“Living in the Flow”

February 2013


Greetings Beloved Ones,


We are Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Transformation, and we come to you in Love and Light.


Living in the flow is a feature of the new higher dimensional energy.  It has a quality of aliveness and freshness that can carry you to new levels of awareness.


Living in the flow begins with a desire and intention to be in harmony with this energy that connects everything.  You want to be part of this gentle flow that carries you from one moment to the next.


Living in the flow means being open and aware.  You are focused on what you are doing in the moment.  You are not thinking about the past or the future.  You are not remembering what you did yesterday or wondering what you will do tomorrow.  You are totally focused on the present.  If you are eating, you are aware of the taste and texture of your food.  If you are working on a project, you are fully engaged on the part of the project that you are completing in that moment.  You are aware of your surroundings – the temperature of the air, whether there is a gentle breeze, the quality of the light.  If you are talking with someone, you are fully focused on what they are saying.  You are aware of the feelings behind their words.


Being fully present in the moment increases your awareness and opens the channel of communication between you, your Higher Self, and your guides and teachers.  When you are fully present in the moment, your mental and spiritual channels are clear, and you are able to receive the flow of insights as they are sent.  It is always being tuned in to what is available for you.


As you are living in the flow, several elements and attributes can assist you in your ascension.


Having open spaces in your routine allows new insights to come into your awareness.  It may be perceived as spaces between thoughts – that space between the end of one thought and the beginning of the next thought.  It is those moments when your awareness moves between dimensions and you transcend the limitations of living only in one dimension.  You become aware of the vastness of the Universe, the worlds beyond, and of all of the wonders that are there.


You may also have the sensation of living as a human being rather than a human doing.  You are aware that you are a beautiful spirit living within a physical body.  You realize that you are much more than what you are doing at the moment.  You glide with the energy and are aware that you are one with it and everything that is.


Non-attachment allows you to flow with the movement of the energy.  Keeping an open mind allows your awareness to increase as higher dimensional energy expands your consciousness.  When you are not attached to a certain position or outcome, you open yourself to the unlimited possibilities that the Universe has to offer.  Such possibilities may be even greater than what you can imagine.


Releasing attachment to a desired outcome may be needed in order for an even greater outcome to materialize.  An attachment, including the emotions that accompany it, is often tied to a certain dimensional level.  If you do not want to release this attachment or desire for a certain thing, you may be limiting what is possible for your progress.


Asking for the highest good places you in alignment with the upward flow of energy.


An attribute related to non-attachment is non-judgment.  Judgment and its accompanying emotions tie you to a certain energetic point.  Each thought and emotion carries a certain vibration and frequency.  When you judge the actions of another person or group, your energy is focused on the particular vibration of what you perceive to be less than positive.  Even though you may also be aware of positive qualities of the person, your judgment will keep your energy stuck at the level of the judgment.


For example, if you judge a person’s actions as wrong and you are angry at those actions, your energy is focused on anger.  This keeps your energy stuck and prevents you from rising to a higher level.  If, on the other hand, you look at what has happened and acknowledge that even though you don’t agree with what the other person did but you focus on their Divine Spark, you are able to let go of the judgment.  You are able to focus your attention on the positive qualities of the person, which in turn, frees your energy and allows you to rise to a higher energetic level.


The last point for this transmission is to stand in your truth.  When you are true to yourself, you are able to flow with the higher energy in a way that brings your greatest advancement.  Being true to yourself provides you a guideline by which to assess all decisions as to whether they are a good fit for you.  This releases judgment because you are only determining whether a course of action is right for you.  You are not judging whether it is appropriate for others.  This frees you to flow with the energy and to be open to all that is available to you.


Beloveds, we commend you for flowing with the new higher dimensional energy.  It will carry you to new heights and expand your awareness to unlimited horizons.

Know that you are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given.  Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission.  Email:  [email protected]

Website:  www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Manifesting With Higher Dimensional Energy”

January 2013


Greetings Beloved Ones,


We are Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray, the Ray of Violet Light and the Violet Flame, and we come to you in Love and Light.


