“Living in the Present Moment”

October 2012


Greetings My Beloved Ones,


You are making rapid process on your path of ascension, as the opportunities for advancing are increasing moment by moment.  Many new gateways and portals to the higher dimensions are opening.  These openings are available to everyone who has a sincere desire to progress and who is working for the highest good of all.


In these times of rapid advancement, it is advantageous to remember that in the higher dimensions there is no time and space.  Everything is occurring simultaneously.  There are many dimensions and many realities.  In the 3D world events and situations have been presented in a linear fashion because previously this is what the consciousness could imagine.


Now you have an expanded consciousness, and you are beginning to comprehend that everything is happening simultaneously.  In the 3D reality this may appear in many ways.  Situations seem to manifest much more rapidly.  There is much less of a seeming gap between cause and effect.


Things that have been hidden from awareness are rising to the surface to be examined to determine whether they are congruent with the new reality.  Each examination and determination of situations and events takes on a new meaning.  It has moved from a point of judgment to a place of determining whether it fits with the new reality.  This is done with a calm, loving point of view and is used to determine whether it will advance humanity on the path of ascension.  This allows you to separate the act or the situation from the individual or group from which the situation originated.  Loving thoughts and acts lift you from one level of awareness to the next.


Because the energy is moving so rapidly, it is of utmost importance to remain centered and focused in the present moment.  Living in the present moment has many advantages.  It allows you to see all sides of a situation.  You can more fully comprehend not only what is happening on the surface of the situation but also what the bigger implications are.  You may be able to see how a slight change of perception or thought can lead to new awareness and higher outcomes.  Very often a shift in the energy and perception of one person can benefit others in a situation or environment.


Being fully present in the moment allows you to conduct yourself according to your highest ideals and in accordance with your ever-expanding consciousness.  You are able to remain focused on your higher consciousness and know that what is occurring has much bigger implications for your progression than the seemingly surface event.  Because the veil is thinning, you have the ability to view events from a universal and galactic perspective.


Things that would have previously caused irritation in the 3D seem to float away and not disturb your peaceful demeanor.  It is as if you have the ability to view events in a telescoping fashion.  You are able to zoom in and out from the surface 3D view and perspective to the higher dimensional perspective and back down again.  When you zoom in and out in looking at a situation, after you have viewed things from a higher perspective, you bring back a much higher understanding.


When you focus on the present moment and view actions from a universal perspective, you are able to remain centered on what you are doing each moment.  Your higher perspective allows you to be aware of whether each thought and action is moving you toward ascension.  It allows you to be aware of how each action affects others, the planet, and the universe and galactic realms.  Because everything is energy, each thought or action ripples out into the greater whole.


Focusing on the present moment also allows you to receive incoming information more easily.  You may find that your intuition and perception increase when you do this.  By remaining focused on the present moment, you are clearing away mind clutter that can cloud this incoming information in the same way that static prevents clear reception when using electronic technology.


The energy that is being sent from the higher dimensions is constantly changing.  It can change moment by moment.  What appeared to be true a few moments ago can literally change in an instant.  Being aware of the present moment allows you to receive the new energy and determine whether it fits with your path of advancement.  A seemingly small packet of higher energy can often lead to new awareness and insight.  It is as if the old and the new are existing simultaneously, but in reality, they are presented together for you to choose whether to remain where you are for the moment or whether to incorporate the new energy into your being and move to the next level of awareness.


Because these packets of energy are being sent with increasing frequency, it is important to live in the present moment so that you will recognize them when they occur.  Light packets of new energy are constantly swirling around you for you to reach out and invite in for examination.  The more you focus on the present moment, the more you are able to recognize these packets of higher understanding.


Many times new packets of energy and information are sent to increase understanding of current awareness.  You will begin to see the synchronicity of events.  By remaining clear and present, you are able to see how the threads and packets fit together, for nothing exists in isolation.  All energy is interrelated.


When this occurs, you begin to see yourself as a multidimensional Being of Light, and you begin to incorporate the understanding that you are a spirit living in a temporary human existence and that all is becoming multidimensional.  Each new understanding lifts you to higher levels and dimensions, and you are able to incorporate even higher understanding.  You rise higher and higher in the dimensions and see the wonder of the grand design of the Supreme Creator.


