“The Importance of Sanctuary”

August 2013


Greetings Beloved Ones,


This is Archangel Zadkiel along with Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we wish to discuss the importance of sanctuary.

Sanctuary is that place which is special and spiritual to you as an individual.  It is the place where you receive inspiration, renewal, and refreshment.  Your sanctuary can be a grotto of trees beside a stream, a garden of flowers, an outcropping of stones, or a special structure such as a room in your dwelling place, perhaps your meditation area.  No matter what area brings peace to your Soul, it is important to have at least one such area to which you can retreat regularly, either in person or etherically.

If you do not have a physical location that feels like a sanctuary, then you can create one etherically with your imagination.  Sit quietly, and picture in your mind what your ideal sanctuary would be – a garden of trees and flowers, a mountain setting, or the gentle waves beside an ocean.  It may be a beautiful meditation room filled with objects that are special to you.  Your imagination can create the sanctuary of your heart’s desire.  Then you can place yourself there with your mental imagery.

Spending time in sanctuary can help you remain centered amidst the changes that sometimes swirl around you.  It can help you find a stillness in your Soul and remain attuned to your greater purpose in life, for you each have a special role that is unique for you.  It is the role that you are carrying out with much grace and which is benefitting those physically around you as well as those in the ethers.  This is why it is so important that you refresh yourself by spending time in sanctuary.  It keeps you fresh and alert, grounded and centered, and allows you to traverse the dimensions.

You have both an outer and an inner sanctuary.  The outer sanctuary creates the conditions that are conducive for you to enter your inner sanctuary where you find peace in your Soul and commune with your inner guidance, guides, and teachers.  Your outer sanctuary is the physical or etheric location where you feel safe and inspired.  Being in your outer sanctuary creates a feeling in you that is in harmony with All That Is.

A synchronistic flow begins to develop when you recognize and practice the connection between the outer and the inner sanctuary.  The outer leads to the inner where your refreshment and inspiration occur.  This is where you tap into the wisdom of the ages.  This is where you see the interconnectedness of all things and feel this in your Soul, throughout your entire Being.

As this vibration builds within you, it reverberates back out into your surroundings and into the ethers.  It is like a wave in the ocean going in and out.  It is a free-flowing exchange of energy going in and out from the outer to the inner and back out again.  It is the process that brings peace to your Soul and lets you know that you are part of the flow of life and that, indeed, you are a co-creator of this flow of life.

Spending time in sanctuary allows you to be deliberate and intentional in setting the type of flow you wish to create.  You become the director of your flow, and the sweet gentle vibration you create will benefit many.

You may have many spaces or areas in which you feel inspiration.  It is not necessary to limit yourself to only one.  The important part is the feeling that you have when you are in your special place, for this is what leads you to your inner sanctuary where your Divine Spark resides.  This is what connects you with All That Is.  The stronger your connection with your Divine Spark, the higher your vibration will be, and the greater the high vibrational energy you will send back out into your surroundings and the ethers.

You may wish to establish designated times to be in sanctuary, for this alerts us in the Higher Realms to be ready to assist.  A sanctuary time in the early morning hours while the restful energy of the new day is fresh can help you set your vibration and intention for your day.  The energy of this time of day has a newness, a freshness, and a fullness of the promise of many possibilities.

Returning to sanctuary at dusk or at the end of your day brings a sense of restfulness, a retreat back into your personal inner sanctuary to focus again on your connection with the Divine and All That Is.  This continues the inward and the outward flow of the waves of consciousness that form the fabric of your Being.  It is the flow of the inbreath and the outbreath of co-creation.  It is the breathing in of current and potential creation and combining this with the Adamantine Particles of your Love and Light and letting it flow back out with the infusion of your consciousness.  It is the rhythm of life.

The more you establish your pattern of spending time in sanctuary, the more you will feel the connection with All That Is.

Beloveds, spending time in sanctuary allows you to experience the inflow and the outflow of All That Is.  We invite you to join all of us in the Higher Realms in this beautiful expression of co-creation.

You are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Seeing Through The Eyes Of An Expanded Consciousness”

July 2013


Greetings Beloved Ones,


This is Archangel Zadkiel along with Lady Amethyst. We bring you Love and greetings from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation.

The energy has changed and moved to a higher frequency. It is vibrating at a much higher level.