You have now entered a new phase of higher dimensional Light. This Light has a much higher frequency, and you have achieved a level of progression to work with this higher dimensional Light. This Light carries qualities and attributes that allow for much more rapid manifestation than has previously been available. Because of your diligent work, you understand the gifts and responsibilities that come with working with this new Light.


As a review, remaining in a state of Love is necessary in order to access this higher dimensional Light. This is a safeguard to prevent this magnificent energy from being misused. Because it is so powerful and acts so quickly, it was necessary for this safeguard to be put into place. When you remain in a state of Love and make your requests for manifestation to be for the highest good of all, you are coming from a higher perspective and recognize the need for universality of highest good.


When you set your intent to manifest from a state of Love and highest good, this is a beginning point for using the new and higher energy. Your intent sets the tone. As you spend some time each day focusing on your heart center and the Love within your Divine Spark, you reinforce and expand your capacity to Love. This allows you to remain centered and to keep your focus on the highest good for all.


When you have taken this step, you are able to dream bigger dreams for manifesting even greater things because you are viewing things from a higher perspective. You are able to see all phases and possible outcomes of a manifestation that you are considering. This allows you to select an outcome and make any adjustments prior to focusing on what you wish to manifest.


Once you have a refined picture in mind of what you wish to manifest, you can then apply your loving energy to this process as you begin to take the action steps necessary for your manifestion.


This higher dimensional Light vibrates at a much faster rate and has colors that are not currently visible to the human eye. These are the colors and frequencies of the new energy. This is the Light of what you might consider new creation because it is far beyond what you have previously known. This Light can be molded and blended into many forms based on your thoughts and intentions. A focused thought powered by Love and accompanied by diligently applied actions toward the desired goal can result in a manifestation that may seem very rapid.


Each day you may wish to review your progress toward you desired goal. Stay in the present moment, and make necessary adjustments to your desired manifestations. They occur in the etheric before appearing in the physical. Pay special attention to your intentions, your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions that occur during the day. You can transmute with the Violet Flame anything that was less than your ideal and refocus your intentions with Love toward your goal. This will allow the higher dimensional energy to continue flowing because you are remaining in a state of Love and desire for highest good.


Because your manifestations begin with your energetic signature, you may wish to meditate or focus each day on the qualities that you would like to surround your manifestations. Focusing on qualities such as love, peace, harmony, and highest good will keep your vibration at a higher level and will allow you to bring these attributes to your creations. These are the energetic building blocks that bring in the higher Light for your manifestations.


Maintaining a balance between your Divine Masculine and your Divine Feminine aspects will also allow you to receive more of this higher Light. It contains all of the attributes of each aspect and can be used most effectively by those who maintain a balance of their personal attributes of masculine and feminine.


The more you continue this process of energetic refinement, the more of the higher dimensional Light you can receive. This spectrum of Light continues far beyond what humanity can imagine. It continues for what could be considered octaves of Light with each succeeding octave being a higher quality and frequency. As you continue to progress on your path, more and more of this Light will be opened to you.


With the opening of higher frequencies, a dispensation has been made for you to progress as far as you desire according to your level of development. The more you refine your inner Being, the more access you have to this rarified Light. It is the Divine plan for you on your ascension path.


It is truly the Light of the spheres.


Beloveds, we honor you for the role you are playing in the ascension of your Earth and all of humanity, as well as your own ascension. Know that you are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Receive The Light”

December 2012


Greetings My Beloved Ones,


This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we come to you from the Violet Ray of Transmutation and Transformation.


Beloveds, we welcome you to receive the Light.  You have journeyed far and wide to progress on your path of ascension, and now it is time to receive the Light of expanded consciousness.  This is a time of rejoicing, for you are shifting into a higher state of awareness.


A higher quality of Light is being sent to you and your planet during these times of accelerated ascension.  This Light has a higher frequency and potential than what has previously been available.  Therefore, many opportunities are there for you to incorporate and work with this higher vibration in order to assist you in your personal ascension.


The Rays of Light are being infused with higher-level Christed Light, and this will bring about an upshift in your vibration and chakras when you focus on this Light and transmute and balance any old energy that you wish to release as you go forward.  Using the Violet Flame to transmute this old energy can help you prepare your chakras to receive this refined Light.