When this happens, you realize that the hologram of this grand design is contained in the present moment and that by living in the present moment, you are a part of All That Is.


Beloveds, we rejoice in your awareness of the present moment, and we send you much Love and Light.




I AM Archangel Zadkiel

…and I surround you with love
And so it is.


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Your Divine Spark Within”

September 2012


Greetings Beloved Ones,


You are continuing to progress rapidly on your path of ascension.  Many external circumstances may appear to be shifting, and this presents you with additional possibilities for increasing your frequency.


You are being offered the opportunity to rise above the seeming chaos and confusion that can accompany rapid change and shifts in energy.  Although this may seem to be a dichotomy, it becomes much clearer when approached from a different perspective.


As the external energy swirls around you, this is an excellent time to turn inward and operate from a centered focus within.  This will allow you to view external events from a more peaceful and higher perspective.  It will allow you to know that you are tapping into your inner guidance.


One way to turn inward is to focus on the breath.  This is a time-honored technique that has been taught by many Higher Beings over the millennia.  It is often overlooked because it may appear simple on the surface, but in reality, it is a gateway for connecting with your Soul. When you focus on your breath for a few moments, this allows you to stop thoughts that lead your attention away from your I AM center, or your Divine Spark within.  It allows you to connect with the portion of you that is real and to separate yourself from any external chaos.  It allows you to connect with the real you.  This is the beginning of reconnecting with your true divinity and your Being as an eternal Soul.


When you focus on the breath as it flows gently in and out, you begin to relax.  Cares and stresses seem to float away.  You become still and aware, centered and calm.  You tap into your own inner rhythm.  A gentle and peaceful flow emerges.  You radiate your own energy from your inner Being rather than reacting to external energy that is around you.  The longer you focus on your breath, the more in harmony you become with your own center.  You realize that you are a spirit inhabiting a body and that your greater connection is as a spark of the Supreme Creator.


You are a Divine Spark of the Supreme Creator, and you have  been sent forth to radiate Love and Light.  You have all of the inherent qualities of The Great I AM That I AM, or the Supreme Creator.  When you focus on the I AM, or Divine Spark, within your Sacred Heart Center, this connection with The Great I AM That I AM becomes even stronger.  The more you increase your focus on this connection, the brighter your Light will shine.  Your frequency will begin to vibrate at an even higher rate, which can elevate your perspective and help you remain centered during the shifts in energy.  You realize that you are part of something much greater than your individual Self and that you are connected with and are a part of the eternal Supreme Creator.


A natural outgrowth of focusing on the breath and an awareness of your Divine Spark is an increased feeling of love.  You may first feel love for the Supreme Creator.  This increases your awareness of your Divine Spark, and you realize that you carry within you a part of this great, boundless source of Divine Love.  This Divine Love resides in your Divine Spark within your Sacred Heart Center.  It is your true Self.  It is the eternal you, and it is always there.  When you relax and let your attention rest on your Divine Spark, you are able to feel this Love.  The more you focus on it, the stronger it becomes.  It grows and surrounds your entire Being, and you may feel an increased sense of Love and compassion for yourself.  This feeling can then expand to others around you.  It is a gentle flowing of Love and is part of your natural Self.


As you realize that this is your true Self, you may feel an increased desire to focus more and more on your Divine Spark.  The more you focus on it, the greater its radiance grows.  Because energy follows focus, you may find that this increased awareness of Divine Love begins to allow other concerns to fade when you are constantly aware of your true connection to Source.  Focusing on this connection allows you to remain centered in the love of the Supreme Creator and to know that this is an enduring bond that transcends time and space.  When this occurs, you are acting from your authentic Self.


As a result of living from your authentic Self, you may find an increased sense of peacefulness.  This allows you to view situations from a higher perspective and to see the bigger picture.  You are able to see the role that each person plays and to realize that you are securely anchored and centered in Divine Love.  Your frequency is one of Love.  You are able to return to center much more easily as situations occur around you.  The more often you pause, focus on the breath, and tune in to your Divine Spark, the more you will remain centered in Divine Love.  You become a living example of radiant Love and Light.


