“Receiving the Energy of Higher Light”

February 2014


Greetings Beloved Ones,


We are Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Light of Transformation and Manifestation, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today, we wish to discuss energetic patterns of change and their importance in bringing in new patterns of Higher Light.

You are receiving powerful influxes of higher energy coming to you in waves that are increasing exponentially.

Old energetic patterns are being dismantled to prepare and clear the way for the new energy to develop and manifest into magnificent new patterns of higher vibrational Light.

The old energetic patterns are composed of thinking and attitudes based on third dimensional frequencies. While these are not detrimental, they are not the highest possibility that is now available to humanity. It is similar to getting a new model car or an appliance that has more updated features.

The new higher dimensional energy opens the way for greater awareness both on an earthly level and on a galactic level. This allows for ascension to higher Light pathways.

Each clearing of old energy and influx of new energy opens the way to a higher frequency.

You may have noticed this in very practical ways. If you have experienced holding an article of clothing that you once loved and you realize that you no longer want to wear it, you have seen this change. The article of clothing carries energy that no longer harmonizes with your new higher energy.

You may experience similar changes with food, music, or activities. When the time is right for your awareness to shift, these changes can be experienced rapidly. They can occur literally overnight.

Sometimes, the changes may be more universal. A favorite store may close. A product you use may be phased out. An activity you enjoy may be discontinued. Individually, one change may seem insignificant. However, when you find several of these endings occurring within a short period of time, you may be experiencing a dismantling of old energetic patterns in preparation for new ones to emerge.

It is similar to a glass of water. If the water has been in the glass too long, it can become stagnant. The old water must be poured out before the fresh, new water can be added.

The same principle applies to energetic patterns. The old pattern must be dismantled to make room for the new.

It is not a matter of one pattern being bad and another one being good. It is simply a matter of which pattern is the best fit for you at the moment. The old pattern has served you well. Thank it for its service, and allow it to return to the Source for transformation into higher vibrational energy. When you realize that this dismantling is part of a natural cycle that is preparing space for the new, you are less likely to feel attached to the previous items or activities because you understand the potential to receive something that will nurture you as you move into the higher energy.

For a time, the old and the new co-existed simultaneously to ease the change for you. Now, it is time for the new to manifest fully. Even though the changes may seem to be occurring all at once, the new energetic pattern has been forming for some time, and now it is manifesting.

For example, you may find a new product or activity that you like even better than the old one. Your energy has moved to a higher level, and the Universe is making new items and activities available that will support your growth. Your part is to understand the change that is occurring, release the old without attachment, and greet the new with joy.

Welcome the change, and feel a lightness around you. This will help you move forward more easily. If you feel any resistance, check with your inner guidance to be sure the change is right for you. If it feels right and you want to move forward, you may call on the Violet Flame to help transform the energetic patterns.

As the new energetic patterns manifest, enjoy them without attachment. You can do this by fully embracing and enjoying the new activity or item, while at the same time, remaining open to another possibility that may be an even better energetic fit for you. It is the clinging to old, outdated patterns that causes distress.

The more open you remain to receiving the new energy and the patterns that come with it, the more easily you can move forward.

Beloveds, we commend you for welcoming the new energy of Higher Light, and we honor you for the beautiful Beings of Light that you are.

Know that you are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“The Light of Consciousness”

January 2014


Greetings Beloved Ones,


We are Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today, we wish to discuss the light of consciousness.

The light of consciousness and enlightenment are intertwined as in a double helix. When you open your awareness to the light of consciousness, you move toward enlightenment.

When you traveled down through the dimensions into this incarnation, your light of consciousness began as a spark and grew brighter through your desire to experience the ever-present love of the Creator.

When viewed from above, the light of consciousness appears as a funnel or vortex that is infinite at the level of the Creator and tapers down as it enters the consciousness of the individual. The amount of light that enters into the consciousness of the individual is equal to what the individual is ready to absorb. The desire to absorb more light opens and widens the individual’s channel to receive more light as the understanding and application of current concepts expands.

