“Expanding Your Energetic Channels”

August 2014


Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today we are being joined by Sananda (Yeshua) to discuss expanding your energetic channels.

In our last message to you, we discussed keeping your energetic channels clear through practicing non-judgment and forgiveness. It is important to continue these practices on an ongoing basis to prepare the way for the expansion of your energetic channels.

In this message we would like to discuss some ways to expand your energetic channels. This expansion will allow you to receive information from the higher dimensions and to tune in to increasingly higher concepts.

Maintaining a positive attitude will be a great asset in preparing to expand your energetic channels. When you have a positive attitude, you are relaxed and open for expansion.

To illustrate this, think about how you feel when you are happy and involved in something pleasant. You may notice that your muscles are relaxed and that your mind is open to new possibilities. Now contrast this with thinking about how you feel when you are worried or upset. Your muscles are likely to become tense and contracted, and your mind may be focused on maintaining the status quo. You are less likely to be in a mode to receive higher level information because your energetic channels have narrowed. Now, go back to focusing on something positive. Feel your muscles relax and your mind become more open. This allows you to realize the importance of focusing on ways to keep your energetic channels open and ready for expansion.

One technique to assist in expanding your energetic channels is gratitude. When you feel grateful, you are happy and relaxed. Your attention is focused on positive events.

Gratitude covers a wide range of possibilities. You may feel gratitude for something that has occurred, blessings you have received, or persons in your life. You may wish to take a few minutes each day to focus on the many blessings for which you are grateful. If you write these down, then you can refer back to them in times when you wish to give your energy a boost.

When you feel gratitude, you are in a state of expansion. Your energy field has grown and expanded, and you are radiating positive waves of energy out to everyone around you and out into the ethers. Your ability to carry greater amounts of Light has increased. Your vibration has increased, and Beings of Light can communicate with you more easily.

An attribute closely related to gratitude is love. This feeling is a universal love for those around you as well as for all of humanity, the planet, and the galactic realms.

Expanding your capacity to love begins with loving yourself. When you feel love for yourself, it is a natural expansion to feel love for others.

You may wish to begin this process by focusing on your Divine Spark in your heart center. This is the spark that connects you with the Creator. As you place your attention on your Divine Spark, you become aware of your connection with the Creator, and your feeling of love expands. The more you focus on this connection, the more your love will grow.

When you are centered in this love, you can expand your focus to include family, friends, animals, plants, stones, and all parts of your environment. As you feel love for each person and element, your capacity to love increases. From there, it is a natural expansion to feel love for all of humanity, the planet, and the galactic realms.

As your capacity to feel love increases, your vibration increases, just as it does when you feel gratitude.

As you continue to feel gratitude and love, you expand your energetic channels, and you attract more positive events and more Light to you through the Law of Attraction. What you focus on expands.

The more you focus on gratitude and love, the more your energetic channels can expand. This opens your channels for expanded awareness and increased consciousness.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are expanding your energetic channels through focusing on gratitude and love.

Know that you are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, along with Lord Sananda

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Keeping Your Energetic Channels Clear”

July 2014


Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. We are being joined by Sananda (Yeshua) to discuss keeping your energetic channels clear.

The incoming energy is providing you with many opportunities to move to higher levels of being and to experience new insights and awakening. This process is much easier when your energetic channels are clear and free from old or outdated ways of thinking and being.

Clearing your energetic channels can be compared to clearing debris from a highway. Your journey is much easier when you do not have to navigate around items in your path. When your energetic channels are clear, you can rise to higher levels in a natural process of ascension.

The clearing and purification process begins with a desire to move to higher levels. You have studied many concepts, and you are aware that there are levels and worlds beyond your current state of being. This awareness has enabled you to move to your current level, and it has prepared you to rise even higher. Keeping an open mind will allow your present concepts to expand and change, and new ones can emerge as you ascend. You are presented with new information as you remain open. The information is there, and your openness and receptivity will allow it to come into your awareness.

Keeping your receptivity open can begin by remaining in a state of acceptance and non-judgment of others. Each person is at a certain point on the path. You can send them Love by connecting with their Divine Spark within their heart center. It does not mean that you have to agree with their views or actions, but remaining free from judgment will keep your energetic channels clear. Judgment is like a boulder on your path. When you release judgment, you are clearing an obstacle in your channel.

