Message from Archangel Zadkiel ~ August 2016

Transmitted Through Linda Robinson


Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and a Host of the Angelic Realm of Light. Today, we wish to discuss your internal center of guidance.

As a sovereign Being of Light, you have an internal center of guidance. You are endowed with the same attributes as those of other Beings of Light who are in the non-physical realm.

Many times it is easy for you to forget this with the many energy shifts and global events that are occurring. You may find yourself becoming enmeshed in daily events and lose sight of the bigger picture. It is similar to the saying that you can’t see the forest for the trees.Read more »

“Oneness and Love”

July 2016

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we are being joined by a host of the Angelic Realm of Light. We are coming to you as a group to display the concept of Oneness and Love.

There is no division or separation in the Higher Realms. We are part of the great Oneness, just as you are. We each have our areas of specialty, just as you do on the Earth plane.

You may know each of us by a particular vibration or by our special area of work. Each of us is a part of the fabric of Creation. If one thread were removed, there would be a gap. One thread is not more important than another. Each thread is playing its part in the greater plan of Creation.

When we join our individual parts together, we form a complete picture of the Oneness of Creation. The quality that joins us is Love.

Love is an overarching quality that underlies and unites every part of the fabric of Light that you call the Universe. Love is the strongest force there is.

As individual units of Light in the Higher Realms, we know that we are to play our part to the fullest and best of our ability because we are an integral part of the whole. There is no competition but rather cooperation to bring our Light to the fullest and brightest level possible. When our Lights are combined, you experience the Light and music of the spheres. When viewed from afar, this Light appears seamless because of the great Love and cooperation that we exude.

The time has come for you on the Earth plane to emulate the same qualities that are being shown in the Higher Realms. No earthly Being can exist alone. No earthly Being contains all the skills and qualities in exactly the same proportions. Each earthly Being has a beautiful mission to contribute so that your planet may support the greatest good of all.

When you realize that you have a unique mission, this may begin to stimulate a desire within you for highest good. You wish for your highest good and the greatest good of all. In reality, there is no real separation between you and your neighbor. It is only one of degree of mission.

Each of you plays a part in creating and maintaining your environment of well-being. If every person had the same occupation, many areas would be left wanting. Many parts of your daily life would go unfulfilled.

For example, a craftsman skilled in woodworking can design and build structures that protect you from the elements. These structures are also places of beauty that allow for the nourishment of the soul. Other persons may be skilled healers, while others are brilliant scientists who bring inventions that make your life easier. Others may provide business places where you are able to obtain goods and services. If any one of these skills were removed, your daily life would not contain the richness that allows you to move forward on your path.

The time has come for each of you to honor and appreciate yourself and each person who contributes to the greater good of the whole.

The starting point is to turn inward and focus on your Divine Spark within. This is the Spark of Light that resides in your heart center. It is the part of you that connects you to All That Is. It is the part of you that connects you to every other Being.

Your Divine Spark is composed of Love and Light. The more you focus on your Divine Spark, the brighter it will shine. It will increase the Universal Love you feel. It will begin to bridge the seeming differences that are outward appearances of race, religion, culture, or other factors. You will instead begin to focus inwardly from your heart center and your Divine Spark to connect with the heart center and Divine Spark of others.

As this occurs, a realization of Oneness and Love begins to form. With continued focus on your Divine Spark, you become aware that you all came from the same Creator and are all part of the great Creation. You each have your part to play in maintaining an awareness of the Oneness and Love that is part of each person’s role.

A desire for the greatest good of all can enhance this energetic connection as it spreads across your planet and throughout the Universe.

Beloveds, we encourage you to spend some time each day reflecting on this Oneness and the great Universal Love that connects you all.

We are with you as you blend your loving energies together in a great web of Oneness and Light.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst along with a Host of the Angelic Realm of Light
…and We surround you with love

And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson,

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson,

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]


“Nurturing Yourself in the New Energy”

June 2016

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today, we wish to discuss nurturing yourself in the new energy.

You are continuing to experience many energy shifts that are bringing in new, higher-dimensional energy, and this is opening your awareness to new possibilities in the Universal Light. New realms and new vistas are coming into your awareness.

The higher-dimensional energy has a quality of refined Light. The particles of this Light are very fine and rarified. They have a quality of being very ethereal with infinite possibilities. They are calling to you and inviting you to experience this refined energy. They are reminding you of your true home. They are calling you to experience the Oneness of all of Creation. They are calling you to let your own energy field rise in refinement to incorporate this refined energy.

Your personal energy field is enhanced when you nurture yourself. Nurturing yourself is no longer optional. It is crucial in the new energy.

Nurturing yourself in the new energy can help you to assimilate the higher-dimensional energy. When you nurture yourself, you are surrounding yourself with the heart energy of the Divine Feminine. The Divine Feminine energy is loving, caring, compassionate, and understanding. It is longing to give you the nurturance you have provided to others for aeons. Now, it is time to give this nurturing energy of the Divine Feminine to yourself.

Surrounding yourself with the heart energy of the Divine Feminine enables you to relax and expand your consciousness to higher levels. Then, the new, higher-dimensional energy can settle gently into your Being, and you begin to rise to higher levels.

The more often you assimilate the higher-frequency energy, the more easily you can move between the dimensions. As you do this, you become aware, on a Soul-knowing level, that Love is the universal vibration of the spheres.

Nurturing yourself each day will help your vibration remain high. When you nurture yourself first, this keeps your Being filled with Light. This allows you to tap into Universal Love. As you are feeling this Love, you are able to be of greater service to humanity. It is hard to share with others what you do not first do for yourself. Therefore, nurturing yourself each day is not selfish. Quite the contrary, it is honoring your own Being by nurturing yourself first and then sharing this Universal Love with others.

The ways in which you decide to nurture yourself can range from time alone to being with others. It is highly personal depending on what makes your heart sing. Doing what makes you feel special and restores your energy will help you to nurture yourself.

It is the small, consistent nurturing of yourself that can make your heart sing. Even a few small things each day can build a bridge of caring for yourself that will allow you to go throughout your day fulfilling other responsibilities more easily. When you know that you will be doing kind, nurturing things for yourself each day, your Being is more likely to remain filled with higher-dimensional Light. It is an anticipation and joy when you appreciate and honor your Being.

One technique that you may wish to use to nurture yourself is to tune in to your Divine Spark, which connects you to All That Is. It is the eternal part of you that resides in your heart center. The more often you tune into your Divine Spark, the more brightly it will shine. This allows you to receive and carry even more Universal Love and Light. Your own Being is singing and happy, and this Light radiates out to humanity, the planet, and the Universe.

This allows you to view events in your current surroundings from a higher perspective. You can more easily relate to others. You realize that everyone has a Divine Spark within and that this is what connects everyone in Oneness.

Another way to nurture yourself is to practice self-appreciation. You can do this by focusing on your positive qualities. This is not done in a boastful manner. It is rather acknowledging those qualities that are part of who you are. This can be done privately in your quiet time.

These qualities may range from kindness to loyalty to being helpful to others. You may be open to new concepts and are a seeker on the spiritual path. Focusing on positive qualities can help to raise your vibration and keep your heart energy open to universal Love.

When you practice self-appreciation, this helps you to keep your body of nurturing energy full. Then, you are able to extend this nurturing to others. You begin to rise to higher-dimensional levels and, in turn, help to lift the energy of those around you.

Beloveds, we encourage you to continue to nurture yourself so that you may extend this nurturing to others. We are with you as you surround yourself and others with Love.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst
…and We surround you with love

And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson,

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson,

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]


“Being Fully Present”

May 2016

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and a Host of the Angelic Realm of Light. Today, we wish to discuss being fully present.

Being fully present in the moment is very important. Waves of higher frequency energy are continuing to reach your planet. This offers you an opportunity to move forward on your ascension path as well as to be of service to humanity and your planet.

When you are fully present, you have your attention in the present moment. You are not reminiscing about or reviewing the past, nor are you planning for the future. You are not distracted by what else you could be doing. You are fully focused on where you are at the moment and what you are doing. If you are talking to someone, your attention is focused on them and what they are saying. You are aware of your immediate environment. You are in the moment.

When you are fully present in the moment, your energy is aligned with the universal vibration. You are more likely to be attuned to energetic shifts when they occur. You become more aware of what these shifts may mean for you and adjustments you may wish to make.

For example, you may be aware that you want extra quiet time for yourself, or you may wish to be with family or others of like mind. You may decide that a goal you have set for yourself needs to be modified or that you wish to devote more time to your spiritual practice.