When the higher frequency light enters your consciousness, it spreads out to illuminate each potential aspect that is waiting to advance.

Each concept has a broader, higher and more universal meaning with each increase in consciousness.

It can be compared to a lesson learned as a child, then as a teenager, and then as a young adult. With each concept and level mastered, the way is opened for a higher understanding of the concept. The desire for a greater understanding facilitates this flow.

For example, a child may have love for its mother. A teenager may have love for friends, and an adult may have love for humanity. As the lesson is learned at each stage, the way is opened for a wider and more complex understanding.

The desire to advance heightens your awareness of a concept in everyday occurrences. The light can penetrate your awareness in subtle ways such as noticing a book in a store, seeing a billboard along the highway, or listening to a conversation. When this occurs more than one time around the same concept, it may be the Universe shining Light on an area for you to consider.

As you become aware of these occurrences around a certain concept, you may reflect on how this concept applies to you. Then, you may encounter a situation in which the concept is presented in real life. Your awareness of the concept and what you have learned can help you apply this understanding to real situations. Occasionally, the concept may be presented in several situations for a more thorough understanding and mastery of it. When you are able to apply the concept consistently in daily life, it becomes a part of your Being, and you have achieved mastery of that concept at that level. This signals to the Universe that you are ready for the next step. Each level of understanding builds on the previous one.

When your awareness in one area expands and rises, it will often lead to a shift in another one.

For example, you may come to an awareness of the concept of focusing on the similarities of people rather than the differences. You may become aware that all persons desire food to eat and housing to shelter them from the elements, even though each person may like different types of food and different styles of housing. When you focus on the similarities instead of the differences, your awareness may shift to another area. What you focus on expands. Perhaps you may become aware that each person has a Divine Spark within, even though you may have different spiritual beliefs. This awareness leads to an increase in your capacity to express love for all of humanity. In this way, the expansion of consciousness in one area can lead to awareness in another area.

As your awareness increases, your vibration increases, and you are able to carry more Light and that of a higher frequency. This enables you to rise higher up the portal of awareness. Each increase in awareness and its application increases your consciousness. It is in this way that you progress on your path.

The light of consciousness comes down through a funnel or vortex from the Higher Realms into your individualized consciousness. This funnel or vortex is wide at the top and narrows to accommodate a comfortable flow into your present awareness. As your consciousness increases and you apply this new awareness in daily life, your column of light increases, and you are able to receive greater amounts of the light of consciousness.

Beloveds, we rejoice in the expansion of your light of consciousness.

Know you are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“A New Light of Self-Discovery”

December 2013


Greetings Beloved Ones,


We are Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today we wish to discuss your new light of self-discovery. The new energy is opening greater self-awareness whether you are just beginning on your path or whether you are a seasoned traveler.

You are entering into a time of great expansion of consciousness. It is a time where horizons are continuing to open and new dimensions of possibilities are being revealed. It is a time where you can manifest your dreams and soar to greater heights than you have ever imagined.

As you enter this new energetic phase of self-discovery and expansion, it is important to focus on the many new possibilities that exist at the higher vibrational levels. You are aware that this new energy is of a much higher vibration and a much lighter consciousness. It is a new and expanded way of looking at things. A new era is emerging with the expanded light which you have just entered during your current year.

Therefore, as you evolve in this new light, you may wish to assess what you want to carry forward and what you want to release from an energetic point of view. Things of a lower vibration may no longer be a good fit with your new, expanded, higher vibration.

As you go through this process, you may wish to use the Violet Flame to help you with your assessment. Using the Violet Flame combined with the energy of the heart will make this process more aligned with the new higher energies.

You have many aspects within your Being on which you may wish to focus. These include physical, mental, and emotional aspects as well as spiritual. All of these factors fit together for the greater good of your entire being. A harmonious balance of these aspects provides a vibrational coherent resonance for you to move forward.