Keeping an open mind also applies to new concepts. What you now accept as part of your beliefs and philosophy may have, at one time, seemed foreign to you. Now, it is a natural part of who you are and what you believe. By keeping an open mind and remaining non-judgmental to concepts, you have removed another rock on your path and purified your channels even more. When your channels are clear, new concepts and understanding can enter more easily.

Many levels of understanding exist simultaneously. An open mind and a desire to see a bigger picture allow this new understanding to come into your awareness.

As you encounter new concepts, you can examine them to see whether they resonate with you. If they do, you have added another level of awareness. If they do not resonate with you, you can set them aside for future consideration or discard them entirely. It is your willingness to look at new concepts that keeps your energetic channels open.

Another aspect of keeping your energetic channels clear is forgiveness. When you hold on to negative feelings about someone else or a situation, this forms a block in your energetic channels. Many times the person with whom you have angry, hurt, or otherwise negative feelings may not even be aware of your feelings. Even if they are aware, your negative feelings toward them are causing you much more harm than you can imagine. The negative feelings form an energetic block that slows or impedes the flow of higher level energy. Again, it is as if you have placed a large boulder in your path on your energetic highway. Not only does this form a block, it also attracts more energy of a similar type due to the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction. Negative feelings vibrate at a lower frequency than positive feelings, and what you focus on expands. Therefore, you are actually harming yourself when you harbor negative feelings about someone or a situation. When you forgive someone or a situation, you are removing an energetic block, and this allows higher level energy to flow through you. When you take this process to the next level by sending Love to them, you are opening the way for even greater understanding and harmony.

Another aspect of forgiveness is forgiving yourself when you feel you have not measured up to your desired ideal. Each situation is a learning experience. When you feel that you have not measured up to your ideal, take a moment to review the situation and your actions. Look for the lesson in the situation, and replay it in your mind as you wish you had handled it. This prepares you to choose another option should a similar situation arise in the future. Then forgive yourself for not living up to your desired ideal. Forgiving yourself is just as important as forgiving someone else. If you find that you need extra help in the forgiveness process, you can call on the Violet Flame to assist in the process of transmuting and transforming the energy.

When you consider that all of humanity is an interconnected energetic network, the concept of forgiveness can be viewed from a higher level. It is truly a case of the Golden Rule and treating others as you would like to be treated. Because you are part of this network, forgiving yourself is important because, at a higher level, energy is even more connected, and you want to have what flows from you to others to be as loving and positive as possible.

Beloveds, you are making rapid progress in your ascension to higher levels. We encourage you to continue your rise to higher dimensions by keeping your energetic channels clear through practicing non-judgment and forgiveness.

Know that you are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, along with Sananda

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“You Are A Powerful Center of Energy”

June 2014


Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today we wish to discuss the powerful center of energy that you are and how you can use this for highest good.

You are a powerful center of energy. You have within your Being a great force of energetic potential. You radiate waves of energetic vibration out from you in concentric circles wherever you are. You are radiating this energy when you are sitting still as well as when you are walking around in a crowd.

You are a constant source of flowing energy that reflects your internal state of being.

Your internal Being acts as a transformer that harnesses the waves of energy and imprints them with your own personal signature before these energetic waves flow out from you wherever you go.

Therefore, you act as the operator of your own personal power plant. The energy in itself is neutral, and you determine its quality as it flows out from you. Whatever you have in your heart and mind will determine what you send out. The vibrations that flow out from you are constantly changing depending on your own internal state of being.

It is similar to the waves that radiate out from a pebble thrown into a pond. If the pebble is thrown with anger and great force, the waves will be taller and more violent. However, if the pebble is dropped gently into the water, the waves will ripple out in a slow and peaceful manner.

The same principle applies to the vibrations that you create with your own internal energy. When you feel love in heart, you imprint the energy with your love. However, if you are angry or upset, your energy will carry this vibration.

Therefore, you have the choice as to the type of energy that you radiate.