Many infusions of refined Light are being sent.  This offers you an opportunity to advance at your own rate.  You are being sent many infusions so that the releasing and balancing process is done in a sequence rather than all at once.  This makes the process of upshifting much easier for you to assimilate.


The infusions of refined Light are vibrating at a higher frequency than what you may have been accustomed to experiencing.  When this higher frequency Light contacts a lower frequency energy, it has a tendency to dislodge the lower energetic pattern and bring it to the surface.  It is not a matter of judgment.  It is simply a pattern of energetic nature.


Each time you receive an infusion of refined Light, you have the opportunity to look at what is being presented and decide whether to release what is being brought to your attention.  Great progress can be made by extracting the lesson that surrounds the old energy prior to releasing it.  You can then use the Violet Flame to transmute and transform each packet of old energy that you are releasing.

By using this process of transmutation and transformation, the energy that you are releasing and sending forth has been balanced and returned to a neutral point.  Therefore, it will not cause harm to others as it is released.  This also prepares you to receive the higher vibrational Light because, in the transmutation process, you have forgiven, transmuted, transformed, balanced, and released core, seed patterns.  You are moving forward with a clear energetic pattern, and this allows you to receive the higher vibrational Light.  It is a process similar to preparing the soil for planting by removing any weeds or old plant material and turning the soil before planting new seeds.  When you prepare the soil of your energetic pattern, you are ready to receive the seeds of a new and expanded consciousness.


This is an ongoing process, for there are unlimited levels of consciousness to which you can ascend.  Each level unfolds into the next level.  It is as if the boundaries of the previous levels dissolve, and a new vista unfolds for you to behold.  You have incorporated all the learning and understanding at one level, and you carry this understanding with you as you move to the next level.  It is similar to progressing through the grades in school, where you master one level of knowledge and carry it forward as you incorporate new knowledge.  It is also similar to looking through a telescope.  You can look at where you have been and recognize it, even though you are no longer there.  You can also see your progress and know that you have incorporated greater understanding.  You know that, if it is your desire, you will continue to progress, for you know that it is the nature of the universe to expand to incorporate greater understanding.


In receiving the Light, along with an expanded consciousness will come a greater capacity to love.  The higher Rays of Light contain a much greater percentage of adamantine particles of Light, which can only be accessed through love.  The more you increase your capacity to love through raising your vibration, the higher the quality of Light you can receive.


The releasing of old energetic patterns will allow you to receive this increased quality of Light and to experience a greater connection with All That Is.  Tuning in to this vibration of love and letting it expand your heart center will allow you to increase your own capacity to feel love for all beings – human, plant, animal, the earth, your universe, and all universes beyond.  The expansion of your capacity to love is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and all of humanity, for this is what will allow humanity to ascend.


When you feel an expanded capacity to love, your aura radiates out to touch many Souls who are around you.  As they feel your radiance, it may spark a recognition within them of their own Divinity.  You can serve as a Way-Shower simply by being your loving self around those with whom you interact.  Love touches hearts in a way that far exceeds what words can do.  You become a living example of Love and Light.


Beloveds, you may wish to spend some time each day focusing on the higher Light that is being sent and what it brings to your awareness.  In this way, you are consciously choosing your path of advancement to higher consciousness at your own individual pace that feels right for you.  By receiving the Light, you are receiving the gifts that are divinely yours.


Beloveds, we rejoice in your path of progression and ascension.


Know that you are greatly loved in the Light.




WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com


November 2012


Greetings My Beloved Ones,


This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with my counterpart, Holy Lady Amethyst.  We represent the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine aspects of the Seventh Ray of Transmutation and Transformation.  Together we represent the balanced aspect of this ray.


We wish to speak to you about the importance of balance in these great times of ascension.


You have made very rapid progress on your path.  You have received and integrated many higher energies.  This has allowed you to move to higher levels of awareness and progression.


As you move to higher and higher levels, it is important to achieve and maintain balance in all areas of life.  Balancing the masculine and feminine aspects is especially important because they have been out of balance for a long time.