You are living in a new and expanded light body, and in this light body, you will be moving at a much more rapid pace than you have previously experienced. You are aware of the many new influxes of energy that are coming your way. Because this energy brings ideas and thought processes to the surface, you are aware of the need to keep moving forward with the releasing and processing. It is no longer an occasional process of review but rather an on-going part of life. It is living in the now and being aware of what is right for you at the moment. Each time you release an outdated thought, idea, concept, or emotion, you move closer to your awareness of who you are as an integral part of the oneness.

As you conduct your self-review, you may notice that you have made great strides during the past year.

You may be aware of a more balanced union of your Divine Masculine and your Divine Feminine aspects. You have felt the strength and forward movement from your Divine Masculine. This has been tempered with the love and compassion of your Divine Feminine. By honoring both aspects, you have realized that you are able to move forward on your path and manifest projects of a high vibration.

You have also become aware that in this time of expanded potential, it is crucial that you follow the desires of your heart. Your heart is the place where your innermost yearnings reside. It is the place where your secret dreams form and begin to take root, and they shape into the images of future manifestations.

The desires of your heart are not idle dreams filled with the passion of the moment. They are deep desires that have been there for aeons. They are a knowing that overflows with deep happiness and fulfillment when you tune into them. They are the roots of your spiritual mission. They are the seeds of who you are.

The heart and the mind are working together to form a synergistic alliance for the manifestation of your dreams. The heart is where your desires form, and the mind is where the details and practical aspects take shape. When the heart and the mind are in harmony, you can rise to even greater heights. The energies of desire and detail are moving together in the same direction for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.

When the desires of your heart are aligned with highest good, you are able to tap into even higher vibrations.

A recognition of the oneness of all of humanity is dawning even more brightly in the higher energy. Wanting the best for others as well as for yourself brings this oneness into greater harmony. The third dimensional concept of separation is fading as the higher dimensional awareness of oneness becomes more prevalent. This awareness is the way of the new energy and assists in the ascension of humanity.

When your heart and mind are aligned for highest good, and you move in the energy of oneness, you are on a magnificent journey of self-discovery and new awareness.

Beloveds, we rejoice in your continued journey of self-awareness and ascension. We are here to work together with you in your desires for highest good.

Know you are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Your Unique Role in the Expansion of Consciousness”

November 2013


Greetings Beloved Ones,


This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we wish to discuss your unique role in the expansion of consciousness.

Your unique role begins with your own expanding consciousness. Your point of consciousness is your guiding force. It is your source of joy, inspiration, and direction. It guides you and defines you as an individual. It determines your vibrational level and defines your Soul Signature.

Your own consciousness begins to expand when you live consciously.

Living consciously means being aware of each moment and your role in this moment. You are aware of where you are and what you are doing. You are aware of how your thoughts, intentions, and actions fit with the larger scope of the consciousness of humanity. You are centered within yourself, and you are also aware that your consciousness extends beyond yourself.

For example, you may see a rose. You are aware of its deep red color, its sweet fragrance, its backdrop of green leaves, and the dew on the petals. You then shift your awareness to the enjoyment that the rose brings to everyone who sees it and how it lifts their spirits – how it brightens their day and helps them to increase their consciousness as they go about the activities of the day. Their increased consciousness expands out to affect everyone with whom they interact.

This same concept of expansion of consciousness and interconnectedness can be seen in the ocean. You may be sitting on the beach, and a wave crashes gently around your feet. You feel the cool water and then watch as it moves back into the ocean. The waves go in and out in a continuing motion, and you enjoy the peacefulness of the experience. As you watch the in-and-out motion of the waves, you realize that the water in these waves will eventually move around the planet in a harmonious rhythm of interconnectedness. The energy of your interaction with the waves will be carried around the world.