Many times you may have built up an energetic pattern through repeated thoughts or emotions of a certain type. These thoughts and emotions may have become so ingrained that they are like a default pattern of energy that you tap into very easily.

This can be very useful when you have consciously worked to imprint your energy with what you wish to radiate.
For example, if wish to carry and radiate a vibration of love and peace, this can be established by thinking about your many blessings and feeling gratitude for them. You may feel love as you think about family, friends, or pets. You may appreciate a beautiful sunrise or the sounds of nature and feel grateful that you are able to experience the beauty around you. These feelings of love and gratitude can lead to a peaceful state within your center of energy.

As you think about these things and feel gratitude, the love in your heart center grows. Each time you feel love and gratitude, you are making an energetic deposit into this type of vibration within your Being. Therefore, you are able to determine the quality, quantity, and strength of your energetic account of love and peace.

The more you can pay attention to what you are feeling in the moment, the more you are able to imprint your energy with the type of vibration you wish to experience. What you focus on expands.

By being present in the moment, you can more easily build and maintain the type of energetic signature that you want to radiate. You are able to notice any thoughts or feelings that are not consistent with your desired vibration of love and peace. Then you can transmute them with the Violet Flame and transform the energy by focusing on something that gives you peace.

For example, you may focus on your Divine Spark within and feel the love. You can extend this focus to the Divine Spark within another person as a reminder that you both came from the same Creator and feel the connectedness and oneness of all of humanity.

Each time you transmute and transform any discordant thoughts and feelings into love and peace, you are establishing a pattern for this process, and it becomes automatic. You no longer let discordant energy develop into anything large because your new pattern is to notice anything discordant and transmute it immediately. You are able to control your own center of energy. You determine what it will be and what you will allow to remain in it.

When you maintain a focus on love, peace, and highest good, you radiate this vibration out wherever you are. You are peaceful within your own Being, and this flows out to humanity, the planet, the solar system, the universe, and beyond.

Beloveds, we are partners with you in radiating love and peace for highest good, and we honor you for using your powerful center of energy for love, peace, and highest good.

Know that you are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Opportunities in New Energy Patterns”

May 2014


Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today we are being joined by Beloved St. Germain, the magnificent Ascended Master of the Seventh Ray and Keeper of the Violet Flame. We will discuss the opportunities in new energy patterns.

The changing energy patterns are presenting you with many new opportunities. New patterns of Light are entering your universe. As this occurs, it causes a shift in the existing patterns. The vectors, or sub-sets, of energetic patterns, are dislodged from their previously fixed positions. This opens up new pathways and opportunities for expansion.

Your point of view of this arrangement will determine your ability to flow with this energetic influx and use it for highest good.

The old, previous view was to remain attached to the status quo. You knew where you were, and it felt secure. However, it did not allow for growth because there was no new inflow of energy. You may even have begun to feel restless with the status quo.

A great opportunity is now available with the inflow of new energy. It is dislodging old patterns that may contain congested, stuck energy. It is not bad. It has simply served its purpose, and it is ready to be transformed into a new pattern.

Thus, a rearrangement of flow and direction occurs. It may be a subtle shift or a more dramatic one.

A subtle shift may seem insignificant at the time, but it can yield dramatic results.

For example, you may decide to go to a workshop. You enjoy what you have learned, and later you find that you are able to apply your new knowledge on a project that you had not previously thought about.

A seemingly more dramatic shift may occur all at once. A new pattern may happen rapidly. It could manifest as a career change or a move to another location. When this happens, it may feel like an uprooting, or it may be a welcome change. It all depends on your perspective and your desire or non-desire to see where the new energy leads.

If the energetic change is something you have initiated, it will have one type of vibration, such as excitement and anticipation.

However, if the energetic change is one that you did not initiate, you have the choice to resist or to go with the flow and harness the new energy and use it for greatest good.
Often, many factors are at work in a change that you did not initiate.

If you decide to use the new patterns for highest good, you may wish to begin by first centering yourself. Your Divine Spark is your center and the core of your Being. This is your stabilizing point that is always with you. You can tap into this by pausing and focusing on your heart center and your breath – the inflow and the outflow. As you spend a few moments in this pattern, your energy shifts. You may begin to feel more peaceful, and you begin to tap into your creative forces.

