Greetings My Beloved Ones,


I greet you in Love and Light.


You are progressing rapidly in your ascension process. You are taking the steps to continue your forward movement along your path. Some days you may feel that you have taken big steps and leaps, and other days you may feel that your steps were small. Beloveds, whether your steps were large or small does not matter. The important thing is that you are continuing your forward movement on your path.


When you set your intention to move forward, you are bringing forces into play that will help you on your ascension process. Your intent to move forward sets your vibration or frequency at a particular level, and you radiate this frequency out into the ethers. This intention or frequency seeks out those in the earthly plane and the spirit realms to assist you on your path. Those who resonate at a similar frequency connect in the realms of energetic fields to assist you and work together to elevate your consciousness and that of all humanity.


Each time you elevate your thoughts and emotions to a higher frequency, this is a forward step on your path. You are sending out higher vibrations, and you are attracting things of a higher nature back to you. Each time you do this, you are moving forward.


Elevating your thoughts and emotions to a higher frequency may involve a variety of things that will be unique for each individual. For example, in a situation where there has been a conflict, you may choose to look at the situation from a different perspective and decide to forgive yourself and everyone else involved. You may realize that each person had a part in it, just as each actor in a play has a role. You look at the role you played and feel love and compassion for yourself first. Then you let that love and compassion spread to others in the situation. When you look at the situation from a higher perspective and see the lesson in it, then you can reap the wisdom from it as you forgive yourself and everyone involved. When you do this, you have cleared a portion of your energy field and moved to a higher frequency of love and understanding. This process began with setting your intention to move forward and to elevate your thoughts and emotions to a higher frequency.


Another example of moving forward is setting aside a time each day to meditate and commune with your Spirit guides and teachers. This centers you and refocuses you to be on the path that you desire. It allows those who are helping you to give you nudges and prompts on additional ways to move forward. Each time you meditate, you are taking a step forward on your path.


Moving forward can be accomplished by focusing on the present moment. When you are focused on positive, loving thoughts in the moment, you are raising your vibration. You are making the most of that moment by being as positive and loving as possible. This is a forward step on your path in that moment. Each moment builds on the previous moment until you realize that the eternal now exists in all time and space. You realize that your forward movement can be sustained by making the most of each moment. It is not a matter of waiting until later to take this step. It is focusing on the now moment and utilizing it for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.


Remaining in a state of Love and radiating this forth can illuminate your path to assist in your forward movement. You carry within you a Divine Spark of the Supreme Creator from where you originated. As you focus on this Divine Spark which is located in your Sacred Heart Center, your Love and Light expand so that your aura takes on an increased illumination. The more you focus on your Divine Spark and your Sacred Heart Center, the stronger and brighter your Light becomes. This attunes you to a higher frequency and continues your forward movement on your path.


Each time you focus on your Divine Spark and the Love within you, you are radiating out higher and higher vibrations. When all of these moments are combined together, they become a momentous and wonderfully powerful force that propels you forward. An isolated step may seem insignificant at the time, but it is this step or moment that leads you to the next step or moment. One moment or step flows into the next.


By remaining positive and Loving in the moment, you are moving forward. It is the small steps that lead to big steps on the path. Your radiance grows with each loving thought and feeling. You are illuminating your path and serving as a shining example for those around you. Your Light illuminates the path for those around you just as the Lights of those ahead of you have guided you. You can be of great service to others by continuing to grow your Light with each step forward on your path.


Beloveds, we rejoice with you each time you focus on a positive thought or feeling, for this is forward movement on your path.


Know that you are greatly loved in the Light.


I AM Archangel Zadkiel


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson /


Greetings My Beloved Ones,


Walking the path of Light is essential in these times of change and opportunity. Great strides can be made on the path of spiritual advancement. Many Souls are seeking the way of ascension. They are searching for those kindred Souls who have discovered the secrets and practices that have led them to their heart’s desire of moving farther along the Path of Light. They are sending out an energetic request for assistance in their search for those who are fellow travelers on the Path. When you walk the Path of Light, you are shining as a beacon for all to see. You are a Way-Shower for those around you.


Your Light spreads much farther than you can imagine. It reaches not only your own area, but it also travels out into the universe and the multi-dimensions. It is like a stone dropped into water with ripples all around, only the ripples of Light are three dimensional. They radiate out into the universe and the multi-dimensions and also into the beloved Gaia to bring her peace and healing.


Your Light reaches from the core of the Earth up through the levels of the dimensions into the Omniverse. As it travels upward, your Light permeates and absorbs all of the Rays of the spectrum of Creator Light. As you focus on your Sacred Heart Center, your Light grows stronger. It becomes magnetized with Love and attracts more and more particles of Creator Light. It is a cycle that repeats itself over and over and allows you to radiate more of your wondrous Love and Light on all levels.


Your Light grows brighter and brighter with each step that you take to clear your energy field. There are many ways to clear your energy field, and when you find the ones that resonate with you and practice them on a regular basis, your Light can shine brighter and brighter.


Monitoring your thoughts and focusing on positive things can help to raise your vibration. Whenever you encounter a challenging situation, you may wish to view it from a higher perspective. This is comparable to looking down from above a situation. You will have a much higher viewpoint when you view it in this way. You may find that you have much more compassion for everyone involved, including yourself. When you view a situation from this perspective, you are able to see the lesson involved. You may then be able to send Love to all who are in the situation. As you do this, your vibration will automatically rise to a higher level because you have risen above the emotional level and are viewing things from a higher perspective.


Maintaining your spiritual focus can help you clear your energy field. When you adhere to a regular practice of meditation and other spiritual techniques, you are attuning to the higher forces. This allows you to build a reserve of spiritual energy that you can call forth in challenging situations. It also helps to clear the path of Light so that you can rise to higher and higher levels.


You may wish to have several affirmations that you can repeat when you begin to feel out-of-sorts. These help you to re-focus your thinking and return to a higher and more centered and peaceful state. You may find it helpful to repeat spiritual affirmations several times a day as a way to maintain your focus and to keep your vibration high.


When you constantly monitor your thoughts and emotions, you are able to catch the little disturbances before they become big ones. As discordant thoughts arise, you can call on the Violet Flame to transmute them and transform them into sparkling particles of brilliant Creator Light. Then repeat a positive affirmation or create a new positive thought. Then focus on the feeling that surrounds the positive thought or affirmation. This helps to reinforce the new positive state of being.


You will know a technique is right for you because it will resonate with you in your heart center. It will bring a sense of peace, Love and compassion. The more you focus on it, the more these feelings will expand. As this happens, your Light grows brighter and brighter.


Regularity and consistency of practicing your chosen techniques can yield results that can increase your Light quotient exponentially. The more consistently you practice your chosen techniques, the more rapidly your Light quotient will increase. You will increase your ability to draw forth greater and greater quantities of Adamantine Particles of Light. This allows your Light to shine more brightly, and you radiate an aura of peace to those around you. You are a Way-Shower throughout your daily life. Let your Light shine forth for all to see.


Beloveds, we honor you for choosing to walk the Path of Light, and we rejoice in your continued progress on this Path.


Know that you are greatly loved in the Light.


I AM Archangel Zadkiel


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson /


Greetings My Beloveds,


I greet you in Love and Light.


You have often heard the statement that the Light shall set you free. This statement has meaning far beyond the earthly connotations.


The Light has a soothing quality, for it harkens back to ancient times and continues far into what you perceive as the future. It is the Light that first began to awaken the consciousness of humanity, and it is the Light that will carry you on journeys and to heights far beyond your greatest imaginings.


Let the Light soothe your Soul and remind you that time is endless. Love and Light surround you wherever you are. The Light is a reminder that we as Light Beings are always with you. We can soothe your hurts with a gentle balm of warmth. We can bring you encouragement filled with brightness and happiness. We can remind you that you will continue throughout eternity and that we are with you throughout your journey.


The Light in and of itself has a transforming quality. It continues from the visible into the invisible realm, or that space which is of a much higher frequency. It is this Light which allows you to continue along your path into the higher and higher dimensions beyond that which you can imagine.


As you traverse along your path of Enlightenment and ascension, you begin to incorporate all of the higher frequencies of Light with the higher concentrations of Adamantine Particles of Light. This allows you to resonate at higher and higher dimensions, for your consciousness has expanded and allowed you to receive this magnificent blessing of higher frequencies of Light.


The Light that glows in your Sacred Heart Center is an eternal flame of Love. It is the Light that can soothe your cares and concerns and bring you hope of a new tomorrow. It is the Light that connects you to all eternity, for it is your Divine Spark that came forth from All That Is. When you focus on the Light within, it grows stronger and shines brighter. It radiates around you and gives you warmth. It continues to grow until your radiance and magnificence shine forth for all to see. It illuminates not only your path but also the path for those around you. You become an inspiration for all with whom you interact.


Feel the Light of Love in your heart center, for this is where the Eternal Light of the Divine Spark resides. Focus on this Light, and feel the warmth spread to all parts of your Being. It will surround you in a bubble of Love, caring, inspiration and guidance. It is the part of you that endures for all times and beyond time and space.


Picture yourself gliding along a beam of Light and gathering all of the attributes and benefits of each part of the Light. Feel the blessed peacefulness that bathes your Being with the wondrous colors and energies of all through which you pass.


Let the Light be your inspiration to carry you to your highest levels and beyond. As you traverse the Universe, remember that the Light will guide you along your way and provide you with guidance and gentle whisperings on your path.


Beloveds, know that the Light will ease your way through change and will help you to take the next step on your path. Turn to the Light, and feel the peace and calm that reside within it.


Know that the Light is eternal and that we are always with you.


You are greatly loved in the Light.


I AM Archangel Zadkiel


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson /


Greetings My Beloved Ones,


I greet you in Love and Light.


Each person has a unique role in helping humanity and the planet during these times of ascension and change. You may be someone who is in a very public position, or you may be someone who works behind the scenes. No matter what your position or station in life, the way in which you conduct yourself can contribute to the overall harmony and well-being for all on your planet.


Living and acting with Love for all is of the utmost importance during these times of turmoil. There are many who have suffered great loss of physical surroundings and experienced the passing of loved ones. There are others who are feeling despair due to other life circumstances. Humanity is looking for something to soothe the aches and losses that they are feeling. You can serve a great role in helping humanity and the planet by being a living example of Love. When your thoughts and actions come from a place of asking for your highest good and the greatest good of all, you are acting from a place of Love. You are Love in action.


Love is a quality that can help to transform many situations. It is a quality that underlies alchemical transformations that are used for the betterment of all of humanity. At its core Love is a vibration, a frequency, a wave of Light. It goes far beyond being an emotion. It is a quality upon which humanity can ascend to higher and higher levels, for it is all-encompassing. It is a vibration that is found in the Divine Spark in the Sacred Heart Center. This is a pure vibration – one that is free from contamination and interference from outside influences, for it comes from and is part of the Great Supreme Creator.


When you attune to your Sacred Heart Center, you magnetize your entire Being with the Love vibration. This sets an alchemical process in motion in which the cells of the body vibrate to the frequency of Love. They become saturated with the Light of Love as they begin to resonate in harmony with All That Is. This sets in motion a rising or ascending to higher and higher levels. Emotions of a lower vibration fall away because they are not in resonance with the higher rate of vibration. Things of a higher frequency begin to manifest because they are of a similar vibration to your newer and higher frequency. The more you focus on this frequency and allow your essence and Being to flow with this higher energy, the more you will feel in harmony with All That Is. You naturally rise to higher and higher levels. It is going with the upward flow. It is a releasing of resistance and allowing your energy to attune to the frequency of Love.


