“Your Internal Compass”

August 2015

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. We are being joined by a host of the Angelic Realm. Today, we wish to bring you a Message of Light about your internal compass.

Your internal compass is your internal center. It is the part of you that keeps you grounded. At the same time, it allows you to soar through the multi-dimensions. It is the part of you that you turn to in times of silence. It is the part of you that keeps you on your intended course and helps you maintain your focus. It is the part of you that helps you remain true to yourself. It is the part of you that is eternally enduring.

Tuning in to your inner compass is especially important in this time of expanded energy. The higher dimensional energy that you are currently experiencing offers many opportunities. You are being presented with many appealing options for the next step on your path. It may feel as if you have come to a fork in the road that has many directions branching off at the fork. Each direction presents a different opportunity.

More than one possible direction or experience may interest you. Sometimes, it is helpful to turn to your internal compass to see what each direction or path represents. One path may represent what you feel others have expected of you. Another path may be what you have always done, and it would represent a continuation of this. Another path may represent what others are doing. Still another may present a completely new experience. There may be even more than one path that represents a new experience.

It may not be a question of one path being right and another being wrong. It is considering which path resonates with you and makes your heart sing. It is about which one will take you to the next step on the path of your purpose and mission in this incarnation.

This is where turning to your internal compass can give you guidance on what resonates with you. Your internal compass resides in your heart center. This is where you go to gain clarity about your mission and to stay on course.

Each person has a unique mission in each incarnation. Your mission incorporates your talents, skills, and values. These aspects are blended with your special energetic signature to form the person you are. When you tune in to your heart center, you are in harmony with who you are, and this leads you to your special mission.

If you wish to have greater clarity about your mission, you can make this request to the Universe and your guides. Then, tune in to your inner compass and guidance for the answer. It may come in several forms. You may have an idea that seems to float into your awareness. You may see a book that draws your attention, or you may have a conversation with someone who sparks an idea within you. When you remain focused in the moment and are in tune with your internal compass and guidance, you can recognize the signals more easily.

Then, your internal compass helps to keep you on course with your mission.

You may wish to tune in to your inner compass by placing your attention on your heart center and focusing on your breath. As you focus on your breath, you are remaining in the moment and centering yourself. Then, your attention can rest in your heart center.

As you breathe in and out, you become aware of yourself as a Spark of the Divine. You realize that you are much more than the external circumstances that surround you. You know, within your deepest knowing, that you are part of a great web of life that is universal.

As you continue to bask in this knowing, you become aware that this knowing is part of your internal compass. It is always there guiding you when you allow it to impart its universal knowledge to you. It is there leading you to your mission and to highest good. It is there leading you to peace within your Soul.

The more you tune in to your internal compass, the stronger it becomes.

When you tune in to your internal compass throughout the day, it imparts what you need to know at that moment. Then, when you come to the fork in the road, the various choices that are presented to you seem much more manageable because you are aware of your role in the vast universal play of life. The path or paths that most closely resonate with your mission seem to tug at your heart strings, as the others fade away.

It is as if your internal compass is guiding you, and you begin to glide through daily life with ease and grace, no matter what external circumstances arise, because you are connected with a greater plan. You are part of the great cosmic plan where you have your unique role, just as others have their unique roles. With each person playing his or her role, the cosmic dance of life moves in a harmonious manner.

Beloveds, we are always here to work with you when you call on us. We are all working for peace, harmony, and greatest good.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel, Holy Lady Amethyst, joined by a Host of the Angelic Realm
…and We surround you with love

And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Your Focus and Your Path”

July 2015

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. We are being joined by a host of Angelic Realm of Light. Today, in our Message of Light, we wish to discuss your focus and your path.

We have discussed the importance of focus in previous messages, and we are continuing that discussion in this message.

Your focus determines your path.