At the higher levels these aspects are integrated in one whole.  There is no division.  These are simply aspects of the one.  Therefore, there is not a choice to be made of which is better, for both are needed for the one to be balanced and function and progress in the manner that is representative of the higher dimensions.


As you burst forth as a spark from the Supreme Creator – the Source – you were in complete unity, harmony, and balance.  As you entered the dimensions of duality, it was necessary for you to split into two parts of masculine and feminine energy.  It was never intended that these two parts be considered separate and functioning without the other.  The interdependence of the two aspects is necessary for the proper functioning of the whole.  In an energetic sense, the electrical aspect of the masculine is balanced with the magnetic aspect of the feminine.  Together, the two aspects function as a unit.  Optimal energy is achieved when the aspects are in balance.


Because you have been living in the duality of the third dimension, this separation has appeared to be the norm.  Now, it is time to view this separation from a higher perspective and realize that it is just an illusion that one aspect can function without the other.


In the example of the Archangelic Realm, at the level of the Rays, there is the masculine and the feminine aspect.  In reality, we are one.  For your understanding, we appear as two – the masculine and the feminine.  However, there must be both aspects together for us to carry out the functions of the Ray we represent.


When the aspects are viewed from an energetic perspective, the need for balance is apparent.  In order for the ebb and flow of proper functioning, both aspects are needed.  If the pushing forward of the masculine is done without the tempering balance of love and compassion of the feminine, then it becomes a hard force that eventually will implode.  The feminine energy of love and compassion needs the pushing, dynamic force of the masculine in order to move ahead into new territory.  Together, new levels and optimal functioning can be achieved because the necessary qualities of both aspects are present.


As you look at yourself as an energetic Being, you can see that one aspect is dominant.  However, the other aspect is present, even though it is not in the forefront.  As you view yourself as a total Being, you can appreciate the qualities of both aspects of masculine and feminine and realize that both are necessary for you to move forward.  This releases you from having to choose one quality over the other, and it allows you to appreciate and cultivate both aspects.  As you begin to do this, you become more balanced.  The energetic flow of energy begins to move back and forth in a rhythmic pattern that allows for forward movement in a balanced, harmonious way.  It is like the gentle movement of water within a container.  When there is slight movement, it flows back and forth in a gentle way.  Each side of the container could be considered an aspect.  Each side is necessary for the gentle movement back and forth to occur.  It is the same way with your own energetic patterns.  When the masculine and feminine aspects are balanced, your energy flows in harmony.


When your energy is balanced and harmonious, you begin to approach life in a more balanced way.  It is no longer an either-or process.  You begin to see the finer points of situations.  You can appreciate the masculine and feminine aspects of a situation and those aspects of yourself in the way in which you approach the situation.  You are able to call forth the aspects that will be most productive for the situation and know that the other aspect is there to temper and assist.


This can lead to a calmness of mind and spirit throughout your entire Being.  Because you are balanced, you move forward with a flowing ease that allows you to see the bigger picture and the larger order of the Universe.  You appreciate both aspects of yourself and the qualities of each, and this allows you to use both aspects to go forward and create what your heart desires.  Because you have recognized that you have within you the qualities of each aspect, you are able to create with confidence and passion.  Your outer world reflects your inner world.  The more balanced your inner world, the more balanced your outer world.


Beloveds, we encourage you to assess, appreciate, and nurture the aspects of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine within yourself.  You may wish to spend a few moments each day in this process.  This will allow you to move more rapidly toward balance and harmony with your masculine and feminine aspects.  When you do this and combine it with love, you will continue your rise and ascension to the higher dimensions.


Know that we are with you on your sacred journey.





WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Living in the Present Moment”

October 2012


Greetings My Beloved Ones,


You are making rapid process on your path of ascension, as the opportunities for advancing are increasing moment by moment.  Many new gateways and portals to the higher dimensions are opening.  These openings are available to everyone who has a sincere desire to progress and who is working for the highest good of all.