You have gone through many trials to test your ability to work with the new energy, and you have passed with flying colors. You have moved to a higher vibration, and you have many opportunities awaiting you.

At higher vibrational levels, you are able to see beyond the obvious meaning of things at the 3D level.

New perspectives are available when you look beyond the obvious. When you let your mind relax, you begin to soar to new heights. When you allow your mind to project upward and outward, the horizon is limitless.

You are seeing through new eyes – that of the expanded consciousness.

You see the interconnectedness of all of creation. You see similarities rather than differences. You are able to notice small details at the same time you are seeing the bigger picture and beyond what is obvious. Your expanded consciousness is allowing you to see on many levels simultaneously.

This allows you to see the matrix of interconnectedness of all creation. It is like a grid of Light with many points of Light comprising the grid. When you see from this perspective, you are able to develop a greater compassion and understanding for all of creation.

You understand how the thoughts or actions of one Being can ripple out into the grid and affect the whole. The stronger the thought or emotion, the greater the ripple effect will be.

The nature of the thought or emotion will determine the type of effect. A judgmental thought will carry a very different vibration than one of Love and peace. The ripple effect produced by that thought and its accompanying emotion will carry a corresponding electrical charge that will flex the grid surrounding it. The stronger the thought and emotion, the farther out into the grid the ripple will travel.

This has implications for the individual as well as for groups. One individual can affect those in the immediate surroundings as well as out into the grid.

Casual or unintentional thoughts and emotions carry an electrical charge just as intentional ones do. If you let your thoughts and emotions roam without internal monitoring, then the type of effect that you are sending into the grid will be mixed – some effects will be uplifting, and some will not. Monitoring your thoughts and emotions will allow you to send higher vibrations of Love, peace, and harmony.

Groups of individuals with similar thoughts and emotions have an even greater effect.
When groups of individuals come together with an intentionally-focused purpose such as Love, the results are amplified and can have far-reaching effects on the grid.

When you look at the grid of Light, you notice that each part forms an integral part of the whole. Each point supports the other points. When one part is weak, it affects the entire grid. However, when each part is strong, the entire grid is stronger.

Your expanded consciousness can then begin to reflect on the similarities rather than the differences of each point on the grid. Each point of Light represents an individual. As each point of Light burst forth from the Supreme Creator, it was endowed with a Divine Spark that contains Love and Light. This is the Spark that connects all of creation, and this is a point of Light on the grid.

As you look at this grid of Light with your expanded consciousness, you may notice that some points glow more brightly than others. This can be the result of the circumstances of the journey of that particular point of Light and its current state of consciousness. However, the inner glow is what connects all of creation. It is the part to which you send Love. This provides the opportunity to send Love and Light to all points of the grid. Through the ripple effect out into the grid, this provides conditions that are favorable for the consciousness of all points to expand and be lifted.

However, free will is still in play. You cannot force another person or group to change, but you can continue to send Love to all points.

It is about lifting your own consciousness to greater and greater levels. It is about connecting with your own Divine Spark and maintaining this focus and awareness. The greater your conscious connection with your Divine Spark, the greater your own capacity for Love, compassion, and understanding will be. You become an even brighter point of Light on the grid.

Beloveds, we applaud you for seeing through the eyes of an expanded consciousness. You are bright Lights on the beautiful grid of creation, and you are a blessing to all.

You are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Manifesting With A High Vibration”

June 2013


Greetings Beloved Ones,


This is Archangel Zadkiel along with Lady Amethyst. We represent the Seventh Ray of transmutation, transformation, and manifestation, and we greet you in Love and Light.

Today, we would like to discuss the importance of manifesting with a high personal vibration. We have discussed other aspects of this topic on previous occasions, and we are again bringing this to your awareness because of its great importance. Because the new energy is vibrating at a higher level, it is important that any consciously created manifestation now be done in a backdrop of a high personal vibration.

When you move to a higher vibrational level, you become aware of new and expanded aspects of the same concept or energetic pattern. It can be compared to studying a subject in school. As you progress from level to level, even though you may study the same subject, you are learning expanded concepts of that subject. A similar process occurs in vibrational levels.

For example, with the concept of love or kindness, you may do something kind for someone. At an expanded level of awareness, this same action may bring a realization of the bond of oneness that you share with this person, even if it is a stranger. It is a matter of expanded perception and viewing the action from a higher vibrational level.

