Message From Archangel Zadkiel ~ August 2020

Transmitted Through Linda Robinson


Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss refining your Light body.

Humanity and your planet are continuing to experience many energetic changes as higher frequencies of Light are arriving. This may bring ripples throughout your Light body and invite you to higher levels. As you assimilate this higher frequency energy into your energetic field, it allows you to move forward to a higher level on your spiral of ascension.

The incorporation of the higher frequency energy allows you to release old energies that are no longer a good fit for you and to welcome the new higher energy to become part of your ever-evolving Light body. When you let this occur in a natural sequence, a smooth flow results. You are ready to release the energy that no longer serves you and invite in the new energy that is assisting you to move to a higher level.

It is a process of allowing the new energies in, releasing the old ones that no longer serve you, assimilating the new pattern, and moving to a higher level.

This is an ongoing process. When you flow with the present moment, you are likely to be less attached to old patterns and more receptive to new ones.

As this occurs, your Light body is refined.

This process takes place in both the heart and the mind.

The heart is the seat of emotional patterns. It is where you experience happiness and joy as well as less-than-positive feelings. When you have a loving heart, you are able to tap into the Universal Love that is available at all times. This allows you to release any emotional patterns that you do not want to carry forward.

You can strengthen the feeling of Love in your heart center by connecting with it regularly. You can turn inward to your heart center and focus on your Divine Spark that resides there. As you tune in to it, you feel the Universal Love and the connection with the Divine. The more that you do this, the stronger the connection will become. The feeling of Love will become your main center of focus, and it will help to dissolve any less-than-positive feelings.

As this occurs, you will be able to welcome the new energies more easily, and you can recognize old patterns and energies that no longer serve you.

This will provide a backdrop for you to turn to the mind to examine your thought patterns to see if there are any that are no longer a good fit for you. Because you have established a feeling of Love in your heart center, looking at your thoughts can be done in a more detached manner. Examining them does not mean you have to release them. It merely offers you an opportunity to see what you want to keep and what you want to release.

Each time you go through the process of examining your feelings at the heart center level and your thoughts at the level of the mind and then releasing what no longer serves you, you are refining your Light body. It can be compared to an energetic sweeping through to remove the old in order to allow the new to come in and be assimilated.

Remaining in the present moment assists in this process. You are aware of who you are at the current time and what is right for you. It becomes a gentle flow of incoming and outgoing energy.

As you practice this, it becomes part of your normal pattern, and you are continually refining your Light body.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are refining your Light body by accepting the new energies and releasing what no longer serves you. We are with you as you incorporate this into your Being.

Know that you are greatly Loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and WE surround you with Love.

And so it is.

Copyright © 2020. Linda M. Robinson,  All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected].

Message From Archangel Zadkiel ~ July 2020

Transmitted Through Linda Robinson

Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss listening to your inner voice.

In this time of rapid change, many ideas about the ascension process abound. One person may claim they have found the only path to ascension, while another person may have a completely different view.

There are many paths that allow you to rise to higher and higher levels on your ascension spiral. There is no one answer that fits every person.

It is very important that you turn to your heart center and your inner guidance to determine the best path for you. Your own inner voice will guide you in greater understanding about your path.

The key is to listen to your inner voice, which is also known as your inner guidance. This does not mean you actually need to hear a voice. Your inner guidance may come in the form of a thought, an idea, or something someone else says. The more you practice this, the clearer your inner voice, or guidance, will become.

As you are tuning in to your inner voice, you may wish to ask for highest good. This allows the Higher Beings to work more closely with you.

Your inner voice will bring you wisdom and understanding as you move along your ascension path.Read more »

Message From Archangel Zadkiel ~ June 2020

Transmitted Through Linda Robinson


Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss attuning to the highest vibrations.

Your planet is continuing to experience many changing energetic patterns. This can be very disruptive to the energy field with the uncertainty that is occurring.

It is during times such as these that we encourage you to focus on attuning to the highest vibrations. Not only can this provide comfort to you, it can also assist you in continuing to rise to higher vibrational levels.

When you attune to the highest vibrations, you are incorporating this higher energy into your own energetic field. This is how you rise gently and naturally to higher and higher dimensional levels.

Keeping your energy field clear aids greatly in this process. It allows you to maintain your current frequency and opens the way for you to assimilate more higher dimensional energy.

When you allow lower vibrational energy to remain in your energy field and consciousness, this is an impediment that must be transmuted and cleared to allow the higher incoming energy to be assimilated.Read more »

Message From Archangel Zadkiel ~ May 2020

Transmitted Through Linda Robinson


Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss turning inward.

You have been and are continuing to experience times of great challenge with current situations. These are indeed times that can be trying to the Soul and may lead you to wonder how to navigate this crisis spiritually.

In times such as this, turning inward to your heart center takes on increased importance.

The heart center is where your Divine Spark resides. It is your connection with Source and with all of humanity.