When you attune to the vibration and frequency of Love, you are in harmony with the natural order and rhythm of the Universe. There is a hum or frequency that is Light in motion. It is a surrendering of looking at things from only one point of view and instead asking for the greatest good for yourself and the greatest good of all.


Beloveds, the power of attuning to Love is indeed transforming beyond your imagination. It can soften the hardest heart, bring comfort to those in distress, and provide compassion and understanding in times of change. There are many in your world who are hungry and thirsty for this type of Love and understanding. It is what feeds the soul. The outer needs of food, clothing and shelter may be met, yet many are still wanting to be fed with the energy of real Love. This type of Love does not ask for anything in return but is given freely with no expectation of an exchange. It is simply a vibration and energy that is shared from your Sacred Heart Center because you radiate it out at all times. It is who you are at your core. You are a Divine Spark of the Great Supreme Creator, and you focus on the Love and radiate it out naturally because it is who you are.


You can take simple yet powerful steps to increase your capacity to carry more of the Love vibration. Begin by focusing on your Sacred Heart Center. Focus on the Love, and feel it increase in depth and strength. As your focus deepens, you may find yourself relaxing and becoming calmer. This allows you to let go of those things that are blocking you from realizing and attuning to the Love vibration. The more you focus on the Love vibration, the stronger it will be and the more it will expand. You may wish to tune in to this vibration several times a day. This will help to sustain the energy of Love and reinforce the positive changes that are occurring at a cellular level.


As your Love vibration increases and your frequency rises to higher levels, it expands outward. Others who are around you benefit from your energy as their cells begin to attune to your increased vibration. You become a radiating beacon of Love, peace, harmony and hope for those around you.


Beloveds, the world is in great need of your Loving vibration. The more you increase your Love and radiate it out, the more you can receive. We honor and bless you for performing this magnificent service for all of humanity, the Earth, the Universe and the Omniverse. You are truly Love in action.


We shower you with many blessings of Love and gratitude.


I AM Archangel Zadkiel


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson /


Greetings My Beloved Ones,


I greet you in Love and Light.


The path of ascension is composed of many types of experiences. It can be composed of the highest levels of joy and peace, and it can also be filled with changes that lead to challenges and opportunities for personal growth and compassion for others. These changes may be on a personal, regional, global or universal level. Whatever the situation, it is a time to stop, assess and send Love and Light for the highest and best for yourself and for all concerned.


In the midst of swirling energies and changes around you, staying centered and focused can often be a challenge. It is in those times that you can draw upon reserves of accumulated practice of meditation and other practices of focusing, calming and centering. It is in these times when you can remember that All Is One and that whatever part you play in maintaining your own personal focus can be of great assistance to others as well as to yourself.


As the ascension process continues and changes occur, try to view each change with compassion for all involved. Changes can be very challenging, especially when they bring very real physical and emotional hardships. These challenges are not to be taken lightly. Very often one’s very core of Being is undergoing change, and this can be hard for everyone involved.


As these changes occur, it is important to remain as centered as possible. This can help you move through the challenges as smoothly as possible.


You have within you a still point that remains constant. This is your connection to All That Is. This is your Divine Spark. It is the part of you that can bring a sense of stability when everything around you is changing. This is the part of you that is real. It is pure God Energy and Light. It is the part of you that continues whether you are on the Earth plane or in the higher dimensions. When you are focused on this part of your Being, you are connected with the real you. Circumstances around you do not change your Divine Spark. It cannot be destroyed by physical life circumstances. It is the part of you that can bring comfort and hope in the midst of change.


When you are attuned to your Divine Spark, you are tapping into the still point within. The more that you focus on your Divine Spark, the stronger your still point grows until it encompasses and envelops your entire Being. You become a center of peace and harmony. Your calmness and love begin to ripple out from you into all that surrounds you, just as ripples radiate from a pebble dropped into a lake. You become an agent of positive calming as your Love and Light move from your Divine Spark and still point and radiate out into all directions.