Beloved Ones, this is indeed a time to turn inward and focus on your true Divinity.  Allow the Love that resides within your Divine Spark to lift you to higher dimensions and even greater awareness.

Know that you are greatly loved in the Light.



I AM Archangel Zadkiel

…and I surround you with love
And so it is.


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Refining Your Walk on the Path of Light”

August 2012


Greetings My Beloved Ones,


You are now walking a higher path of Light. You have prevailed over many challenges and released pockets of old energetic patterns. You have transmuted and transformed energetic patterns of a lower vibration into ones of a higher vibration. You have stayed the course, and you have been rewarded with new and expanding vistas.


You are now refining your walk on the path of Light. Now your next adventure on your path begins. As you continue you walk on the higher path of Light, you may wish to review a few key points to assist you in your walk.


First, remain true to yourself and your ideals. As you walk a path of higher and higher vibration, it is important to follow your inner guidance and remain true to what is right for you and for the greatest good of all.


When you turn to your inner guidance for direction, you develop and refine your sense of discernment. You begin to notice subtle differences in situations and vibrations, and your ability to know whether they resonate with you increases. Your own internal barometer is being more keenly attuned. This allows you to refine your walk on the path of Light by knowing whether a situation is right for you. As you increase your discernment, you will develop degrees of determining the resonance of situations with your own vibration. You will be able to know whether a situation is totally in harmony with your vibration, whether certain aspects are in harmony and others are not, or whether the situation is not at all in harmony with you.


Discernment may come in different forms. You may feel a sensation in a part of the body such as the solar plexus. If you feel a tenseness in this area, the situation may not resonate with you. However, if you feel peace and harmony, this may indicate a more positive resonance. Discernment may also come in the form of an inner knowing of whether something is right for you. Whatever form your discernment takes, the more you practice discernment, the greater your skill of discerning will become.


While you remain true to yourself and your ideals, monitor your thoughts and feelings. This will allow you to be sure that what you are thinking and feeling is aligned with your ideals. Do not dwell on idle and random thoughts or things that you do not want. Because manifestation occurs much more rapidly in the accelerated energy that is now occurring, your thoughts will manifest much more quickly than in previous times. When a thought is charged with an intense emotion, the manifestation will be even more powerful. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your thoughts and emotions and to focus on what you desire and what is important to you.


Your thoughts and feelings have a symbiotic relationship with your frequency. Because thoughts of a loving and positive nature carry a higher frequency, when you focus on thoughts of this type, your vibration automatically rises to a higher frequency. The more intense the feelings that accompany these loving thoughts, the more rapidly your frequency will rise. It is as if you are being lifted to a higher level on a wave of Love.


Along with this rise, you may feel a lightness and an expanded Love for all of creation. The more you focus on Love and Light, the higher and brighter your own Light becomes. This allows you to experience a higher and wider view of events and dimensions, which can be accompanied by lighter and higher vibrations.


As you review what is important to you, focus your time and attention on things of the highest priority. Although you have necessary tasks that come along with experiencing a human lifetime on the earth plane, it is important that you are constantly aware of what your underlying values are. This will make the performance of everyday tasks take on a new meaning when your overall priorities are overlighting your day.


You may wish to review what is important to you to be certain that your desires are current with the expanded, higher state of being that you have attained. As you move to higher and higher levels of consciousness, your true inner desires may shift. A periodic review of what is important to you can help you make any adjustments that are needed to be congruent with your current path. In doing this, you are living in the now.


As you live in the present moment, you will be more open to receive new insights that are presented from your Higher Self and the Higher Beings of Light. This allows you to move to even more expanded vistas of understanding. Living in the now can be developed through habit and practice.


As you focus your attention on your highest priorities, make certain that you conduct yourself in accordance with your highest ideals. This means that you walk your talk. You are a living example of what you say you believe. You become transparent because you are at one with what is important to you. When you conduct yourself in accordance with your highest ideals, you can become an example of Love and Light for others. They will see your Light radiating forth from you, and this can inspire them to greater paths of their own.