If you enjoy feeling the lapping of the waves on your feet, you will experience happiness and appreciation for the water. However, if you are irritated that the waves got your feet wet, you will send an entirely different energy to the water. Whatever the feeling and vibration that you send – whether it is happiness and appreciation or, conversely, irritation – will be absorbed by the water and eventually be carried to the next person who experiences the waves. It will also affect the water itself.

When you express appreciation for the ocean, for a rose, or for any other part of nature, your vibration blends with the elements and affects the very nature of them. A loving and harmonious vibration can help each element to perform its role to its fullest ability.

So you see, everything is interconnected. There is no separation. Separation is just an illusion – a trick that the ego plays on you to cause you to compare yourself with others rather than seeing the interconnectedness.

When you realize the interconnectedness of everything, you become more aware of the role of each person, plant, animal, and mineral in creation. You become aware of how your thoughts and actions affect the other parts of creation. You can sense the subtle energy that connects everything.

This leads you to be aware of your own role in the evolution of consciousness. You may perform your same daily routine, but you do it with an increased awareness of your role in humanity and creation. It is your increased awareness that brings you to a new level of expanded consciousness.

You become aware that your thoughts and emotions carry a vibration that can have an impact on others around you. The energy of your thoughts will create your Energetic Signature and presence. It surrounds you and is with you wherever you are.

For example, you may enter a room where there has been tension or irritation. When you enter the room, whatever vibration you carry also enters the room with you. If you are feeling calm, peaceful, and relaxed, your vibration will extend out to those who are already in the room. Your peaceful vibration can help to ease the tension and irritation that is present in the room. The energy of your vibration has blended with the energy of others to create a new vibration.

As you become aware of the impact that one person can have, your own consciousness increases to a higher level. You may realize that when you enter a tense situation, you can either feel tension yourself or you can remain peaceful. Your choice first affects the way you feel individually. Whatever you choose to feel will first affect your own vibration. Then your vibration extends to those already present. As the group moves into a larger situation, the energy of the group blends with other groups to create an entirely new energy. Everything is part of something larger.

When you realize how the vibration of the energy is always extending, you can play an important role in the expansion of consciousness by understanding how your own energy not only affects yourself but also ripples out to those around you and to the larger vibration of the planet. The winds of energy move around the planet to create a global vibration.

Your expansion of consciousness begins with your awareness of yourself as an individual. You understand how your response to events creates your Energetic Signature. You understand that consciously creating and maintaining a calm, loving, and peaceful vibration provides you an inner knowing that allows you to conduct yourself in the highest way possible. This allows you to consciously monitor your thoughts and intentions. You are creating a consciousness of managing your own vibration.

You are aware that each person or group also has an Energetic Signature, even though they may or may not be aware of it. Your awareness allows you to expand your consciousness and realize that each person or individual is where they are at the moment and that they are operating from their own perspective. You do not need to agree or disagree with what they are doing. Your awareness remains centered on your own inner guidance and on highest good. As you do this, your consciousness expands to see how your vibration affects you personally, how it affects those around you, and how it ripples out to humanity. You can view situations from the microcosm to the macrocosm. You understand the interconnectedness of everything that is, and you are a beautiful Light for the harmonious expansion of consciousness.

Beloved Ones, we honor you for your role in the expansion of consciousness.

Know you are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Moving Forward With Non-Attachment”

October 2013


Greetings Beloved Ones,


This is Archangel Zadkiel along with Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestion. Today we wish to discuss moving forward with non-attachment.


You are a Way-Shower of Light, and your Soul Family is benefiting from your advancement on the path of ascension. You are lighting the way for many around you.


As you progress on your path, you may notice changes that are occurring in your life. You may find that you have lost interest in things or activities that were previously very attractive to you. You may find yourself drifting away from friends. You may feel a yearning in your Soul for a deeper and closer connection with Spirit. These are often signs that you have progressed to the next level on your path. This new level has a higher vibration, and your previous activities may no longer be an energetic fit.