As a Divine Spark, you burst forth from Source to play your role in the grand plan of Creation. Connecting with your Divine Spark leads you to remember your connection with Source, and this is where you receive your sustenance as a Soul. When you tune in to your heart center, you can tap into that from which you came. This leads you to a sense of renewed connection and knowing that you are fulfilling your role and mission in this lifetime. You can feel a sense of being part of something much greater than yourself.

This leads to a feeling of Divine Love as a vibration rather than an emotion. Focusing on the feeling of Love helps you to remember your Divine connection. As you continue to focus on Love, you may experience a feeling of Oneness. This can help you feel a sense of connectedness and support.Read more »

Message From Archangel Zadkiel ~ April 2020

Transmitted Through Linda Robinson


Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss rising to a higher vibration.

You are living in a time of a great influx of energetic change. This provides you with an opportunity to incorporate spiritual practices into your daily life that will allow you to rise naturally to higher dimensional levels on your ascension path.

At times you may have considered certain practices to be a temporary solution to a situation. You practiced them until you achieved the desired results, and then you abandoned them because they didn’t feel like you.

At other times, you may have resonated with certain practices and decided that you would like them to become a permanent part of your daily routine. They felt like you, and you looked forward to practicing them. These are the ones that have helped you rise naturally to a higher vibration as part of your ascension path.

The crucial difference is that you selected practices that felt like you, and you looked forward to having them as part of your daily life. There was no stress or strain. After a time of practicing them, they became part of your regular routine. They were as normal as brushing your teeth or combing your hair. You couldn’t imagine life without them. They became part of who you are.

When spiritual routines reach this level, they are the practices that allow your vibration to rise automatically to a higher dimensional frequency. You gently flow with them on your ascension path. The key is to select practices that you enjoy and look forward to.

As you view these practices from a multidimensional perspective, they take on an increased importance.Read more »

Message From Archangel Zadkiel ~ March 2020

Transmitted Through Linda Robinson


Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss the nature of thoughts as related to multidimensional living.

You are living in a time where third dimensional energy is interpenetrated with that of the higher dimensions. Both energies are simultaneously around you. It is a matter of where you focus your awareness. One moment you may view a situation from a third dimensional perspective, and at the same time you may realize that you are also viewing it multidimensionally. The veil is thinning, and you are living in more than one dimension at the same time.

Therefore, concepts that you previously viewed only from a third dimensional perspective need to be considered multidimensionally as you progress on your ascension path.

One such concept is the nature of thoughts.

You have often heard that thoughts are things. From an energetic vantage point, thoughts are very tangible.

Thoughts carry energy. A positive thought carries higher frequency energy than less than positive ones. Because energy travels in circles, what you think emits a unit of energy that travels in a circle, accumulates like energy, and returns to you.

This concept affects you on all dimensional levels.

On the third dimension, thoughts may be private, unless you are around someone who is adept at picking up what others are thinking. Even though your thoughts may be private at this level, they still carry units of energy that can affect the course of your day due to the nature of their circular path.

In the higher dimensions, thoughts are the way that communication occurs. Words are not used. Thoughts are the method of communication. This also implies that communication is instantaneous. There is no longer the luxury of thinking a thought and hoping that no one else will pick it up. What you are thinking can be picked up very easily because of the multidimensional energy at the higher dimensions.

Thoughts are part of your Energetic Signature, which is the way you are recognized in the higher dimensions.

If thoughts are the method of communication in the higher dimensions, monitoring thoughts at the third dimension is a good way to prepare for multidimensional living.

One step in this preparation is setting an intention to keep your thoughts pure and positive. When you find yourself thinking less than positive thoughts, gently change the focus of the thoughts. If you are thinking about a person or a situation, begin by viewing it as a detached observer. In this way, you are more likely to practice discernment as you view the situation without allowing your emotions to become involved or obsessing about it. You can observe the situation in a detached way and then make decisions as to your course of action or non-action. Then you can release the situation to highest good.

The more you practice this approach to thoughts, the more automatic it will become.

Another part of monitoring thoughts is to set aside a time each day to focus on positive things such as love and gratitude. You can think about the love you have for family members and friends. You can think about love from a higher perspective as a love for humanity. With gratitude, you can think about everything you are grateful for. This begins to build a higher vibrational quality to your thoughts, and this vibration becomes your default pattern. This helps you to prepare for living in the higher dimensions and for your current multidimensional living.

When you do this, your thoughts will tend to follow a higher level pattern. You will no longer find yourself emitting negative energy due to negative thoughts. When you keep your thoughts on a positive, higher level, you are living multidimensionally, and you gently rise to higher levels.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are viewing thoughts multidimensionally and are using an approach that elevates you to higher levels on your ascension path.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and WE surround you with Love.

And so it is.

Copyright © 2020. Linda M. Robinson,  All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected].