“Manifesting With Highest Intent”

February 2015

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we would like to discuss manifesting with highest intent.

You are living in a sea of unmanifested light particles of energy. This unmanifested potential spans across many dimensions from the third dimension to the multi-dimensions. One dimension blends into the next, and the energy resides at the level of compatible frequency.

Although you are currently in a manifested form, you are at one with the unmanifested energy. It is as if you are swimming in an energetic ocean of unmanifested potential. When you focus on this aspect, you realize that there is no separation between you and all of creation. Therefore, you know that you have a great influence on the creations that are manifested from this energetic potential.

Because you are now living in a multi-dimensional existence, your creations affect more than one dimension at a time. They may take one form in the third dimension and have a much more subtle, yet powerful, effect in the higher dimensions.

Your thoughts and intentions play a great role in determining and directing the unmanifested energy. When you have a thought, it is as if you are sending out a beacon of direction to the particles around you. Your thoughts and intentions are a blueprint for the particles of energy to form into your intended pattern of creation. They carry an electromagnetic energy that draws the energetic particles into the intended pattern.

Just as a potter has a vision and molds clay into a piece of pottery, your thoughts mold the energy around you into an energetic creation that can take shape in the multi-dimensions. The creation first begins with a vision and an intention for a creation, and then the Universal forces align to assist in manifesting the vision.

If you send out a thought of love and kindness to those around you, you will project a high vibration that will likely feel very comfortable to those with whom you are in contact. It provides a safe and reassuring environment for them. As this energetic thought of love travels to the higher dimensions, it takes on a finer quality of frequency and vibration. Because it is a higher vibration, it is very compatible with the higher dimensions and will pass easily through the dimensions. It then has the potential to add to the positive vibrations of other dimensions.

When you add the intention that your creation be for the highest good of all, the frequency increases. You are inviting the Beings of Light to assist you. Without your request, they are not permitted to intervene.

There are two benefits to asking for highest good. First, there is less likelihood that your creation will be a function of the human ego. Second, the Beings of Light can view a situation from a much higher perspective than that of the third dimension. They can see how a slight modification to your creation will elevate it to a higher frequency and provide a greater benefit for all.

Manifestation occurs very rapidly at the higher dimensions. A prolonged or intense thought or emotion can manifest at a much faster speed at those levels than on the third dimension. Therefore, monitoring your thoughts and emotions can be very helpful in manifesting the outcomes that you desire. This allows you to eliminate any patterns that may hinder the highest outcome.

You may wish to conduct a regular clearing of your energy field through using techniques such as forgiveness, the Violet Flame, or sound. This prepares you for optimal manifestation in much the same way as a gardener prepares the soil before planting a garden. You will then have a clearer energy field for your creation.

This prepares the stage for setting a clear intent. A clear intent is congruent on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. All of the parts of the intention are in harmony. This eliminates thinking on the mental level that this is what you should manifest but feeling on the emotional level that you don’t really want to do this. When all levels are working together, a clear flow of energy emerges.

When the desire for highest good is combined with clear intent, all of the vibrations are harmonious, and the energy flows across the dimensions. This allows you to manifest with highest intent.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are keeping your energy clear and that you are setting clear visions to manifest with highest intent.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst, …and We surround you with love

And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Being Gentle in Multi-dimensional Energy”

January 2015

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we would like to discuss being gentle in multi-dimensional energy.

The vibration of the energy is increasing at a very rapid rate. As this occurs, the veils between the dimensions are thinning. You may feel as though you can stretch from the third dimension to the fourth, fifth, and beyond at the same time. You may feel as if you are existing in more than one dimension simultaneously. You are becoming a multi-dimensional Being where you can move between and across dimensions very easily.

One moment you are working on a 3D project such as gardening in your yard, and in an instant, you are soaring in the dimensions and walking with the Masters. The next moment you are back in your yard watching a butterfly move gracefully from one point to the next. Then you feel a gentle breeze calling your attention back to the higher dimensions. This ease of movement between the dimensions feels as natural as walking from one room to another.