Each activity carries a vibrational level, and you are attracted to it when your own vibration matches that of the activity.


When you move to a higher level, your own vibration has changed, and the Universe has arranged your vibrational attraction to coincide with things of a similar vibration at your new level. Through the Law of Attraction, your Energetic Signature and vibrational level determine what things and activities are an energetic match for you and call to your attention.


For example, certain books or television programs that you previously could not live without may now hold little or no attraction for you. You have moved to a higher vibrational level, and the old books and programs are no longer an energetic match. This may be a gradual change, or you may suddenly realize one day that your interests have changed. It can even happen overnight. If you are aware of what has happened, your awareness can lead you to a range of new opportunities.


When you let go of the old in order to make room for the new, you are experiencing the wonders of non-attachment. It is not something to be forced, but rather it flows like a gentle stream of consciousness. You relax into it and allow it to unfold.


The unfolding and blossoming of non-attachment can help you move to higher levels more easily. When you are attached to things and activities at a previous vibrational level, it is harder to make room for those higher vibrational activities at your new level. It becomes a tug-of-war between the old and the new. When you allow non-attachment to unfold, there is no struggle. It is simply a letting go of one thing and allowing another one to enter.


It is not a matter of one thing being better than another. It is simply knowing and feeling which activities are the best vibrational fit for you at the present moment. It is paying attention to what makes your heart sing.


You can fully embrace an activity, experience it, and gain wisdom from it without being attached to it. Expressing gratitude for the experience allows you to gain from it at the same time you are keeping the path clear for new experiences. Non-attachment allows a clear and continual flow of experiences along your path. When you are open to new possibilities, your path is clearer because you have removed the obstacle of attachment.


As you practice non-attachment to things in the external world, you move into the center of your Being – the essence of who you are. You see yourself as the beautiful shining Light that you are. Your radiance outshines everything in your external circumstances. When you drop the cloak of attachment, it is like dropping an outer garment, such as a coat, so that you can see the beautiful Soul inside.


It is letting go of attachment to those things that are temporary and transient in order to focus on things that transcend time and space. Qualities such as love, compassion, and kindness go with you through the dimensions. They become an integral part of the fabric of your Being. As you focus on these internal qualities, they become stronger and take on a higher expression in your Being. You connect more strongly with your Divine Spark as it shines more brightly.


As you focus on the internal qualities of yourself and others, your interactions change to a higher level of expression. When you cease to focus on external differences such as race, religion, or nationality, you come to see each person as a part of the unified whole of consciousness. You connect with their Divine Spark and realize that this is the true essence of who they are. Their outer expression is their role in the great experience of coming to this plane and dimension to learn and grow.


This realization allows you to feel compassion for yourself and others and to look beyond external circumstances. You are given free will as to how you will conduct yourself in your present environment. You can choose to focus only on external circumstances, or you can look beyond that and see the lesson and inner truth of what is occurring.
When you focus on the higher awareness, you are able to transcend any slights or hurts that may come your way, and you look for the greater learning and awareness for your Higher Self and Soul. You may consider it as another lesson in the life-school of Earth or as another chapter in the book of life experiences.


The energy of non-attachment allows you to appreciate the present moment and remain open to new possibilities. This allows the Light to illuminate your path to your higher and higher levels and experiences.


Beloveds, we honor you for moving forward with non-attachment. You are a shining Light and Way-Shower.

You are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Focus on the Moment for Expanded Awareness”

September 2013


Greetings Beloved Ones,


This is Archangel Zadkiel along with Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestion. Today, we wish to discuss focusing on the moment.


A transformation in consciousness begins when you focus on the moment. Focus on the moment, this moment. Time, or what you perceive as time, is moving very rapidly. This seeming concept of time speeding up is bringing you closer to the concept of multi-dimensionality where everything is occurring simultaneously on all dimensions.