When you walk your talk and conduct your life in accordance with your highest ideals, this also allows you to rise to higher and higher levels. The more that your actions are in harmony with your highest priorities and ideals, the more you are mastering that level of consciousness. It becomes who you are, and you radiate the frequency and Light of that level.


Beloved Ones, we rejoice that you are continuing your walk on the path of Light. You are very precious Lights, and you are radiating your beautiful inner essence for all to see. You are truly a Light on the path of ascension.


Know that you are greatly loved in the Light.




I AM Archangel Zadkiel

…and I surround you with love


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Re-Unification of Soul Fragments”

July 2012


Greetings My Beloved Ones,


This is Archangel Zadkiel with a message from The Divine Light.


Today, I would like, along with the assistance of the Divine Light, to bring through a message about the re-unification of the Soul fragments, for this is a most important aspect for each person to consider at this point in their path on the ascension process.


As you have had many incarnations on your Earth plane and on other planes, you have created a Soul fragment in each place to which you have journeyed.  Of course, you know that all time is happening all at once, but from your perspective in the third dimension, many times you have to view this as a linear process rather than a circular process that is happening all at once.  So from this perspective, if you consider this in whatever pattern, whether a linear pattern or a circular pattern, you have had many experiences both here on the Earth plane and here with us on the other realms.  Each time this has occurred, you have incarnated for a specific learning or a specific lesson.  Some lifetimes have been pleasant, some have been less than pleasant.  However, each lifetime contained a great lesson for you, and many times you did not realize the lesson until you journeyed back to the other side for a life review and a decision about how to move forward in your next incarnation.


With the many energy shifts that are occurring in these times, many of these past remembrances are coming forth to you.  They may occur during your pilgrimages to sacred sites, they may come to your awareness through something you are reading in a book, or they may come to you in a dream state.  However they come to you, it is important to spend some time in meditation with these past life remembrances, for indeed, they are Soul fragments that are part of your greater Soul, your greater Oversoul, and they need to be brought back into alignment in order for you to progress to the higher levels.


Each of these Soul fragments, after you examine it, transmute any unpleasant situations about it, and gain from the greater experience, will then line up into your Column of Light so that this will allow you to move to higher and higher levels.  The way to approach this is to first surround yourself with Love, for whatever experience is being brought back into your mind, know that in that particular lifetime or Soul fragment, you were there for a specific purpose of learning.  Therefore, it is to be approached from the heart center from a look of Love and greater understanding and compassion for what your Soul experienced at that particular point.


You may wish to call forth and ask for scenes to be shown to you, or it may be a general knowing that is coming forth to you.  Whichever it is, it does not have to be a complete lifetime that you are shown.  It may just be a snippet or a fragment or a particular scene of that lifetime.  Most likely what you are shown will be the crux of what you need to know to bring that aspect back into alignment with your Column of Light.


As you look at the situation and see what took place, you will most likely have a great sense of compassion for yourself and all others who were involved in that situation.  For before you incarnated into that situation, all of the other supporting players in your scenario also agreed to come forth to play their parts.  You each were there to help each other learn.  It was not a situation where you were being punished, or where you were being put in an exalted position just for the purpose of an experience.  You were there in that particular scenario for greater Soul growth, not only for yourself but for everyone involved.


When you look at things from this perspective, you are able to surround it with the Violet transmuting Flame of Light to bring balance and harmony and to give thanks for the part each one played in this particular scenario.  You may ask for anything that needs to be brought into balance to be transmuted and transformed by the Violet Flame.  This may be followed with filling the situation, and each person involved, with the beautiful Light that comes from above, for indeed, these contain the Adamantine Particles of Light, which can transform not only the situation but each person involved.  When this happens and you realize within your own Being what life lesson was learned or what the purpose of the scenario was, then you are able to bring that fragment of understanding back into your own ascension Column of Light that contains your greater Soul, your Higher Self, or your Oversoul.


As more and more of these fragments line up into your Column of Light, you are able to progress to higher and higher levels.  Many of you are finding that these Soul fragments are coming very rapidly into your awareness.  This is a great gift, for as each fragment comes into your awareness, you are able to review it by the process we have given you, and you are able to allow this to move into your Column of Light.  As you gain understanding about these situations, these are lessons you are incorporating into your greater Soul so that you do not have to repeat these experiences again, for you have gained the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that came from the experience that you have just transmuted and brought back forth into your Column of Light.