In these times of rapid advancement, it is advantageous to remember that in the higher dimensions there is no time and space.  Everything is occurring simultaneously.  There are many dimensions and many realities.  In the 3D world events and situations have been presented in a linear fashion because previously this is what the consciousness could imagine.


Now you have an expanded consciousness, and you are beginning to comprehend that everything is happening simultaneously.  In the 3D reality this may appear in many ways.  Situations seem to manifest much more rapidly.  There is much less of a seeming gap between cause and effect.


Things that have been hidden from awareness are rising to the surface to be examined to determine whether they are congruent with the new reality.  Each examination and determination of situations and events takes on a new meaning.  It has moved from a point of judgment to a place of determining whether it fits with the new reality.  This is done with a calm, loving point of view and is used to determine whether it will advance humanity on the path of ascension.  This allows you to separate the act or the situation from the individual or group from which the situation originated.  Loving thoughts and acts lift you from one level of awareness to the next.


Because the energy is moving so rapidly, it is of utmost importance to remain centered and focused in the present moment.  Living in the present moment has many advantages.  It allows you to see all sides of a situation.  You can more fully comprehend not only what is happening on the surface of the situation but also what the bigger implications are.  You may be able to see how a slight change of perception or thought can lead to new awareness and higher outcomes.  Very often a shift in the energy and perception of one person can benefit others in a situation or environment.


Being fully present in the moment allows you to conduct yourself according to your highest ideals and in accordance with your ever-expanding consciousness.  You are able to remain focused on your higher consciousness and know that what is occurring has much bigger implications for your progression than the seemingly surface event.  Because the veil is thinning, you have the ability to view events from a universal and galactic perspective.


Things that would have previously caused irritation in the 3D seem to float away and not disturb your peaceful demeanor.  It is as if you have the ability to view events in a telescoping fashion.  You are able to zoom in and out from the surface 3D view and perspective to the higher dimensional perspective and back down again.  When you zoom in and out in looking at a situation, after you have viewed things from a higher perspective, you bring back a much higher understanding.


When you focus on the present moment and view actions from a universal perspective, you are able to remain centered on what you are doing each moment.  Your higher perspective allows you to be aware of whether each thought and action is moving you toward ascension.  It allows you to be aware of how each action affects others, the planet, and the universe and galactic realms.  Because everything is energy, each thought or action ripples out into the greater whole.


Focusing on the present moment also allows you to receive incoming information more easily.  You may find that your intuition and perception increase when you do this.  By remaining focused on the present moment, you are clearing away mind clutter that can cloud this incoming information in the same way that static prevents clear reception when using electronic technology.


The energy that is being sent from the higher dimensions is constantly changing.  It can change moment by moment.  What appeared to be true a few moments ago can literally change in an instant.  Being aware of the present moment allows you to receive the new energy and determine whether it fits with your path of advancement.  A seemingly small packet of higher energy can often lead to new awareness and insight.  It is as if the old and the new are existing simultaneously, but in reality, they are presented together for you to choose whether to remain where you are for the moment or whether to incorporate the new energy into your being and move to the next level of awareness.


Because these packets of energy are being sent with increasing frequency, it is important to live in the present moment so that you will recognize them when they occur.  Light packets of new energy are constantly swirling around you for you to reach out and invite in for examination.  The more you focus on the present moment, the more you are able to recognize these packets of higher understanding.


Many times new packets of energy and information are sent to increase understanding of current awareness.  You will begin to see the synchronicity of events.  By remaining clear and present, you are able to see how the threads and packets fit together, for nothing exists in isolation.  All energy is interrelated.


When this occurs, you begin to see yourself as a multidimensional Being of Light, and you begin to incorporate the understanding that you are a spirit living in a temporary human existence and that all is becoming multidimensional.  Each new understanding lifts you to higher levels and dimensions, and you are able to incorporate even higher understanding.  You rise higher and higher in the dimensions and see the wonder of the grand design of the Supreme Creator.


When this happens, you realize that the hologram of this grand design is contained in the present moment and that by living in the present moment, you are a part of All That Is.


Beloveds, we rejoice in your awareness of the present moment, and we send you much Love and Light.




I AM Archangel Zadkiel

…and I surround you with love
And so it is.