The part that is changing is your consciousness and understanding of what is occurring. You are moving from a linear understanding of events to a multi-dimensional concept where events appear in a matrix that is multi-dimensional. Each event occurs on this matrix at a certain point. There are many other events that are happening at the same time on the same level and on other levels.


It is as if levels upon levels are stacked and expanded out into a multi-faceted, multi-layered grid much like the 144-crystalline grid. This grid has the capability to expand and contract as the consciousness of humanity expands and contracts.


For example, someone may make a discovery of a new or seemingly new scientific advancement. In reality, it may be a re-discovery of something that has occurred aeons ago. It has always been in the grid or matrix, but humanity did not have a consciousness that was expanded enough to see it. It was only when the consciousness expanded that this increased awareness revealed what had been there all along. Other cultures from long ago had had this advanced awareness and had put into practice these seemingly new discoveries.


So what does this mean to you as an individual? It means to keep an open mind and to be in the moment. An awareness in the current moment may completely alter your awareness of the previous moment. What you believed to be true a moment ago now is a hollow shell with no truth because you have a new awareness and a new understanding. For example, it is like moving from a belief that the Earth was flat to an understanding that it is round. Keeping an open mind and living in the present moment can help you see the bigger picture.


When you are stuck in believing that things are a certain way and that no other possibility exists, your awareness is closed. Your potential for advancement is limited because you have shut off other possibilities that may already exist. However, when you remain aware that there may be an expanded truth beyond what you see, you are remaining open to new possibilities and a new awareness.


You can honor the past and all of those who paved the way for you. They were operating from their scope of understanding and that of humanity at that point.


The same concept applies to the recent past, even the very recent past, for each moment offers the possibility of a new understanding and a new awareness. If you release the ties of being bound to a particular way of thinking, you open yourself to great advancement both for yourself as an individual as well as for humanity.


If you look at a three-dimensional object from one direction, it has one appearance. However, if you rotate it and view it form another angle, it may have a completely different appearance.


The same principle applies to concepts and beliefs. When you release your attachment to believing that a certain thing or belief or concept is set in concrete because that is what you have always been taught, then you are opening your possibility for new awareness, new understanding, and new growth. It is the telescoping in and out of looking at things. Focusing on a small detail may yield one view while looking at a situation or object from a wider view will give an entirely different perspective.


In each instance, being aware of what you are seeing in that moment, while at the same time remaining aware that there are many other possibilities present, helps you to expand your consciousness to even higher levels.


You may not know what awareness the next moment will bring until after you have explored the present moment. When you keep your awareness focused on past understanding, you may completely miss the expanded awareness that is within the present moment and the potential expansion in the next moment. Awareness is fluid and flowing when you focus on the present moment. You may never receive what is possible unless you focus on what is at hand.


Many great books have been written based on the understanding of the authors at the time they were written and the consciousness of those for whom they were writing. You can honor those authors and what they have written and also have an understanding that an even greater perspective may now be available. You are honoring those who have gone before while realizing that each moment is ripe with new understanding and waiting for you to harvest it.


Sometimes it is necessary to set aside, for a moment, what you have always believed to be true in order to examine a new concept. If the new concept does not resonate with you, then you can set it aside and look at it later, or you can discard it entirely. Your previous understanding will still be there for you to pick back up if you wish. However, a mind or consciousness that is full and closed offers no possibility for exploration and expansion.


It is like trying to pour more tea into a cup that is already full. A portion of the liquid must be emptied and set aside before more liquid can be added. The same principle applies to beliefs and concepts. You must leave the door open and make room for the new to enter.


The result may be a blending and expanding of previous understanding, or it may result in a completely new awareness. It all begins with focusing on the moment and keeping your awareness open to new possibilities.


Beloveds, we honor you for focusing on the present moment for an expanded awareness. You are blazing a trail of expanded consciousness for the greatest good of all.

You are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com