The calmness that radiates from your still point can affect not only those in your immediate surroundings but can radiate out into the Universe and Omniverse. The more you focus on your Divine Spark, the stronger your still point becomes, and the more peace and calmness you radiate out. This will assist you, humanity, the planet, the Universe and the Omniverse.


As more and more of you make a conscious effort to tune into your still point, the greater the effect will be. When this effect reaches critical mass, it can help to propel all beings to a higher vibration and to move more smoothly through times of change. Beloveds, never underestimate what the power of one person focusing on the still point within can accomplish. Your energy can inspire, lift and transform all energy around you.


Begin with intentional focus on the Divine Spark within your Heart Center. Feel the love that resides there. You may notice that as you focus on this love, you are becoming calmer, and you tap into the still point within. This is the link to the Source of All Creation and All That Is. The more often you tap into this stillness, the stronger it becomes. It reaches a point where it grows and expands until it becomes a transmuting and transforming power that changes your entire Being. You are now radiating this calmness in all directions. You are a center of calmness for yourself, all of humanity, the planet, the Universe, the Omniverse and all levels beyond.


If there are situations that occasionally disturb your calmness, you may call on us for our assistance. You can also surround the situation with the Violet Flame for transmutation and transformation and then see the situation filled with the sparkling white Light of Love from the Creator. Remember to ask for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.


Beloveds, you are needed to tap into, increase and radiate your loving calmness. We applaud you for performing this vital function for yourself and all others. You may call on us to assist you whenever needed. We are only a thought or a whisper away.


Know that you are greatly loved.


I AM Archangel Zadkiel


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson /


Greetings My Beloveds


I greet you in Love and Light.


You are living in times of great opportunity for spiritual advancement. Many of the old rules of having to wait a certain length of time at each step have been set aside in order for those with great desire to make rapid advancement on the path of ascension. The way has been cleared for you by those who have gone ahead and set an energetic course for you. It is now up to each individual to select the path of greatest fit and to follow it with a great passion for advancement and ascension.


The intensity of your desire will help to determine how rapidly you are able to move forward. Your desires are your intentions. From an energetic perspective your intentions are energy that radiates out from you. This energy draws like energy back to you. It puts you on a wave or channel of similar energy that matches your vibration or frequency that you have sent forth based on your desires. The stronger your intentions or desires, the stronger the energy that you will draw forth to you. This is why it is vitally important for you to be clear in your desires so that you will draw forth what you would like.


It is important that you monitor your thoughts and emotions, for what you think and feel is what you send out. An idle thought on its own may not seem very important to you at the time, but no matter how idle or small it is, it sends out its own energetic charge. This unit of energy that it sends out will draw back a similar unit of like energy to you.


If you send out mixed messages of what you want to the Universe, mixed energy is what will be returned to you. If one moment you have an intense desire to move forward on your path and the next moment you don’t want to spend the necessary time on your spiritual practice, this sends a mixed message, and mixed energy is what you will receive. The path has been muddled because the energy you sent forth was mixed. Obstacles may appear in your path. These represent the mixed energy from your mixed desires.


However, if you are clear about your path, all of the energy that you send forth will be of a like vibration. It will draw back to you energy of a similar vibration. For example, if you have an intense desire to move forward on your spiritual path and you exhibit a willingness to set aside a time for your spiritual practice and then follow through on this, you are sending a clear message to the Universe that you are serious about moving forward. Your energy is clear, and you are sending a unified message because your intentions and actions are clear. You are definite about what you want, and you are following through on your intentions and reinforcing them with your actions. This sends a clear, unified message, and you receive clear, similar energy back. In practical terms you may gain additional insights about your path, you may see a book that will further enlighten you, or you may meet someone from whom you will receive nuggets of wisdom. When you are clear about your path, you are opening yourself up to receive assistance from the Higher Realms.