This ease of movement can occur because you have different aspects of your Being that allow you to exist across the concepts of time and space. Each time you traverse a dimension, you leave your vibrational signature there, and you incorporate some of the essence of that particular dimension into your Being. This allows your consciousness to expand beyond the bounds of your imagination.

The more often you travel between the dimensions, the more your consciousness expands. You may feel yourself becoming lighter as you realize that your perspective is widening and increasing. You are aware that the higher dimensions have a much lighter vibration. You realize the importance of keeping your own energy field as light and clear as possible to feel at home in the higher vibrational energy.

As you float in this higher vibrational energy, you begin to reflect on qualities that allow you to move easily between the dimensions.

Gentleness is one higher vibrational quality. The higher the energy, the finer the vibration. Harsh energy is very dense and does not blend well with higher vibrational energy. The higher energy repels it because it cannot pass through the finer energy. It is similar to a large object trying to pass through a fine mesh screen. In contrast, gentle energy has a very fine and light quality that easily passes into and through the higher dimensions.

Gentle energy is not weak. Its strength lies in its higher and finer vibration. It can bend and flow in many situations where denser energy would shatter and break because of its inflexibility.

Gentleness is a quality that begins within self. For many aeons, the tradition in some cultures has been to be gentle with others while being harsh with yourself. This is a concept that no longer applies in the new energy. It is very important to be gentle with yourself first before you can apply this energy with other situations.

It is similar to the Golden Rule in reverse. In the Golden Rule, you are taught to treat others as you would like to be treated. In reverse, you first treat yourself well and then this expands out to others. It is a gentle flowing of energy from within yourself to everyone and everything around you. There is no abrupt shift in being unkind in thinking about yourself and then being kind in thoughts about others. It is a gentle flow of kindness to yourself and from yourself to others.

Being gentle with yourself starts from a point of love. The vibration of love is gentle. It wraps around you like a soft cloud or blanket. It allows your own Divine Spark in your heart center to shine and expand.

As you feel this love envelope you, you can view yourself, your actions, and other situations from a higher perspective. You release the habit of judging yourself or your actions harshly. You see yourself as the wonderful Being of Light that you are. You have a desire to be gentle with yourself. You realize that you have done your best at each point on your path, and that as you have incorporated the lessons of each step, you have acted at a higher vibrational level at the next step.

Being gentle with yourself becomes your new way of acting. It is your default program of being. You regularly feel the love surround you, and this reinforces your desire to be gentle with yourself.

As you are gentle with yourself, this gentleness flows out from you to others. You are able to view others from a higher vibrational perspective, and you extend to them the same gentleness that began within yourself.
When being gentle with yourself and others becomes a normal way of being for you, you rise to higher vibrational levels, and you are able to pass through the higher dimensions more easily. You are able to view a situation from a 3D level and also see it from higher dimensions. The gentleness within yourself has expanded your consciousness as a multi-dimensional Being.

Beloveds, we are glad you are being gentle with yourself. Allow this gentleness to grow and expand and carry you to many levels of multi-dimensional consciousness and understanding.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst, …and We surround you with love

And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Being Authentic in the New Energy”

December 2014

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today we wish to discuss being authentic and true to yourself as you ascend in consciousness.

The vibration or frequency of the energy is increasing very rapidly. This provides many opportunities for you on your ascension path.

You are being authentic when you honor what you really feel and want. Your actions match what you feel and say.

Being authentic and true to yourself can enhance the ease with which you assimilate the new energy. As the frequency of the energy increases, your thoughts, intentions, feelings, and actions become intensified.

Each thought, intention, feeling, or action carries a vibration. It is important that your thoughts, intentions, and feelings carry the same message as you take an action. You will be able to access higher dimensional energy more easily when thoughts, intentions, feelings, and actions are carrying the same message and vibration.

Being authentic begins with focusing on your heart as you set intentions. Think about how you feel as you consider a course of action. If you feel happy and the action is for the greatest good of all, then the vibrations of the intentions, thoughts, feelings, and actions will be congruent and harmonious. This results in being authentic and true to yourself.