Your Column of Light will grow brighter and brighter as you review each experience and each Soul fragment and bring it back into harmony with the greater Oversoul that exists.  As more and more of these fragments are brought into harmony, you will feel a gradual rising of your entire Being into higher and higher levels.  You are moving up through the dimensions and through the levels within each dimension.  It is a gradual rising that occurs because you are looking at each situation with Love.  You are showing Love and compassion for each aspect of yourself and for all others involved.  This gradually lightens your load, so to speak, and brings back into harmony all aspects of yourself.  Just as a balloon rises when it is released, so you begin to rise to the higher and higher levels.  This is the intended plan, for re-unification and harmony with all other Light Beings and ultimately with the Creator Source is the plan that has been there all along.


You are leaders in the forefront of this process, for you are brave in looking at the Soul fragments and bringing them back into harmony.  As you do this, you help to light the way for others, just as those who have gone before you are lighting the way for you.  Throughout this process, this provides an unbroken bridge of Light that stretches from your current third dimension all the way into the highest dimensions imaginable and even to those beyond your wildest imaginings.  This is as it has always been in the intended plan, and we are very happy that you are participating in this process, for we in the Divine Light need all of you as Lightworkers to participate.  The more of you who participate, the easier it is for all.


We wish to encourage you to continue to welcome forth your Soul fragments for examination with Love and compassion and for transmuting them, incorporating the lessons, and bringing them into your Column of Light.


We surround you greatly with the golden white Light of the Divine Creator.  Know that you are greatly loved, and we are ever present with you.


We surround you with the golden Love and Light that is around everything.




I AM Archangel Zadkiel with the Divine Light

…and we surround you with love

And so it is.


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“The Balanced Light of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine”

June 2012


Greetings My Beloved Ones,


This is Archangel Zadkiel with a message from The Divine Light.


Beloveds, there are Light Codes for the Divine Feminine, just as there are for the Divine Masculine.  They are both aspects of the Divine Light.  When they are in balance and harmony, the Light flows freely and shines brightly with all of its colors in full magnificence and radiance.  All of the aspects of God-hood and Christed-Light are present and shining brightly.  This was the Divine Plan for balance and harmony to reign supreme.


Through the ages the balance of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Light has not always been maintained, and this has caused much distress for both males and females, for each carry within them both the masculine and feminine aspects.  When they are balanced, individuals – whether male or female – exhibit and express the qualities of caring, nurturing, compassion, and love balanced in equal measure with strength, power, and action.  It is this state to which humanity must return in order to ascend.


In a third-dimensional environment the two aspects of masculine and feminine are necessarily separate, since the third dimension is one of duality.  The task is for the two aspects to flourish side by side in balance and harmony.  It is not a matter of selecting one over the other, for in reality, one cannot exist without the other.  Each aspect carries qualities that support the other aspect.  When the aspects are out-of-balance, both aspects are weakened.  It may appear on the surface to be a battle for supremacy, but in reality, it is a struggle for survival.  The aspect being dominated or suppressed is fighting to be heard and recognized as valuable.  The dominating aspect is also fighting for survival, for it feels that it could lose its dominating position at any moment.  This creates fear in both aspects.  The dominated aspect fears that it will not be heard and appreciated, while the dominating aspect fears that it will lose its position of power.  Both aspects are suffering from fear with the only difference being that of degree.  On the surface, it may appear to be a win-lose situation, but in reality it is a lose-lose situation because each aspect is controlled by fear.


When you rise above the third-dimensional drama and view the situation from a higher perspective, you are able to see the unfolding drama as it really is – a separation of the masculine and feminine aspects in which each is controlled by fear.  As long as each aspect remains entrenched in its position, fear and disharmony will continue.


This is felt by the individual as a war within.  The inner aspects of masculine and feminine carried within each person (Soul) are crying out to be heard and appreciated.  Neither aspect is happy existing in a vacuum without its balanced counterpart.  The unbalanced masculine aspect may appear as forceful, dominating, and uncaring.  The unbalanced feminine aspect may appear as weak and submissive.  However, when the two are balanced, these qualities become assets.  The balanced masculine aspect becomes assertive and action-oriented.  The balanced feminine aspect becomes loving, nurturing, and compassionate.  Each quality has its mirror image in the masculine and feminine aspects.


