“Being True to Yourself” – February 2011

Greetings Beloved Ones,
I greet you in Love and Light. You are a most precious Being, and you have an important role to play in the ever ascending process of your beloved planet and all who dwell upon it.
It is because of the increasing urgency and speed with which the ascension is taking place that it is of the utmost importance that you be true to yourself. This impacts both your own ascension as well as that of humanity and the planet. Because All Is One, your thread of energy impacts everything around you in the seen and the unseen. You have a great opportunity to help advance the ascension of everyone and everything.
Beloveds, we would first like you to examine and assess where you are. Being true to yourself is very important during the ascension process, for you must unify your energy field so that all of the cells are moving harmoniously together in the same direction. This is a basic energetic principle to help you advance and ascend. A house divided cannot stand. This same principle can be applied when thinking of ascension. If your energy is pulled in several different opposing directions, it cannot move forward in a harmonious manner. The reverse principle also applies. When a house is unified, it is a fortress that withstands all elements that may come. When all of your energy is unified and directed toward a specific path, you can make rapid progress because there is no dissension and no doubt as to whether to take a certain path.
As a group humanity has come through a time where choices were being made. Many avenues and paths were being explored. It was a time of great experimentation to determine which path was the right fit for each person. It was easier to change from path to path because the energy was moving at a slower pace, and the change was energetically easier on the energy field of the individual. We kept the energy at a slower pace to allow you to explore and determine the best fit for you. There are many paths from which to choose, and it was important for you to experience the variety in order to make the right selection for yourself. In the ascension process there is no exclusive path. There are many avenues to ascension. Each one leads to the same goal of reunification with the Supreme Creator.
The important part is to honor the path you have chosen. It brings about a sense of harmony throughout your entire being when you are true to yourself and your innermost yearnings for ascension. Being true to yourself first involves being honest with yourself about what is really important to you. This is a process that needs to feel right to you. As you focus on your chosen path and what it involves, pay attention to how it feels. Notice how each part of your body feels as you imagine yourself on your path. Spend a few moments reflecting on each chakra and whether your path resonates harmoniously with it. If you have hesitation at any point, explore what that hesitation is. It may be a signal that a minor adjustment is needed. It may call you to explore some of your long-held beliefs. This is a time of purification and releasing any old beliefs and patterns that you no longer wish to carry forward. It may also be a signal for you to make a slight adjustment in your path in order to be true to the core values that you wish to carry forward. Whatever the case, it is important for the energy to be clear and for any issues to be resolved. You may wish to call upon the Violet Flame to assist you in transmuting and transforming those things that you are ready to release.
When you have cleared the energy, you are ready to move forward. When your path and each aspect resonate harmoniously with each chakra, all of your energy systems are working together. This allows you to move forward with ease and grace.
This is an ongoing process, for as you continue to move forward on your path, you will be given many choice points to affirm and confirm whether a certain step is consistent with your path. It is important at each point to decide whether that step resonates with you. You always have free will, and moving forward with a clarity of energy is essential for your next step. Resolving conflicts within your energy field as they arise will be much easier than pushing them aside and waiting until a later time to examine what the discomfort and uncertainty are about.
When you are clear about your current point along your path, it is important for your thoughts, words and actions to be consistent with what you have chosen. Beloveds, this can be a point of choice of direction for many. It may involve changing patterns that previously held attraction for you, or it may involve establishing new patterns. You may explore different options to see which one feels right for you and is congruent with your chosen path. For example, if you have decided that having a daily period of quiet time for yourself for reflection, meditation and study will help you to advance spiritually and you do not honor this commitment to yourself, it will set up a discordant pattern of energy within you because you have not matched your actions with your intentions. This is where you have an opportunity to make an adjustment so that your intentions and actions will flow energetically in the same direction. It is far better energetically to take small steps that are congruent with your intentions than to plan large steps that you know you will not honor because this sets up an imbalance of energy.
This is different from setting an ideal toward which to move. When you have a desired goal of moving along your ascension path, this is a larger goal. The small steps are the smaller goals along the way. When you achieve a small goal of making your actions congruent with your intentions, you have progressed along the path of ascension. This is a harmonious energetic flow because all of your energy is moving in the same direction.
When your energy is moving harmoniously, you radiate a sense of peace and calmness to those around you. This point of stillness begins at your core; you have resolved all concerns around that part of your path.
At certain times the steps you are taking may be very different than the path of those around you. This can be a time to exercise discernment. It does not mean abandoning your own values and path. It does mean honoring the free will of those around you. It may mean knowing when to speak your truth and when to be silent. It means speaking your truth with love and acceptance for all, even when they do not agree with your choice of path. Your love and acceptance of them does not negate your own path; it is simply honoring them and their choice while remaining true to yourself.
Beloveds, we would encourage you to set aside a time for a daily review to focus on your path and to assess how well your words and actions adhered to it. Also, review whether you showed respect for the paths of others. Making small adjustments regularly is much easier than realizing that you have veered off the path that you set for yourself and then having to make a bigger correction.
We are here to assist you in looking at any bumps in the road and smoothing them out in a co-creative endeavor. Know that we are only a thought or a whisper away. Call on us to assist you in your refinement of being true to yourself.
Keep the love of all and the desire for the greatest good of all uppermost in your mind as you focus on your highest good and being true to yourself. Remember that Universal Love is a unifying energy. A harmonious co-existence of all paths can lead to much peace for humanity as well as for each individual. This peace and harmony will ripple out into the Universe, the Omniverse and all Creation.
We applaud the brave steps you are taking on your ascension path. Each step you take helps to lift all of humanity, for All Is One. Know that you are greatly loved.
We shower and enfold you with our blessings of love and peace.
I AM Archangel Zadkiel
…And I enfold you with Love.
All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson / PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com