However, if you think about the course of action and you feel unhappy, you have a decision to make as to whether to pursue that action. If you do pursue it and you remain unhappy, the vibrations of your intentions, feelings, and actions will be inharmonious and will carry a mixed message. This sends out mixed vibrations that may not allow you to move forward at the same pace as clear vibrations allow.

For example, you may have set an intention to do a specific activity on a certain day. You are feeling excited and happy as you think about the activity. When the day arrives and you participate in your planned activity, you feel happy and satisfied. Your thoughts, intentions, feelings, and actions have carried the same vibration, and your energy is clear.

However, if you have set your intention to do an activity and an alternate invitation arises and you decide to do the alternate invitation even though this is not your desire, you may feel disappointed. This will carry a different vibration when you do the alternate activity even though you don’t really want to do so. The vibrations of your intentions, feelings, and actions will not be congruent and harmonious. They will send a mixed message, and this can make accessing the higher energy more difficult.

A third option may present itself if you decide that supporting the other person by participating in the alternate activity is what you really want to do. Then your energy and vibration will be clear. You have modified your intention, feelings, and thoughts to support the new action. They are all working together in a harmonious manner.

When you are centered in your heart and focus on the greatest good for all, you can be true to yourself and make your decision from a point of love, whatever your final decision may be. It does not mean to abandon your desires in every situation. Remaining centered in love allows you to evaluate each decision with clear energy based on conditions at the present moment.

This also allows you to speak your truth from a point of love. When you speak your truth with love as your underlying intention, you phrase your truth in a way that honors your inner Divinity as well as respecting the inner Divinity of the one with whom you are speaking. You remain aware of being true to yourself without putting down the desires of others. You are simply stating what is important for you.

This can lead to a more harmonious vibration that is for the highest good of all.

You have shifted your focus to a higher perspective and vibrational level. You are being authentic and true to yourself. This change in focus has allowed you to access the higher dimensional energy. Each time you view a situation from a higher perspective, you are incorporating higher dimensional energy into your Being. As this focus becomes your normal pattern, you ascend in consciousness and have access to even higher dimensional levels.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are being authentic and true to yourself as you ascend in consciousness. You are a Light of consciousness for highest good.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst, …and We surround you with love

And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Manifesting with the New Energy”

November 2014

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we wish to speak to you about manifesting with the new energy.

The new, higher level energy is continuing to enter your environment. It brings you the opportunity to manifest your desires and dreams as you move energetically to the higher dimensions.

When you consider energy as operating on a spectrum or a continuum from a lower vibration to a higher vibration, you can see that the new energy is arriving from a higher vibratory level. You have been receiving the type of energy that has nurtured you at each step of your path.

As you have incorporated this energy into your Being, you have received a higher vibrational energy with each new step. Sometimes, the energy may have even nudged you to move forward.

You have often heard that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but that it can change forms. For example, water can change forms from a solid in the form of ice to a liquid in the form of water to a gas in the form of a vapor.

Just as water can change forms, the energy that surrounds you and your creations can also change forms.

When you have completed a project or have a project that is ready to be transformed to a higher level, the energy that was used to create the original project changes form and can be used for a new creation. It does not mean that the original creation is no longer viable or useful. Often, the new energy is inviting you to move forward and create something new that is in alignment with your own energetic level of advancement.

When you keep your focus on aligning with your highest good and the greatest good of all, you are keeping your energetic channels clear for receiving the new energy and manifesting projects that will benefit many.

This may be in the form of something you write or a class you may teach. You are shining your Light around those with whom you come in contact. Your energy is constantly evolving as you are moving upward. Your creations and manifestations are a reflection of where you are at the moment. This is a blessing for those around you, for you are a beacon of Light shining upon the path of ascension. You are showing others how to move forward and manifest with the new energy.

One aspect of manifesting with the new energy is the need for non-attachment. When you create and manifest a project, you have invested energy into it. If the project has been completed and you remain attached to it, the energy that is contained in it remains fixed. It is not available for use to be re-formatted into a project that may be more suitable for your current vibration.