This same process occurs in manifestation whenever you move to a higher personal vibrational level.

When you move to a higher vibrational level, it is important to revisit basic patterns and, if needed, transform them to the higher energy. This higher vibrational level may be a reflection of your own progression of consciousness, or it may be that the universal energy has shifted to a higher level. It is quite often a combination of the two. Whatever the scenario, a periodic review of basic, personal patterns can be helpful.

You may have noticed that the new energy is bringing old energetic patterns, or new aspects of an old pattern, to the surface to be re-examined. Many of these old energetic patterns are no longer a good fit with the new energy.

Transmuting and transforming any type of old or congested energy is necessary in order to have the type of manifestation that you desire. The vibration of your manifestation can only be as high as your own vibration. Your personal vibration is where the manifestation begins. Your thoughts and intentions provide the first energetic building blocks for the manifestation. Therefore, if you want to manifest something that has a high spiritual vibration, your own vibration needs to be at a corresponding high level before you begin.

For example, if someone only wants to manifest money or some other material thing and is not concerned about the spiritual aspect, this is possible even without a high spiritual vibration. However, the energy surrounding the manifested item will carry the same vibration as the one who manifested it.

On the surface, you may ask why this matters. It matters greatly for your spiritual progress.

If your manifested project has occurred through lower vibrational energy, this is the energy it will send out. It will attract others of a similar vibration. If you only want your manifestation for monetary purposes and are not concerned about the impact on others, that is what will occur.

However, if you want your manifestation to bring not only monetary benefits but spiritual benefits also, then higher vibrational energy will be needed for it.

You may have an intention that your manifestation will bring monetary benefit for the highest good or for the greatest good of all. This places your manifestation in a category that has much higher energy or a higher vibration. A manifestation of this type can ripple out to benefit many. It provides a win-win situation, and it can provide an opening to even higher vibrational manifestations.

Your desired manifestation may be something intangible such as a peaceful, harmonious life. As you begin the process of this manifestation, you may wish to transmute and transform lower vibrational patterns with the Violet Flame. This will bring your energetic signature into a more congruent pattern for your desired manifestation.

The higher your own vibration becomes, the more you will desire that your manifestations be for the highest good.

Beloveds, we honor you for your diligence in manifesting with a high vibration.

Know that you are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Standing In Your Truth”

May 2013


Greetings Beloved Ones,


This is Archangel Zadkiel along with Lady Amethyst, and we come to you in Love and Light.


You are making great strides in the new energy.  You have experienced extraordinary leaps in consciousness, and your awareness has opened to new vistas.  You have radiated your Light for all to see.


The new energy has presented many opportunities for you to examine all aspects of your Being and to release those aspects that are no longer part of your ascended Self.  Now, you are poised to continue to open to even greater levels of awareness in this new energy.


Standing in your truth is an important part of the new energy.  This is one of the many changes that have come with the new energy.  You are being given the opportunity to examine yourself and your choices and to decide what your new choices will be.  Being in the midst of shifting energy is much easier when you stand in your own truth.


The herd mentality of expecting everyone to follow the same path is fading.  This is a time of individual growth and great enlightenment.


You are being given a great opportunity to decide what is really important to you.  When you are clear about what is important to you, you can move forward with the assurance and confidence of being true to yourself at a core level.


This can bring a great peace to you because you are living from the core of your Being – from that central, inner part of yourself that is in harmony with All That Is.  It is that part of you that is loving and caring and expresses those attributes first to yourself and then to others.  When you stand in your truth, you treat yourself with the same consideration that you would give someone else.  You treat yourself with respect.  You honor yourself for the way in which you are moving forward.  You become your best friend and supporter.  You focus on your positive attributes and build on them.


For example, you may be kind and compassionate.  As you are kind and compassionate with yourself, you are able to extend these qualities to others.  The more you focus on these attributes, the stronger they become.  What you focus on expands.  As you strengthen your positive inner qualities, you become stronger.  Your inner core Being is self-assured, and you know that you are making choices that honor who you are.