Being clear about your path does not mean accepting everything that comes to you on blind faith. As always, it is important to validate everything that you receive in your heart center to see if it resonates with you. If it feels right, you may decide to use what you have received. If does not feel right or you are not sure, you may set it aside. If it is right for you, it will present itself again later. If it is not right for you, then you have not acted on something that truly was not what was best for you. It is important to be true to what resonates with you as you are moving forward. As you practice seeing and feeling what resonates with you, the recognition of these signals will become easier. You will be tuning in to your inner promptings about your path. Your clarity about your path will become sharper and more refined.


When you are clear about your path, this acts as a barometer against which you can measure whatever comes to you or what action you wish to take. If someone suggests a certain activity to you and you are clear about your chosen path, this will be your measuring stick by which to judge whether the activity is right for you and whether it is a good fit for your path. Just because the activity is right for someone else does not automatically mean that it is right for you. The activity in and of itself may be fine. The crucial part is whether it will help you advance on your chosen path. Each person’s path is unique, and the activities that will fit each person’s path will vary. Being clear about your own path will be your barometer and measuring stick for making decisions about activities.


The more you practice tuning in to what is right for you, the clearer your barometer will be. If you are not sure how to read your barometer and what its signals are, you can think back to things with which you completely resonate. Notice how your body feels. What type of feeling do you have in your stomach area, in your heart area or all over your body? Do you feel tense and anxious or relaxed and happy? By tuning in to things that already are right for you, you can learn exactly how you receive the signals for new things that may come your way. Then when something new presents itself, you will know whether you are receiving a clear signal that the new situation may be something to explore further or whether to let it go and not act on it. If you do not receive a clear signal, you may set it aside and ask for further clarification. When you make the request for further clarification, remain alert for the answer to come. It may come from something that someone else says, from a book, from a billboard or from some other unexpected source. When you remain open to receive after you have asked for the clarification, you are allowing further signals to come your way.


If you initially begin a course of action and then decide that it does not resonate with you, that is your signal to modify your course. Many times you may begin an activity, and it may feel right for a time. Then it no longer resonates with you. This is your indication that a correction in course is necessary. If you can decide what specifically doesn’t feel right to you about the activity, this learning can be applied to future situations. Look at everything as a lesson that will help you further clarify your path. In this way you can strengthen what does feel right, and you can eliminate what doesn’t feel right. This develops your ability of discernment to know what is right for you. This ability will become increasingly important as you progress on your ascension path. You will be able to discern the appropriateness of an activity for you much more quickly. You will know what your individual signals of resonance are and can act on them with confidence. This is a skill that is developed like any other skill. The more you develop this skill, the greater your confidence in your skill will become.


As you develop clarity in your discernment about what is right for you, you may find that you are also developing a greater sense of inner peace and calmness. You are becoming a much more inner-directed being because you have developed the ability to recognize what is right for you.


A periodic review of your path may also help you clarify where you are. If you have developed your barometer of knowing whether something feels right for you, this can greatly assist you in your review. As you look at where you are on your path, think about whether you are still excited about your direction. If you are still excited, what are the things that are keeping you excited? Are there things that you no longer feel excited about? Are they things you can modify or change, or are they things that can be eliminated? Everyone has certain parts of their path that may be necessary but may not be as exciting as others. The key is to look at those things as contributing to the success of your overall path. By framing them in a new light, they may begin to appear as contributing to your success rather than as a hindrance. Of course, if you find an activity that is not necessary and no longer excites you, then you have the option to make a change. Everything needs to be evaluated from the perspective of your highest good and the greatest good of all. This keeps your actions aligned with Divine Will and Purpose and allows us to assist you for the greatest good of all.


Beloveds, the energy is moving very rapidly, and the more you can develop and practice clarity on your path, the more you can use this wondrous new energy to propel you forward as you ascend. It is a time of marvelous opportunity.


We would ask you to call on us so that we may be of assistance to you as you move forward. Know that we are only a thought or a whisper away. Our greatest joy is seeing you succeed and move forward on your path of ascension.


We surround you and enfold you with much love and many blessings for joy, peace and happiness.


I AM Archangel Zadkiel


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson /