Embracing Oneness and Highest Good

Embracing Oneness and Highest Good

Message From Archangel Zadkiel – November 2024

Transmitted Through Linda Robinson


Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss embracing Oneness and highest good.

You are a beautiful Being of Light. You burst forth from Source with all the Love and attributes needed to carry out your mission. As you burst forth, you had a knowledge that you would always be part of the Oneness through the connection of your Divine Spark.

You also had a realization that other Beings were going forth to carry out their missions. Even though your missions differed, you were always aware that you and the other Beings were part of the great Oneness. You wanted the best for everyone.

As you are now well into your mission on the Earth plane, you may wish to reflect on what it means to be part of the Oneness.

Being part of the Oneness means that you are endowed with Light and Divine energy as are all Beings. You are connected by this Light. The Oneness envelopes all of Creation. It is an energetic field. Therefore, an individual’s thoughts and feelings ripple out to all other Beings.

You were aware that when each Being incarnated into this lifetime, it selected the race, gender, ethnic background, and other circumstances that would help it carry out its mission and learn whatever lessons it had chosen. You honored the mission that others had chosen.

You remembered that focusing on the ways you were alike helped you realize who you were as part of the Divine Oneness.

Several characteristics are part of the Oneness.

Divine Love carries the highest frequency. When you focus on your Divine Spark, this is your connection to Source and Divine Love. It also connects you to all other Beings through their Divine Spark. You are each part of the Oneness.

You are connected energetically. Therefore, your thoughts and feelings affect all other Beings.

When you want the highest good for everyone, this expresses Oneness.

All Beings want to be loved, appreciated, and valued. It is at the core of every Being.

When you send out wishes for highest good for everyone, this energy reaches all Beings.

Your daily actions can help reflect Oneness and highest good.

One of the first actions is to maintain an awareness of your connection to Source and Oneness. This can be done by turning inward each day and focusing on your Divine Spark. Feel the Love. The more you focus on it, the stronger the connection will be. The Love you feel will radiate out, and your desire for the highest good for all will increase. This brings an increased sense of inner peace.

The stronger your sense of inner peace, the more your awareness of your part of Oneness will grow. This leads to an increased desire for highest good for all.

Everyday actions for highest good will come naturally. You may smile at others, let someone merge ahead of you in traffic, or hold the door open for someone. You recognize that the energy of a kindness shown to one person radiates to the collective.

Your energy of Oneness helps lift the frequency for all.

The more Beings to whom you show kindness, the greater your Light will shine. It will have a multiplying effect on the understanding of Oneness and highest good.

Your Light is a beacon and a great inspiration to others on the ascension path.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are embracing Oneness and highest good.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel,

…and WE surround you with Love.

And so it is.


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