When you are in the present moment, you pick up on prompts from your inner guidance, and you are in the flow. You are part of the ebb and flow of the energy, just as the waves of the ocean have a pattern of ebb and flow. This becomes part of your natural rhythm, and you are in harmony with the Universe. You realize that you are part of a larger picture, and you feel the oneness and connectedness with All That Is.

When this occurs, you find yourself rising naturally to the next level on your ascension path.

There are several techniques to use to bring yourself back to being fully present. One way is to focus on the breath. As you feel the breath going in through the nostrils and then going down into the lungs, you become aware that you are in the present moment. Then you feel the outbreath travel back up and out of the lungs and then out the nostrils. After placing your attention on the breath for several cycles of inflow and outflow, you are fully present in the moment.

Another technique for being fully present is to focus completely on what you are doing at that moment.

For example, if you are eating a meal, you are focused on the appearance, aroma, taste, and texture of the food. You are not thinking about what you did yesterday or what you will do next week. You are completely focused on your food. This enables you to enjoy every bite of food and to be relaxed in the present moment.

The more you practice being fully present in the moment, the easier it will become.

As this is occurring, you may become aware of ways in which you can be of service to humanity and the planet.

One of the greatest gifts you can give to humanity and the planet is to hold the space energetically.

When you hold the space, you have aligned your own energy with the vibration of the Universe. You are centered and are in the present moment. Your focus turns to thoughts of greatest good for all. You want everyone to be in the highest and best circumstances.

You are holding the space for those who are experiencing challenging times, such as illness or loss. You are providing an energetic space for them so that they can work through whatever challenges they are facing. It does not mean that you try to solve their problems. It means that you are providing Love and understanding so that they can work through their own situation.

You are also holding the space for the planet by sending it Love. You are sending thoughts of highest good, gratitude, and understanding. You are giving thanks for all the support that Mother Earth has provided you, and you are sending her Love for all she continues to do to support the well-being of her inhabitants.

While you are remaining fully present and are holding the space, you may find yourself gaining additional insights about your own ascension path. You realize that everything is connected. All is one. There is no separation. As this realization occurs, your Light shines brightly for those around you and throughout the dimensions. You are a beacon of Love and Light.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are being fully present in the moment and that you are holding the space.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst
…and We surround you with love

And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson,

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson,

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]


“Let Your Heart Sing”

April 2016

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, with Holy Lady Amethyst, and a Host of the Angelic Realm of Light. Today, we wish to bring you a Message of Light about letting your heart sing.

The heart is where you begin to access the energy of the higher dimensions. The energy of the heart is the energy of Love. The energy of the higher dimensions is based on Love. This is a universal Love that goes far beyond romantic love.

The energy of Love is a universal vibration that encompasses all of creation. It is an energy that hums throughout the Omniverse and connects both the manifested and unmanifested potential of All That Is. It is the substance of pure Light.

The Light connects you with All That Is through the Divine Spark in your heart center. This is the place where you can turn to feel your connection with all of humanity and with All That Is.

When you live in such a way that your heart sings, the energy in your heart center remains clear, and your Light shines brightly. The clearer the energy in your heart center is, the more brightly your Light will shine.

When your heart sings, the Light is coherent and moving in the same direction in an organized manner. There is no push or pull directing the energy to move in divergent directions. You are clear about what you want and what makes your heart sing. This allows the energy to move forward in an organized way.

When this occurs, your personal energetic frequency is higher. This allows you to access the energy in the higher dimensions, and you begin to rise to higher levels. There is no struggle or strain. It happens automatically because you have allowed your heart to sing.

The many planetary energy shifts are aiding the process of allowing your heart to sing. Each shift is bringing things to the surface and to your awareness for examination. You have the opportunity to decide what makes your heart sing.

When you are clear about what makes your heart sing, you are being offered the opportunity to move to higher levels.

Being clear about what makes your heart sing is an ongoing process. As a Being of Light, your energy field is constantly changing and flowing according to your thoughts and emotions, as well as to the planetary energy shifts. This provides a wonderful opportunity for you to move forward.

Being aware of the changing energy is an important part of letting your heart sing. This allows you to move and flow with the energy. It allows you to let go of what no longer feels right for you. This frees up energy for you to explore new interests. When this occurs, your energy is constantly renewing itself, and your heart sings.

Each day brings the possibility of new insights because you are living in the moment. You become aware of the concept that the present moment is all that is. When you are aware of the present moment, a feeling of peacefulness begins to flow from you, and your heart sings.