When you view your path from a higher perspective, you may be able to see how changes in the form of energy can enhance your progress. You can view the possible alternatives and what the possible outcomes of each would be. Then you can decide whether you wish to remain with the current energetic form of a project or to release it for re-formatting into a new form. It is a matter of free will and deciding what is best for you at this current point on your path.

For example, in a situation with a child’s building blocks, a structure can be built in one type of model. Then that structure can be taken apart, and another different type of structure can be built from the same building blocks. If a few new pieces are added, the new structure can be expanded. The same concept applies with the re-formatting of energy. The same energy is there, and new higher level energy adds to the possibilities.

A spiritual example applies to the teaching of a class. You may have always taught a particular class in a certain way. It has been very successful, and you have enjoyed it. As your own consciousness has increased, you have received additional ideas for ways to re-format the existing class or for an entirely new class. If you do not want to modify the current model, you may be closing yourself off to the possibilities that a new higher level class could offer to everyone involved. However, if you decide to go with the flow and incorporate the new energy, the way is open for many new possibilities.

Manifesting with the new energy begins with the awareness of what a new creation or project could be. As you visualize this in your mind, energy begins to build around your idea. As you apply feelings to your desired creation, the energy increases. It becomes your intent to create the new project. Energetic forces align to help you with your creation. The stronger your intention and focus around your desired creation, the more the energy will coalesce to assist you. As you remain open to the expansion of higher level concepts to your projects, higher level energy will be made available to you.

This is an ongoing process of creating, releasing, and creating yet another project or endeavor that will be beneficial for you and all of humanity. It is allowing an ongoing flow of energy from the higher vibrational levels.

As your focus remains in the present moment, and your desire is for the greatest good of all, you are in the flow, and you are manifesting with the new energy.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are manifesting with the new energy and that you are aligning your projects with highest good. Remain open to the possibilities as you move forward on your ascension path.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst, …and We surround you with love

And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Your Inner Stillness”

October 2014

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel along with Lady Amethyst. We bring you greetings from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation and the Violet Flame. Today we would like to discuss your inner stillness and how it can propel you to greater heights.

You are continuing on your path of ascension, and your radiant Light shines brightly.

Many new and higher frequency energies are continuing to arrive on your planet. Sometimes they are spaced far enough apart for you to adjust with little or no effort. Others arrive in rapid succession, and these may be more challenging for your energetic Being to assimilate.

The way in which you view these changes can affect the ease of assimilation of the higher frequencies. When you welcome them as a way to increase your own frequency, you can work with them to move to higher vibrational levels.

Maintaining your personal energy field can also help you to assimilate the higher frequencies. Focusing on your inner stillness is one way to help in this assimilation.

Your inner stillness is that part of you that resides in your heart center. It radiates to your solar plexus and high heart area and eventually spreads throughout your energy field. It is that part of you that is your guiding center and determines how you respond to events around you.

When you have a strong center of inner stillness, you are able to determine which events around you are beneficial to your progress and which are not. You have an inner knowing and assessment of an event with less chance of an emotional reaction occurring. You are able to listen to the promptings of your heart more clearly. Then you are able to make decisions which move you higher on your ascension path.

You are also able to remain calm when others around you are not. This enhances your decision-making ability and your awareness of the bigger picture. Many things appear to be very different when viewed from a higher perspective.

Strengthening your point of inner stillness begins with an awareness of its benefits and your desire for it to assist you on your ascension path. The more you tune in to it, the stronger it will become.

You may wish to focus on it during your meditation or quiet time. This is a natural time that you can be aware of your inner stillness. As you sit quietly and focus on this area, you will feel its gentle energy as you breathe in and out. You will be aware of its location in your own energetic Being.

As you continue to focus on it, you may experience a feeling of peacefulness, calmness, and centeredness. This centeredness, along with the love from your heart center, will be your guiding star of inner knowing.

Many times when you begin to feel stressed, simply pausing and focusing on your breath will bring forth the benefits of your inner stillness. When you practice this repeatedly, it will become your default pattern to tune in to your center of stillness before acting.

