are able to send Love for what is occurring, as you suspend judgment, for you realize that what you are witnessing is a moment or drama in the great cosmic scheme and dynamic of ascension. Each event that occurs allows the Souls involved to gain wisdom and understanding.


If you are personally involved in an event, have compassion for yourself first and then allow the compassion to ripple out to everyone involved. Know that each person has played a part in the greater understanding at a Soul level. When you view a situation in this way, you are able to suspend judgment and replace it with compassion for everyone involved. Many Soul contracts have been made for the advancement of the ones directly involved as well as for those who are observers. A situation that is viewed with compassion can yield lessons of a higher nature and can result in a change of perspective, intent and action. It may result in kindness being practiced more often, or it may lead to a more careful analysis of events rather than a rush to judgment.


When you show compassion for another Being, you are also showing compassion for yourself. Other Beings and situations are reflections and mirrors for what lies within each person. The potential for that trait is there, even though it may not be outwardly expressed. When a person or situation is viewed with compassion, you are actually viewing yourself with compassion. Using the Violet Flame around any feelings of judgment can allow these feelings to be transmuted and replaced with compassion and understanding.


Beloveds, know that showing compassion for others can be a bridge for understanding between individuals, cultures and worlds. Each individual, culture or world has its own customs and beliefs. While these practices may be different from your own, having compassion and Love for those who are different from you can form a bridge for peace and harmony.


Compassion begins in your Sacred Heart Center. You carry within your Sacred Heart Center a Divine Spark of the Supreme Creator. As you focus your attention on your Divine Spark, you realize that you are part of something much greater. You begin to realize that the qualities of something much greater are within your Divine Spark. Qualities of Love, goodness, understanding, purity, peace and harmony all reside there. As you continue to focus on your own Divine Spark within and the qualities it carries, you may feel a sense of Love and peace. The more you focus on your Divine Spark, the more the qualities it contains will grow. You will begin to realize these qualities at a feeling level, and they will permeate your entire Being. You will have a greater appreciation for yourself as a Spark of the Creator, and this will lead you to view yourself and others in a more compassionate way.


When you expand your focus to include the Divine Spark within others, feelings of Love and compassion for them are a natural next step. This allows you to realize that each Being came forth from the same Source. Even though you may not agree with how they have used their free will, you are able to feel Love and compassion for them because of their Divine Spark within.


Your Mother Earth can also benefit from your Love and compassion. She is a living organism, and she feels your compassion while she is also undergoing her own ascension process.


When you begin to focus more and more on Love and compassion, these feelings ripple out to touch all with whom you come in contact as well as flow out into the ethers. These feelings are of a higher vibrational frequency and benefit all who receive them. As more and more of you raise your vibration to higher and higher frequencies, critical mass can be achieved, and this higher vibration will spread around your planet, into your Earth and into the Omniverse. Having an ongoing awareness of and focus on compassion is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and others.


Beloveds, we send you much Love and Light as you expand your focus on compassion for yourself and the greatest good of all.


Know that you are greatly loved in the Light.


I AM Archangel Zadkiel


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com