As you focus on whatever makes your heart sing, this allows the insights to flow more naturally because you have raised your energetic vibration. You are in that space of coherent Light. You are in the flow. The more you engage in this process, the more it will occur. Soon, it will become a way of living for you.

This does not mean that you abandon all responsibilities. It means that you consciously make time each day for doing what makes your heart sing. These activities that make your heart sing begin to build a bridge or network of points of Light that carry you throughout whatever you need to do during your day.

The more points of Light you create, the more easily your day will flow. You begin to rise to a higher vibration that sustains you as you move forward. It is a creating of points of Light and maintaining them by being aware of what makes your heart sing.

If you find an activity that previously made you happy and it no longer calls to you, bless it for the happiness it brought you and release it with Love to the Universe. The peaceful energy that surrounded this activity is then free to transmute and transform into something that will be an energetic fit for you at the current time.

When you remain in the present moment, you are more aware of when these shifts occur. You are able to make changes more gradually and easily. It becomes a flow of being aware of what makes your heart sing at the present moment.
As this process occurs, your heart sings, and you begin to flow with the music of the spheres.

Beloved Ones, we are happy that you are allowing your heart to sing. We rejoice with you each time we hear the beautiful music of your heart singing.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst
…and We surround you with love

And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson,

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson,

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]


“The Stillness Within”

March 2016

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst. We are being joined by a Host of the Angelic Realm of Light and the Hathors. Today, we wish to discuss the stillness within.

You are being presented with many opportunities to move forward on your ascension path. Each wave of incoming energy brings new possibilities for paths to explore and ways to serve.

At times, these waves of energy and possibilities may seem to come rapidly. You may feel as if you do not have time to process one wave of energy before the next one arrives. When this occurs, you may wish to consider turning to the stillness within to consider your options.

Many of the great sages and teachers often went on a retreat when considering their options or when they were faced with a large task ahead of them. They would go away from the masses and go into silence to commune with the Creator and their guides and teachers in the Higher Realms. During this time, they would receive guidance and then focus their energy and intent on the task ahead.

In the society of today, taking a long retreat may not be possible for everyone. Instead, you may consider a walk in the park, a stroll along the beach, or some time in your favorite quiet place. A few minutes in a peaceful location can help to clear your mind and bring new insights.

Another way to tune in to the stillness within is to develop a daily routine of quiet time. You may feel as if you don’t have time to do this practice. However, as you begin this routine, you may find that you are gaining additional time through the clarity and insights that can come with this practice. Beginning with just a few minutes once or twice a day can yield great results.

You can use whatever technique resonates with you. This may be focusing on your breath, repeating a mantra, or picturing a sacred Being. The important thing is to select something that you will look forward to.

When you are able to sit in a favorite chair or location, your energy will begin to build and help you gain even more peacefulness when you are there.

As your attention rests gently on your selected point of focus, a stillness begins to develop. This stillness has its own quiet energy. Your body, mind, and spirit begin to relax, and you are at peace.

As this stillness continues, you may begin to notice a pause or gap between your thoughts. This pause or gap allows space for insights and communication with your guides and teachers.

As you go more deeply into your inner stillness, you may begin to feel yourself transported to another plane of energy. This is where you move into the space between the spaces. This is the point where you realize that you are much more than your individual self and more than your mind and body. You begin to be aware that you are part of something much greater than yourself. You are aware of the oneness of all of creation.

When this occurs, you gain clarity and can see things from a much bigger vantage point. Any decisions that you are considering about your path are seen from a much broader perspective. You become aware of how your thoughts and actions affect the greater collective. You feel the oneness, and this leads you to a desire for highest good for all.
You move into a greater point of stillness and peace. You may feel that this is what you have been searching for all along.

When this occurs, you know that you can return to this point any time you wish. The more you tap into the stillness within, the stronger it becomes. You are able to move throughout your daily activities with ease and grace. A state of inner stillness becomes your default pattern, much like a default setting on a computer. It becomes your natural and normal way of being.

As you move throughout your day, everyone who is around you benefits from your state of inner stillness, and your vibrations of peace and stillness ripple out into the ethers for the benefit of all.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are tuning in to the stillness within. We are there with you and are sending you our whispers of Love and peace.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst
…and We surround you with love

And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson,

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson,

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]