As you move more fully into the new energy, you may wish to reflect on what your core values are.  They are who you are and determine what decisions you make and what actions flow from them.  Core values can be qualities such as honesty, loyalty, respect, love, caring, and many others.  These are the things that are the core of your Being.  These are the things that sustain you when conditions around you are changing.  They allow you to move forward and know that you are being who you really are.  They provide a source of strength and steadiness.  They provide an assurance to you to maintain who you are even when you are around others with different viewpoints.  You become comfortable with others having different views, and you still remain centered because you have an inner assurance of who you are.  You are standing in your truth.


When you relax into your truth, you can experience a peacefulness that comes from knowing that you are being your authentic self.  You are walking your talk.  This allows you to flow and be in the present moment.  You gain new insights that often seem to be synchronistic.  This can occur because you are on an energetic vibration that resonates with these insights.  Because you are standing in your truth, you are open to receive.  You are in a state of harmony with All That Is.


You are powerful when you stand in your truth.  When you can do this and also allow others to stand in their truth, you are even more powerful.  You are moving into a time where individuality combined with respect, honor, and compassion for others is increasingly important.


As you move forward on your path, standing in your truth, along with having respect and compassion for others, can assist you in carrying out your role in helping to lift the consciousness of humanity.  You are serving as a Way-Shower and a Light-Bearer through your daily actions.


You see the bigger picture and ask for highest good.  This opens up avenues of higher consciousness, and you are able to be of even greater service.


Beloveds, we salute you for standing in your truth and asking for highest good.


Know that you are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Setting A Clear Intention”

April 2013


Greetings Beloved Ones,


This is Archangel Zadkiel along with Lady Amethyst.  We come to you from the Seventh Ray of Transformation, Manifestation and the Violet Flame, and we work with many other Higher Beings of Light to assist you in the manifestation process.


Setting a clear intention is a very powerful part of the manifestation process.  The new energy is very powerful, and manifestation can be rapid when intentions, goals, thoughts and actions are in alignment.  When these aspects are aligned, they work together like a well-oiled machine.


Setting a clear intention needs to be done at the beginning of a project or goal.  This is the foundation for whatever you wish to accomplish.


When you commit to a goal, this sends signals and vibrations out into the Universe.  Those forces that are on the same vibratory pattern as your goal receive the vibration of the intention of your goal and are drawn to you to assist you in reaching your goal.  Under the Law of Attraction, like attracts like.


This is why it is so important to be clear with your intention in setting a goal.  Both the spoken and unspoken intentions will be what you send out.  If you state a goal or intention but your unspoken feelings are not in alignment with the stated goal, a mixed signal will be sent, and this can cancel out the desired spoken effect.


For example, if you state that you want a certain position but inwardly don’t want to make the commitment that the position requires, your inner feelings will cancel out what you have spoken and will override your spoken goal.


This is why it is very important to be clear with your intentions.  The inner unspoken feelings about an intention are what will dominate the outcome.  You can write an affirmation and state it many times, but unless your inner feelings match your affirmation, it will not materialize.


One technique that is often useful in goal setting and intentions is to use the “What if…?” process.  You mentally create a potential outcome to a goal, picture what it would involve, and see how it feels.  If it feels right and seems like a logical goal according to practical considerations and is for highest good, then you can proceed and know that your stated goal and inner desires are a good fit.  This will send a clear signal to the Universe, and you will attract the forces to you to help you achieve your goal.


However, if your potential scenario does not feel right for you, try to determine which aspects don’t feel like a good fit.  This will allow you to modify your goal and intention until they do feel good, or you may decide to set aside that goal and focus on another one instead.


If the goal feels right for you, then consider whether it is for highest good.  The new energy calls for you to be in alignment with highest good.  Again, your inner or unspoken intention is the determining factor as to whether your goal is for highest good.


Having a clear goal with a clear intention begins with being clear about what is right for you at this point in your life – what is right for you at the present moment.


What may have previously been a good fit for you may now feel outdated.  If you are no longer excited about a goal you have previously set, this may be an indication that it is time for a review and possible updating of your goals.  This sets the stage for setting a clear intention.


You may find it helpful to review your goals periodically to see if they are still a good fit for where you are on your ascension path.  The influx of new, higher energy has provided an opportunity for new possibilities to manifest and for outdated goals to be released.  Some things that you previously wanted may no longer hold an appeal or attraction for you.  They no longer make your heart sing.  You have moved to a higher level of consciousness, and you want goals and a way of life that reflect your higher state of awareness.