The ascending individual Soul brings the two aspects into balance and harmony by looking within and appreciating both aspects.  By reviewing the positive characteristics of both the masculine and the feminine aspects, each aspect with its respective characteristics will become stronger and more balanced.  It will change from a lose-lose situation to a win-win situation because the masculine aspect appreciates the feminine, and vice versa.  The united and balanced masculine and feminine aspects become stronger together than either could have been separately.  When this occurs, the Divine Light codes for each aspect fit together to form a unified whole in much the same way that pieces of a puzzle fit together.  This coming together and balancing of aspects begins by loving and appreciating the positive aspects of both the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.


When you set your intent to love and appreciate the qualities of each, these qualities will come into your awareness as you see them both in yourself and others.  When you see strength used in a caring way, you will recognize the contribution of the strength of the masculine and the caring of the feminine.  When you see compassion combined with action to produce something beneficial, you will recognize the compassion of the feminine with the action of the masculine.  You will begin to see that when each quality is tempered with love and used for the greatest good of all, the aspects of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine begin to come into balance and harmony.  When balance and harmony occur, this results in a higher vibration or frequency and allows the individual to rise to a higher level.


As more and more of you become more balanced, humanity itself begins to ascend.  Light pours through in greater brilliance to those who are aware and working toward harmony and balance, and in turn, they shine and radiate it forth for the betterment of all.  It is a circular, spiraling process that allows the individual and humanity to ascend to higher and higher levels.  When this occurs, your beautiful, balanced Light radiates out into the Universe and the Omniverse.


Beloveds, we wish for you to appreciate your beneficial aspects of both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.  Look within yourself, and focus on the beneficial qualities of the Divine Masculine that you carry.  Then do the same for the beneficial qualities of the Divine Feminine.  Send love to these qualities of each aspect, and feel them blossom and expand with the brilliance of your Light.  Ask that they be balanced within you for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.  This will help to open your channels to absorb more Adamantine Particles of Light, which will help to activate the Light packets containing the Light Codes for the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.  As you do this, you experience balance and harmony within yourself, and you become a shining example of the balanced Light of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.


We rejoice in your return to Divine balance and harmony.  You are greatly loved in the Light.



I AM Archangel Zadkiel

…and I enfold you with love

And so it is.


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Embracing Your Divine Feminine Aspect”

May 2012


Greetings My Beloved Ones,


This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, my counterpart, bringing you a message from The Divine Light.


Today we wish to talk with you about the importance of embracing The Divine Feminine within. As you know, you are composed of the masculine and feminine essences, regardless of which form is outermost in this lifetime.


I, Archangel Zadkiel, am the Archangel of the Seventh Ray. Lady Amethyst is my counterpart and Archai or Female Archangel of the Seventh Ray. Together we form the complete picture of the Archangelic Realm of the Seventh Ray, which embodies ceremonial order, harmony, balance, freedom, and the Violet Flame of purification. We as a complete whole combine both the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine aspects of the Seventh Ray.


When you burst forth from the Supreme Creator as a Divine Spark, you were both male and female in equal measure. There was no separation, for you embodied all of the characteristics of both. You were a complete Being.


As you journeyed down through the aeons, you began to separate into Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine representations. In some lifetimes you expressed the masculine aspect. In others, the feminine aspect prevailed. However, at your core, you retained both aspects.


In different eras of time, each gender prevailed. In some societies the Divine Feminine was revered and was in control. These matriarchal societies brought forth a loving essence and a tenderness for those qualities of love, caring and compassion. In other times, the Divine Masculine prevailed. Strength, power and control were in evidence in those times. It seemed that there was always one or the other which prevailed, but never both in evidence at the same time. During certain eras the qualities of the gender not in dominance were scorned and made to feel less than the gender in control. Even during your current times, it has seemed to be a battle of the sexes. This is really a misnomer, for in reality, it is an inner struggle for both aspects to come into balance.