You have opened to new possibilities. It is as if a portal of new energy has entered to be used for new projects and ascension on your path.

When you set your intention to look for new opportunities in the changing energy, you are sending a signal out into the ethers, and the forces begin aligning to assist you.

You may receive a phone call from someone who wants to discuss a new project. An idea may seem to float into your mind while you are working on something totally unrelated. Your intention has sent out a powerful vibration into the ethers, and you have attracted ideas of a similar vibration.

You have opened yourself to the new possibilities. As you do this, you may find that you no longer feel attached to the previous energetic pattern. It is as if a gentle shift has taken place, and you have flowed into a new place with the new energy.

As this occurs, you can look at this shift from a higher perspective to see the overall pattern. When you focus on the positive possibilities that new energy brings, you align yourself for new opportunities that may be just what you have longed for. The new opportunity may have been there just waiting for you to release the previous pattern so that the new one could materialize.

Beloveds, we encourage you to look for the opportunities in new energy patterns. Remain centered and peaceful during these times of change. Focus on your heart center, and feel our loving presence with you.

Know that you are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, along with St. Germain,

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Let Your Light Shine”

April 2014


Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today we are joined by Lord Sananda, Master of Light and Christ Consciousness. We will discuss using the great influx of higher energy to refine and perfect personal qualities that you wish to radiate forth for your own advancement and for the benefit of all.

As we have previously discussed with you, large amounts of higher vibrational energy are inviting you to a higher level of consciousness. When you harness this energy, it lifts you to a higher vibrational level. It is like riding the crest of a wave, only this is a continuing rise to a higher level.

This is an opportunity to use the Light to refine your own energy field and to radiate out those personal qualities that accompany a higher consciousness.

These are qualities that all the great Beings of Light radiate, and they were perfected by Sananda in his earthly incarnation as Yeshua (Jesus).

One of the greatest qualities is Love. This extends to all other qualities, for when you live from a level of universal Love, it permeates all of your thoughts, intentions, and actions.

A universal Love is a vibrational level of the highest order. It is an understanding and feeling that everyone and everything originate from the same Source. It is the common thread that ties all of creation together.

This understanding of the link of origination transcends individual or group differences and allows the vibration of Love to permeate every part of your Being. When this occurs, thoughts and feelings of differences and discord are transformed by the Light. It is as if your focus has shifted. A gentle breeze has carried away any previous differences, and you are left with the peacefulness of Love for all.

When this occurs and you focus on your feelings of universal Love, your Light increases. It radiates out from you in a peaceful and calming manner wherever you go. Those around you receive the benefit of your loving vibration, and their own frequency can become entrained to your loving energy.

When this occurs, you are performing a great service to humanity without any expectation of what will occur. You are simply sharing your Love and Light for the greatest good of all.

This is the example that many great spiritual masters and leaders have set for humanity. They go about their work with a vibration of Love for all. Because they are operating from a very high level of Divine Love within, they are able to share this freely without any concern for their own self-worth. They have reached a self-actualized level of being.

A closely related quality of Love is compassion. With this quality, you feel great empathy for other individuals and for groups. You feel the struggles and tests that others are undergoing and wish for them great strength and perseverance in overcoming whatever challenges are occurring.

It is not a feeling of pity but rather a great understanding of what they are experiencing. It is understanding what they are feeling without allowing yourself to become enmeshed in their concerns. You can be aware of their feelings and experiences while holding a higher vision for them.

It is a feeling of holding them in the Light. It is holding the space for them when they are undergoing challenges. It is seeing their inner Light and focusing on that quality so that it can grow and flourish. It is seeing their inner potential and knowing the greatness that resides at the center of their Being.

Compassion leads to kindness. This is closely related to the Golden Rule, in that you put forth kindness to all with whom you come in contact. It may be a smile, a kind word, or a loving thought that you send to them.

Sometimes the smallest act of kindness can give someone hope and encouragement to move forward on the path. It is those acts and words that you would want someone to give to you if the situation were reversed. However, your inner motivation is that you want to share your feelings of Love for all.