Doing a periodic review of your goals will allow you to keep your focus current with where you are at the present moment.  This will help you to set clear intentions for what you want and where you are at the present moment.


When your goals and intentions make your heart sing, they send out a high vibration.  They carry a lightness and a joy that will attract corresponding vibrations of lightness.  When your goals and intentions are for highest good, the vibration is even higher.


Beloveds, when you set a clear goal with clear feelings, you can set a clear intention.  Then, when you send a clear intention out into the ethers, all of the seen and unseen forces will be in alignment.


Know that you are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Living from a Heart-Centered Approach”

March 2013


Greetings Beloved Ones,


This is Archangel Zadkiel along with Lady Amethyst from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and the Violet Flame.  The message we are bringing you is echoed by many of the Beings of Higher Light.


The new energy provides the opportunity for transformation.  It allows you to make changes according to your heart’s desire.  At the same time it allows you to move forward to higher levels on your ascension path.


The new energy is about joy and happiness, highest good and a pure intention.  It is about wanting everyone to have the opportunity to advance and progress.  It is about lifting up your brothers and sisters by living your life as an example of love and harmony.


Living from a heart-centered approach reflects the new energy.  Your heart is the new barometer for making decisions.  It is the gauge by which you judge whether something feels right for you.  It is adding the feeling along with the rational thinking to provide the answers you are seeking.


The new energy that has emerged is requiring a new way to approach making decisions, and that is to live from a heart-centered approach.  This takes your intentions and actions to a higher level.  You may consider a course of action that looks appropriate from a logical viewpoint, but if it is motivated by an impure intention, or one that is not for the highest good, then it is not one that meets the heart-centered approach.


Living from a heart-centered approach does not mean that you live from emotions.  It is, instead, based on feelings of highest good, love, peace and harmony.  It comprises a vibration that lifts not only yourself but others around you.


A heart-centered approach brings joy and peace.  It is knowing you are taking the course of action that is in the highest good.  It lifts the decision from what feels good at the moment to what produces highest good over a longer period of time.  This leads to ultimate peace and joy.  It has changed the approach from one of temporary happiness to one of lasting peace.  It allows you to walk your path with an inner contentment of knowing you have made the highest choice for the greatest good.


For activities that are necessary for daily life – things such as doing errands, paying the bills or taking out the trash, approaching these things from the heart can place the seemingly mundane in a new light.  It is knowing that each task you perform contributes to the overall well-being for yourself and those around you.  It is knowing that when you give each task your best effort, you are lifting yourself and those around you.  When you realize this, you can bring a feeling of love for the highest and best to each task.


For activities that are optional, select those that bring you joy.  If you are making a decision about something where everything looks good according to the rational, logical considerations and yet the decision doesn’t feel quite right, this is the time to pause and reconsider whether the option you are considering is really right for you.


This is a time to reflect on what you really desire and to let your inner guidance step forward.  It is a time for individual gifts to come forward.  A decision or option may be right for someone else, but it may not feel quite right for you.  If this feeling arises from your heart, you may wish to pause and consider what your inner guidance is telling you.  This can be a valuable tool for you in the new energy.


Another aspect of living from a heart-centered approach is the way in which you interact with others.  This begins with the way you interact with yourself.  When you treat yourself with love and respect, you are forming a foundation for treating others with love and respect.  When you are kind and gentle with yourself, this allows you to be kind and gentle with others.  When you realize that you have a Divine Spark within and live from this knowingness, you are able to approach others in a heart-centered way and tune in to their Divine Spark.  You are able to recognize the good qualities in others and to separate their actions from their innate Divine Spark.  This allows you to approach them with love, even if you do not always agree with their actions.  You are able to realize that they are doing the best they can in that moment, and you are able to suspend judgment.


When you approach others in a heart-centered way, you carry a higher resonance and vibration.  Your loving vibration will allow others to observe and experience you as someone who is living by a different way of being – the way of a heart-centered approach.  You are demonstrating by example a way that reflects the new energy.  When others observe your actions and feel the vibration you carry, this is the highest form of teaching that you can share with others.  You are a heart-centered Being of Light.


Beloveds, we honor you for the beautiful Beings of Light that you are.


Know that you are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com