You have moved past the time when one aspect could prevail over the other. In the coming times of the higher dimensions and the ascension, it is necessary for the Divine nature of both the masculine and feminine to come into balance. The true path to returning to your Divine origins is to embrace a balance of both aspects and to honor the qualities that each brings. It is only when you embrace the best of both aspects that you can truly feel complete. You were designed to be an expression of the highest of both masculine and feminine, and it is time to reclaim this birthright.


Many of you are experiencing a lifetime in which the masculine aspects have been in control of your society. Rather than debate the merits of this, instead focus on the strengths of the Divine Masculine. It brings power, control, strength, protection, and a dedication of purpose. These qualities bring a necessary component to the whole. However, they do not form a complete picture.


The Divine Feminine brings love, compassion, caring, and a desire to help others as strong qualities that contribute to the whole. Without these qualities, the Divine Masculine will ultimately fail, just as the Divine Feminine cannot be successful without the qualities of the Divine Masculine.


Beloveds, in this era, it is time for you to call forth both the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine within your Being. Both are contained within your Divine Spark and are waiting for you to ignite them with your intent and your desire. When you do this, you will begin to develop a balanced way of being so that you can move forward with the best of both aspects and tame the portions of those aspects that do not serve the highest good of all. When you bring forth the best aspects of each, this automatically tempers the less desirable aspects of the other. For example, the strength and power aspect of the Divine Masculine are tempered by the love and compassion of the Divine Feminine. The preponderance to control and dominate by the Divine Masculine is tempered by the caring aspect of the Divine Feminine. It is a system of checks and balances when the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine are in harmony and balance.


When assertiveness turns into aggression in the Divine Masculine, it is changes back to assertiveness when the Divine Feminine tempers it with caring and love. In the Divine Feminine when an overabundance of caring leads to weakness, it is brought back into balance by the assertive aspect of the Divine Masculine.


It is a matter of having both the masculine and the feminine aspects assume equal importance and value in your Being. When you value and appreciate the qualities of each part of your Being, you are beginning to return to harmony and balance, which are essential for moving forward in your ascension.


To begin this process, realize that you have spent many incarnations in both the masculine and the feminine genders. You have done this so that you can experience the duality of living a separated existence. This has not been easy, and we commend you for taking this difficult path on your way to reunification of the gender aspect.


Think of the ways you have expressed the Divine Masculine in this lifetime, no matter what your current expression of gender, for even though you may be a female in this incarnation, you are still expressing masculine aspects. Perhaps, you have shown strength, bravery, power, control or the ability to take a stand even when it was an unpopular one. You may have been able to withstand many hardships in time of need.


Then think of the ways you have expressed the Divine Feminine in this lifetime, even though you may currently be in a masculine incarnation. Perhaps you have shown love, compassion, caring, and a willingness to step up and defend others who are being discriminated against.


As you continue your list of traits of both the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, you can see where you have expressed both patterns. If you find that one list overpowers the other, you can see whether you would like to find a balance with the particular traits that need to be harmonized. For example, if you find that you are too outspoken and attack others when you speak, you may decide to phrase your statements in a way in which you can express your feelings with equal passion but without attacking others in the process. By doing this, you are combining the masculine aspects of strength and passion with the feminine aspects of respect and compassion. It is not necessary or desirable to place one aspect above another. The goal is to bring both aspects into harmony and balance.


A very important aspect of this balance is to value and respect each aspect. It is no longer acceptable to feel that one aspect is superior to another, for this will lead to a continuation of the separation of aspects. The masculine and feminine aspects must be brought into balance in order to ascend. Picture and feel the positive qualities of the masculine aspect, and picture and feel the positive qualities of the feminine aspect. Then combine and feel the two aspects working in harmony and balance.


Beloveds, this is what will bring you back into wholeness and will exponentially move you forward into the ascension process.


This is why we, Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, Archangels of the Seventh Ray, have come forward together to bring this message of reunification of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. In reality we are one. We are different aspects of the One. Look within yourself and recognize the two aspects of the One. Bring forth the best of each aspect, and allow them to work together in harmony for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.


We rejoice in both aspects of your Divine Being.


You are greatly loved in The Light.


WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com