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Your Divine Spark Within”

September 2012


Greetings Beloved Ones,


You are continuing to progress rapidly on your path of ascension.  Many external circumstances may appear to be shifting, and this presents you with additional possibilities for increasing your frequency.


You are being offered the opportunity to rise above the seeming chaos and confusion that can accompany rapid change and shifts in energy.  Although this may seem to be a dichotomy, it becomes much clearer when approached from a different perspective.


As the external energy swirls around you, this is an excellent time to turn inward and operate from a centered focus within.  This will allow you to view external events from a more peaceful and higher perspective.  It will allow you to know that you are tapping into your inner guidance.


One way to turn inward is to focus on the breath.  This is a time-honored technique that has been taught by many Higher Beings over the millennia.  It is often overlooked because it may appear simple on the surface, but in reality, it is a gateway for connecting with your Soul. When you focus on your breath for a few moments, this allows you to stop thoughts that lead your attention away from your I AM center, or your Divine Spark within.  It allows you to connect with the portion of you that is real and to separate yourself from any external chaos.  It allows you to connect with the real you.  This is the beginning of reconnecting with your true divinity and your Being as an eternal Soul.


When you focus on the breath as it flows gently in and out, you begin to relax.  Cares and stresses seem to float away.  You become still and aware, centered and calm.  You tap into your own inner rhythm.  A gentle and peaceful flow emerges.  You radiate your own energy from your inner Being rather than reacting to external energy that is around you.  The longer you focus on your breath, the more in harmony you become with your own center.  You realize that you are a spirit inhabiting a body and that your greater connection is as a spark of the Supreme Creator.


You are a Divine Spark of the Supreme Creator, and you have  been sent forth to radiate Love and Light.  You have all of the inherent qualities of The Great I AM That I AM, or the Supreme Creator.  When you focus on the I AM, or Divine Spark, within your Sacred Heart Center, this connection with The Great I AM That I AM becomes even stronger.  The more you increase your focus on this connection, the brighter your Light will shine.  Your frequency will begin to vibrate at an even higher rate, which can elevate your perspective and help you remain centered during the shifts in energy.  You realize that you are part of something much greater than your individual Self and that you are connected with and are a part of the eternal Supreme Creator.


A natural outgrowth of focusing on the breath and an awareness of your Divine Spark is an increased feeling of love.  You may first feel love for the Supreme Creator.  This increases your awareness of your Divine Spark, and you realize that you carry within you a part of this great, boundless source of Divine Love.  This Divine Love resides in your Divine Spark within your Sacred Heart Center.  It is your true Self.  It is the eternal you, and it is always there.  When you relax and let your attention rest on your Divine Spark, you are able to feel this Love.  The more you focus on it, the stronger it becomes.  It grows and surrounds your entire Being, and you may feel an increased sense of Love and compassion for yourself.  This feeling can then expand to others around you.  It is a gentle flowing of Love and is part of your natural Self.


As you realize that this is your true Self, you may feel an increased desire to focus more and more on your Divine Spark.  The more you focus on it, the greater its radiance grows.  Because energy follows focus, you may find that this increased awareness of Divine Love begins to allow other concerns to fade when you are constantly aware of your true connection to Source.  Focusing on this connection allows you to remain centered in the love of the Supreme Creator and to know that this is an enduring bond that transcends time and space.  When this occurs, you are acting from your authentic Self.


As a result of living from your authentic Self, you may find an increased sense of peacefulness.  This allows you to view situations from a higher perspective and to see the bigger picture.  You are able to see the role that each person plays and to realize that you are securely anchored and centered in Divine Love.  Your frequency is one of Love.  You are able to return to center much more easily as situations occur around you.  The more often you pause, focus on the breath, and tune in to your Divine Spark, the more you will remain centered in Divine Love.  You become a living example of radiant Love and Light.


Beloved Ones, this is indeed a time to turn inward and focus on your true Divinity.  Allow the Love that resides within your Divine Spark to lift you to higher dimensions and even greater awareness.

Know that you are greatly loved in the Light.



I AM Archangel Zadkiel

…and I surround you with love
And so it is.


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com