As you are in tune with your inner stillness, your energy is in harmony with your natural state of Being, and your vibration begins to rise. The diversions that previously tended to pull you off course do not affect you as they did before. You notice them and become an observer rather than a reactor. Then you are able to decide whether they are harmonious with your ascension path.

You are also able to receive the prompts from your inner guidance and the Beings of Light. When you do this, you are able to make decisions and take actions that move you farther along your path.

You may find that you are more in tune with yourself as a Being rather than someone who is always doing, and you are more in tune with your true nature as a Spark of Divinity. You are aware that you are part of something much greater than your individual Self.

You see yourself as part of the great cosmic fabric of the Universe. When this occurs, you are able to move from your inner stillness to a universal perspective and back to your individual consciousness. It becomes a seamless process that begins when you are in tune with your inner stillness.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are tuning in to your inner stillness. When you are in this state of inner centeredness and awareness, we rejoice with you.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, …and We surround you with love

And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“The Importance of Balance”

September 2014


Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today we would like to speak to you on the importance of maintaining balance in your life.

As the influx of higher vibrational Light continues to increase, you are being offered many opportunities to rise to higher levels of awareness. This may include an increased awareness of current topics, or it may open up entirely new avenues of understanding.

Your ability to receive this new information and to incorporate it into your Being can be done much more easily when you have established a balanced and stable foundation upon which this new knowledge can build.

You can visualize this when you see yourself sitting inside a crystal clear pyramid of Light. Another inverted crystal clear pyramid of Light descends to merge with the pyramid in which you are sitting, and the resulting merkaba begins to spin. As this spin occurs, you begin to rise higher and higher. The ease and stability of this rise will depend, in great degree, on the stability of the original crystal pyramid in which you were sitting. A pyramid with a balanced and stable foundation will be able to rise smoothly and easily. One that is not balanced may tend to have a wobbly rise and tip from side to side. It could even veer off course.

Such is the case when you begin to ascend without proper attention to your own current foundation. An imbalance in one area of your life can cause an overcompensation in another area. As you begin to ascend to higher vibrational levels, each area becomes magnified. Those that are balanced become stronger and increase, while those that are unbalanced may become weaker. A structure can only be as strong as its weakest point. Therefore, the more balanced each area of your life is, the more easily you will be able to rise to higher levels.

You may wish to periodically review each area of your life to determine whether it is balanced for you at the present moment. Because you are growing and ascending, what may have been in balance previously may not be the case for you now. You are an evolving Being of Light. This is an exciting concept because it allows you the opportunity to grow and change as your awareness increases.

The balance of each area of life is an individual matter. It begins with knowing yourself and what is important to you.

One example is the balance between spending time with others and having time alone with self. Some persons like to spend much time with groups, while other persons enjoy more individual time alone. Another area may involve a balance with time allocated to family, friends, work, relaxation, and spiritual pursuits. There is no right or wrong in this balance. It is knowing what works best for you. When you know what is important for you and act accordingly, you are in balance.

Because your needs change over time, what you need in order to keep your life in balance may change.

For example, a new family member such as the birth of a child or a marriage will shift the balance in the area of family. A new job or a change in career will alter the balance in the work/career area. When a child leaves home, another change will occur in the family balance, just as changing from full-time employment to part-time employment will alter the balance in that area.

Each time one area requires an increase or decrease in your time and attention, a compensation usually occurs in another area. When you remain aware of this balance, you can handle it more successfully.

As you continue to grow spiritually, things that were previously very important to you may not have the same appeal. The types of entertainment you watch or the ways you spend relaxation time may change. This type of change may be very gradual, or it may occur more rapidly. Again, being aware of who you are at the present moment will allow you to maintain a balance among all the areas of life.

When you are aware of what is important to you at the moment, you are able to allocate your time, attention, and resources in a way that reflects your current state of Being. When do you this, you are in a state of balance, and you can progress to the higher dimensions of awareness more smoothly.

Beloveds, we honor you for your work in keeping the areas of your life in balance. We are with you as you soar to the Higher Dimensions.

Know that you are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst,

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com