There are many opportunities that are being presented in the new energy. The great influx of Light is calling to you to be present in your state of awareness. As the new energy arises, it affects current possibilities in different ways. It may expand certain areas and open up even greater avenues for exploration. Some areas may still seem possible but perhaps in a different form. Other areas may no longer feel like a viable opportunity. Circumstances are constantly being altered as new energy arrives.

This presents a wonderful opportunity to move forward. New energy offers fresh insights when you look at a situation from a different perspective. The new energy may have changed a situation in your environment so that manifesting your dream is possible. It may bring a new possibility or resource into your awareness. You may meet someone or see something that is exactly what will help you move forward.

Remaining alert and aware will help you recognize these signals as they appear. Then you can allow the energy to help you move forward. Keeping your focus on current awareness, your goals, and highest good will help you recognize opportunities around you.

First, it is important to focus on what you want rather than what you do not want. What you focus on expands. You will draw to you circumstances of a similar vibration to where you have placed your focus. Therefore, keeping a positive focus will assist in your vibration remaining high. You will send out energetic signals of that frequency, and this will increase the opportunity for circumstances of a similar vibration to present themselves to you.

As you set your focus, you may wish to place yourself in a relaxed state of mind. The method by which you accomplish this is an individual matter. It may range from meditating, listening to relaxing music, or being in nature. This sets the stage for focusing on what you want.

As you are setting your focus, be aware of what you are feeling. Your heart and your feelings can help you determine if you are comfortable with your focus. A relaxed and happy feeling may indicate to you that you have set a positive focus. If you feel any hesitation around your focus, you may wish to examine each detail to see where the uneasiness is. This allows you to adjust your focus until you have a happy, relaxed feeling.

Focus on the highest outcome for what you want. It may be a daily goal of remaining positive and exuding Light as you go throughout your day.

It may extend to focusing on a project you wish to manifest. When your areas of focus are compatible, such as being positive and extending to your desired project, you are more likely to be able to move forward in a flowing manner because you have prepared yourself by first setting your focus in a high vibrational and positive state.

Your focus on a specific project may expand into what you consider a life mission. This involves looking at things in a much broader way than just one project or activity. A life mission is a major focus and involves a series of steps and projects. It may also include other persons or groups as collaborators.

Just as with projects, when you are focusing on your life path, including the criteria of highest good is very important. This puts out a clarion call throughout the ethers for circumstances that may seem synchronistic to come together to assist you on your path.

Therefore, when considering your life path or mission, remaining focused is crucial. Each decision needs to be considered from the perspective as to whether it moves you closer to your mission or takes you on a side trail that is not related to your mission.

When you evaluate an activity in this way, decision-making can become easier because your focus on your life path is the criteria for determining whether an activity is a good fit for you and also whether it is for highest good. This allows you to move forward on the path of your life mission with Love and Light.

Beloveds, we are very pleased that you are focusing on your life path and mission and are carrying it out for highest good.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel, Holy Lady Amethyst, and the Angelic Realm of Light
…and We surround you with love

And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Focus Your Thoughts”

June 2015

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. I am being joined by a Host of the Angelic Realm and the Divine Feminine, and we are bringing you a Message of Light. Today, we wish to discuss focusing your thoughts.

In the current times of higher vibrational energy, it is important to focus your thoughts. Much new energy is reaching your planet, and this brings the opportunity for you to manifest your desires much more quickly. It also offers you the opportunity to ascend to higher levels of consciousness.

Focusing your thoughts can be compared to selecting a television station. If you tune your thoughts to a frequency of daily mundane situations, then this is what will fill your consciousness. This is the vibration that you will send out, and this is what you will attract to you. The stronger your focus on these types of situations, the more of these situations you will attract to you. It is the Universal Law of Attraction that like attracts like.

However, if you select a frequency that is motivating and inspiring and tune your thoughts to this, your consciousness will be filled by that particular frequency. Your attention and consciousness will be focused on thoughts of motivation and inspiration.