The great masters of the past were able to exude these qualities because they had nurtured their own Divine Spark to a point where it was a constant source of nourishment and Love. They were so secure in their own Being that they were inner-directed. They remained centered regardless of external circumstances. They knew that they were connected to the Creator, and this allowed them to move freely among others and share the qualities of Love, compassion, and kindness.

Beloveds, you are the masters of today. We would encourage you to maintain a focus on your own Divine Spark. As you do this, you will live your life from a higher perspective and know that you are secure in your own connection to the Creator. Then you are able to let your Light shine and freely share the qualities of Love, compassion, and kindness with others.

Know that we are ever with you and that you are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethystalong with Lord Sananda

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

“Maintaining Your Focus in the Higher Energy”

March 2014


Greetings Beloved Ones,


This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today, we wish to discuss the importance of maintaining your focus during these times of higher vibrational incoming energy.

Many new influxes of energy are arriving. This energy is of a higher vibrational level than that to which you have been accustomed. Each wave of new energy provides you with an opportunity to advance on your path by focusing on your heart’s desire.

Maintaining your focus in the midst of this incoming energy is very important. The higher vibrational energy tends to dislodge old, stuck energetic patterns and bring them to the surface for examination. Although we have discussed this previously, we are once again bringing this to your attention because the bursts of higher vibrational energy are increasing.

When old patterns of energy are dislodged, you may experience the effects in ways such as confusion, indecision, or feeling torn between options. In some cases, you may feel as if you want a time out and not have to do anything significant. This can occur when you are bombarded with too many things at once. Your attention may become scattered, and you may question what you want.

When you are aware that this is a result of the new energy colliding with the old energy, you are able to take a step back and view the situation from a higher perspective. This allows you to see things simply as a sorting out process of the old from the new.

When you are in the midst of colliding energy forces, your attention may feel scattered. Both the old and the new energies are competing for your attention. Because these energies may be very different, you may feel caught in a tug-of-war between them. The old energy does not want to yield its position, while the new energy is calling you to a higher way of being.

Again, the good news is that as soon as you realize that this is what is occurring, decision-making becomes much easier. Focusing on what you want helps to align your energy toward your desired goals and outcomes.

When you know what you want, you are able to determine whether an energetic pattern helps or hinders your desired goal. Then you are able to move forward toward your goal.

For example, you may be trying to decide whether to participate in an activity hosted by a friend. You may have set a goal of spending more meditative time each day. It just so happens that her invitation is to participate in a small meditative ceremony honoring a special day. By focusing on your goal of increasing your meditation, you realize that the invitation to participate in the group meditation is compatible.

However, if the invitation is to attend a large party, your decision may be more difficult. It becomes a balancing act of deciding whether you can meditate and also attend the large party. You may decide to meditate earlier in the day if you also want to attend the party.

The important thing is that you have maintained your focus on your desired goal of meditation, and this has provided a guideline for decision-making. The energy has aligned to support your goal. You can feel centered and focused because you are clear about what you want.

To continue this example, another choice could be made if you are considering a large number of invitations to social events. You might decide to attend some, but not all, of the gatherings. Again, you have maintained your center by focusing on your desired goal of increased meditation time.

Your own inner guidance increases as you become clear about your goals and maintain your focus on them. Focusing on what you want directs the energy toward assisting you in achieving your goals. Decision-making becomes easier. Conflicts between the old and the new energy are reduced. When they do occur, they are resolved more easily.

You can increase your ability to focus and remain centered by pausing several times a day and turning your attention inward. This helps you to attune to the higher vibrational energy and the many benefits it brings. As you do this, you are also able to hear our gentle whispers of encouragement.

The more attuned you become to the higher vibrational energy, the more easily you will focus on your goals. You will find it easier to remain true to yourself and walk your own path. The old energy patterns will fall away as the new patterns become the norm for you. As you remain true to yourself, new vistas will open, and the new vibrational patterns will lead you to new and exciting awareness.

Beloveds, we applaud your dedication in focusing on the higher vibrational energy and, especially, as it supports your goals of progression and ascension on your path.

Know that you are greatly loved.



WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love
And so it is.


All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com