If you wish to have more peace and harmony in your life, you can begin by thinking about peace and harmony. Picture peaceful situations in your life, and then feel the peaceful vibrations of those situations. The more you visualize these situations and feel their vibrations, the more they will manifest in your daily life because your thoughts and feelings are creating your reality.

If you wish to be in closer communication with us in the Realms of Light, think about us and feel our loving presence. We are delighted when you want to communicate with us. The veils between the realms are thinning, and communication is much easier. It is simply a matter of adjusting your frequency to be closer to our frequency. As you raise your frequency, we can adjust ours slightly so that communication is possible.

Keeping your frequency at a higher level during your day-to-day routine will make communication with us much easier because a high vibration or frequency will be your default pattern. You will be able to tune in to us more easily. You may even feel us around you as you go throughout your day.

To set your frequency at a higher level, begin with the intention for this to occur. When you want to establish a new pattern, a clearly stated intention is the first step. Then begin to visualize what your intended goal would look like. Picture it in your mind. Make it the picture of highest good for all because this will carry a higher vibration.

Then focus on what your intended outcome would feel like. A high vibrational outcome might include love, joy, peace, and happiness as well as highest good.

Once you have set your intended outcome, focus your thoughts and feelings on it. Random thoughts will bring random results. Focused thoughts are much stronger and are more likely to bring the desired results. Highly focused thoughts can have a laser-like effect in manifesting your desired goal or outcome.

If you begin to find your thoughts wandering into a random pattern, simply redirect them back to your desired outcome. The more you practice this, the easier it will be to keep your thoughts focused on what you want.

The higher the frequency of your desired outcome, the higher the frequency of your thoughts needs to be. If you are wishing for peace and harmony in a situation, release thoughts of judgment or anger around anyone or anything in the situation. Focus on seeing the highest and the best in everyone and everything to keep your thoughts at a high frequency.

When you focus your thoughts and feelings on situations and things of a higher vibrational frequency, then this is what you will attract to you. Set your intention for highest good as you focus on your desires.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are focusing your thoughts on outcomes for highest good. We are with you as you as you bring love, peace, harmony, and joy into your Being.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel, The Divine Feminine, and The Angelic Realm …and We surround you with love

And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Manifestation and Co-Creation”

May 2015

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel along with Holy Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today, we wish to talk with you about manifestation and co-creation.

You are living in an era where manifestation occurs very rapidly. With the higher vibrational energy, a thought can manifest into physical reality much more quickly than in the previous era, prior to December 21, 2012.

Prior to that time, the energy was vibrating at a lower level, and it required more concentrated thought and effort to take shape.

Today, with finer and higher vibrational energy, thoughts manifest into reality much more quickly. A shorter length of focus is required now for the manifestation to occur.

This has positive benefits as well as cautions.

The positive benefit is that your dreams form in the etheric realm very quickly. When you focus on what you want and apply concentrated energy to your vision, many forces come together for the manifestation to occur.

The caution that accompanies this more rapid manifestation is to be careful with your thoughts. When you dwell on thoughts, they gather energy. The more you dwell on idle or random thoughts, the more energy they gather. When this is accompanied by concentrated emotions, they can manifest into something that may not be what you desire. Therefore, careful monitoring of your thoughts is essential.

When a thought enters your consciousness, you may wish to examine it first from the perspective of a detached observer. Then you can tune in to your heart center to see if it resonates with you.

If it does not resonate with you, you can discard it just as if it is a passing breeze, or you may make adjustments to your original intention. If your intention makes your heart sing, then you can give it more careful attention and decide if you wish to add more energy to it.

With the new, higher vibrational energy, you are taking on an increased role of co-creator. You are no longer at the mercy of what may come your way. You now have an increased role of determining what you want and taking the steps to manifest it into reality.

One of the first steps in your role as co-creator is to set your intention for what you want to manifest. Clarity in defining what you want is important and requires discernment. You may find that you no longer want what you thought you did previously. Former desires may no longer be an energetic fit for who you are in the higher vibrational energy. Keeping your desires current with who you are now will allow you to move forward with clear intentions.

In the new energy, the heart center plays an important role. If your intention does not resonate with you in your heart center, you may wish to eliminate that intention. You may also decide to examine it to see why it doesn’t resonate. This can yield valuable information as you move forward and help you stay current with your ascending energy.

If it does resonate with your heart center, then you can examine it with your sacred mind for logistical considerations.

Thus, the heart and mind are working together as you set your intention.

When your intention for your manifestation is for highest good, the vibrational level is increased. It is no longer appropriate to consider only whether the manifestation is beneficial to you. The higher approach is that it be for highest good.

After you have set your intention, an application of focused thought and heart energy can help you to manifest your intention. When you send out focused thought accompanied by corresponding emotions or feelings, you have signaled to the Universe and the higher dimensions that you are ready to move forward.

Through the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction, you attract to you those things that will assist in the manifestation of your intention. You may find that you see something in a magazine or on the internet. You may see someone in a store or at an event who can give you additional insights or assistance. You may find that you are receiving ideas or insights from the higher dimensions as you are going about your daily work. This is occurring because you have set a clear intention and then applied focused thoughts and feelings to your vision.

When this occurs, you are moving into your role of manifestation and co-creation. You have taken an active role in this process and stepped more fully into your role as co-creator.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are moving into your role as a co-creator in your manifestations. Know that we are here to work with you as you manifest your intentions for highest good.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst, …and We surround you with love

And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Clarity and Your Energy Field”

April 2015

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we would like to discuss the clarity and purity of your vibration and energy field.

Your energy field reflects your vibration. It is mirrors your intentions, thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Each intention, thought, feeling, or action carries its own vibration. Thoughts and feelings such as love and kindness carry a higher vibration than those of anger and resentment.

Each time you experience a thought or a feeling, it is recorded and reflected in your energy field. It is a record of who you are, and it changes based on your current state of being.

For example, if you are feeling peaceful and something suddenly disrupts your surroundings, your energy field will reflect this change unless you have mastered the art of remaining calm during disruptions.

The more time you spend in a certain vibration, the greater its reflection in your energy field. If you are usually a kind and loving person, this is the vibration that will be reflected in your energy field.

The clarity of your energy field is a reflection of both your inner and your outer vibrations. Your outer vibration may be considered to be your outward actions, spoken words, and expressed emotions, while your inner vibration is composed of your inner thoughts and unexpressed emotions. When your inner and outer vibrations match, your energy field is a clear reflection of what you are thinking, feeling, and expressing.

However, when you are thinking and feeling one thing inside and expressing something completely different on the outside, this can lead to a cloudiness of your energy field. The inner and the outer are in conflict, and this can cause a disruptive vibrational pattern.

In the previous example of having your peaceful feeling disrupted, if someone asks you if the disruption bothered you and you say no when, in fact, the disruption greatly bothered you, your inner and outer vibrations will be in conflict. You are feeling one way inside but saying the complete opposite outwardly. This can lead to cloudiness in your energy field.

Of course, there may be occasions when you cannot always say exactly how you feel, but a prolonged pattern of having the inner and outer vibrations in conflict may not be a productive pattern for clarity in your energy field. The more often your inner and outer vibrations and expressions match, the clearer your energy field will be.

The qualities that you focus on most often will be the predominant vibration in your energy field. When you set your intention for attributes such as love, peace, and compassion and meditate on them, you build up a vibrational pattern of these attributes. This is then reflected in your energy field. The more you focus on them, the more strongly they are carried in your aura.

By intentionally focusing on the qualities you wish to reflect, this becomes your default pattern. You may find that you are drawing situations of a similar vibration to you. Also, if you happen to encounter a situation that does not match your intention, you can remain centered more easily because you have set your intention as your default pattern.

If you have set love, peace, and kindness as your intention, this becomes the natural state that you reflect in your energy field. When you think loving and peaceful thoughts and express them in your words and actions, then the inner and the outer are carrying a similar vibration. This leads to harmony in your energy field and reflects a clear vibration of your state of being.

A state of purity becomes part of your vibration as you focus on qualities such as love, peace, and kindness for all of creation. When you desire the greatest for all, you are expressing the oneness of all of creation. You are able to relate to the Divine Spark that is part of everything. When this occurs, your own vibration rises to a higher level because you are expressing a purity of desire in your intentions, thoughts, feelings, and actions.

As greatest good becomes your default pattern, your energy field will reflect clarity and purity, and you ascend to higher and higher dimensions.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are focusing your intentions, thoughts, feelings, and actions on qualities that lead to the greatest good for all. Your energy fields are reflecting a clear and pure vibration.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst, …and We surround you with love

And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Maintaining a Calm Center in Expanded Consciousness”

March 2015

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we wish to discuss maintaining a calm center in the higher frequencies of Light and expanded consciousness.

The higher frequencies of Light are continuing to come to the 3rd dimension in waves of energy that can assist you on your ascension path. As this occurs, it affects the existing patterns of energy on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. When you remain aware that this higher frequency energy is around you, you are able to use it for expanded consciousness and highest good.

The higher frequency energy brings opportunities for looking at existing patterns and situations in new ways. Current patterns of activity can be re-examined in this new Light of expanded consciousness. It is as if old energy is being dislodged and brought forth for re-evaluation. Sometimes it may occur gradually, such as an aha moment that gently comes into your awareness, or it may be a more rapid occurrence when it happens all at once.

This awareness can occur in many areas of your life. It may be as simple as realizing that your food preferences are changing. You may find that activities or interests that were previously very important to you no longer hold your attention. You may become aware of new activities that call to you for exploration. In this examination, you may find that some current activities very much support your forward movement on your ascension path.

You may also find that your way of looking at situations is changing. Your consciousness is continuing to expand across the dimensions. As more Light permeates your awareness, you are perceiving events and concepts on many levels.

On the 3rd dimensional level, a concept may appear as black and white due to the duality of this dimension. As your awareness rises to the 4th, 5th, and higher dimensions, you begin to notice more subtle variations on a concept. There are many varying shades of difference. This may lead you to look at a situation or concept with much greater awareness than previously. You may find that compassion and kindness are influencing your perception.

When you are calm and centered, your ability to perceive concepts across the dimensions is greatly enhanced. You begin to recognize the early signals that are opportunities for change, whether large or small, are present. This allows you to make adjustments as you receive the signals.

In a state of calmness, you are able to become an oasis of peacefulness for yourself and those around you. Your inner stillness provides you with a space between you and outside activity. This allows you to pause for a moment before reacting to a situation. You are able to view events from a more neutral perspective and make decisions that reflect your increased state of awareness.

It is as if you can view events in the present moment and also put them into a larger context. You may decide that a small annoyance is just an irritant for the moment and that it is not important in the larger picture. You are also able to perceive when an event has a larger significance in your ascension process.

When you remain calm, you may find this assessment process easier. You are able to turn inward and tune in to your Higher Self for a higher view of a situation. You are less likely to be influenced by outside conditions. You are able to look at a situation and make decisions for highest good.

As you turn inward to your calm center, you may find that you desire more time in solitude. You may also wish to consider adding times during the day when you pause and focus on your breath. This brings your attention back to your inner center of calmness. As you increase your practice of turning inward, you may find that the soothing effects of this practice extend for longer periods of time. When this occurs, it becomes a way of being. Turning inward for pausing becomes your default pattern and increases your expanded consciousness.

In a state of inner calmness and expanded consciousness, you are taking the next steps on your ascension path. Your awareness rises higher, and new dimensions open to you.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are turning inward to maintain a calm center in expanded consciousness.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst, …and We surround you with love

And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com